コード例 #1
 private void redirectToBuildPage(StaplerResponse res, Run build) {
   if (build != null) {
     try {
       res.sendRedirect2(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getUrl());
     } catch (IOException e) {
       try {
         res.sendRedirect2(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getBuildStatusUrl());
       } catch (IOException e1) {
コード例 #2
 public TimelineEventList doData(
     StaplerRequest req, @QueryParameter long min, @QueryParameter long max) throws IOException {
   TimelineEventList result = new TimelineEventList();
   for (Run r : builds.byTimestamp(min, max)) {
     Event e = new Event();
     e.start = r.getTime();
     e.end = new Date(r.timestamp + r.getDuration());
     e.title = r.getFullDisplayName();
     // what to put in the description?
     // e.description = "Longish description of event "+r.getFullDisplayName();
     // e.durationEvent = true;
     e.link = req.getContextPath() + '/' + r.getUrl();
     BallColor c = r.getIconColor();
     e.color = String.format("#%06X", c.getBaseColor().darker().getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF);
     e.classname = "event-" + c.noAnime().toString() + " " + (c.isAnimated() ? "animated" : "");
   return result;