コード例 #1
  static boolean is_proccess_alive(String test_suite) {
    int count = 0;
    //		String search_proccess_cmd = String.format(cmd_format, test_suite);
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Search for the process by command: %s", search_proccess_cmd);\
    String cmdArr[] = {"ps", "aux"};
    try {
      Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdArr);
      BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
      String res = stdInput.readLine();
      while ((res = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
        if (res.indexOf(rat22_process_keyword) >= 0) {
          if (res.indexOf(test_suite) >= 0) {
            RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("The %s process found: %s", test_suite, res);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
          "Error occur while searching for rat22 process[%s], dut to: %s",
          rat22_process_keyword, ex.toString());
    if (count > 1)
          "More than 1 related process[%s] are found", Integer.toString(count));

    return (count > 0 ? true : false);
コード例 #2
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    int count = 0;
    String cmd = "ps aux | grep tcpdump";
    String cmdArr[] = {"ps", "aux"};

    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Search for the process by command: %s", cmd);
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check1");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check2");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check3");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check4");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check5");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check6");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check7");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check8");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check9");
    //		RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Check0");

    String test_suite = "multi_cluster";
    boolean found = is_proccess_alive(test_suite);
    if (found) System.out.println("Found !!!");
    else System.out.println("Not Found !!!");

    //		try
    //		{
    //			Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdArr);
    //			BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
    //			BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
    //			while (true)
    //			{
    //				String res = stdInput.readLine();
    //				if (res == null)
    //					break;
    //				if (res.indexOf("tcpdump") >= 0)
    //				{
    //					String strMsg = String.format("Found: %s\n", res);
    //					System.out.printf(strMsg);
    //					RunnerCmnDef.DumpInfoMsg(strMsg);
    //					count++;
    //				}
    ////				else
    ////				{
    ////					System.out.printf("res: %s\n", res);
    ////				}
    ////				RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Process: %s found !!!", res);
    //			}
    ////			while ((res = stdError.readLine()) != null)
    ////			{
    ////				RunnerCmnDef.DumpDebugMsg("Process: %s found !!!", res);
    ////				count++;
    ////			}
    //		}
    //		catch (Exception ex)
    //		{
    //			RunnerCmnDef.DumpErrorMsg("Error occur while executing command[%s], dut to: %s", cmd,
    // ex.toString());
    //		}
    //		System.out.printf("Count: %d\n", count);
    //		if (count > 1)
    //		{
    //			String strMsg = String.format("More than 1 related process[%d] are found", count);
    //			RunnerCmnDef.DumpWarningMsg(strMsg);
    //		}

    //		try
    //		{
    //			Thread.sleep(5000);
    //		}
    //		catch(Exception ex)
    //		{
    //		}
    System.out.println("The proccess is dead");