コード例 #1
   * Syncup the group and check for these requirements: - the master has all the data we expect -
   * the replicas have all the data that is on the master.
   * <p>- the last VLSN is not a sync VLSN. We want to ensure that the matchpoint is not the last
   * VLSN, so the test will need to do rollback
   * @throws InterruptedException
   * @return lastVLSN on the master
  private VLSN checkIfWholeGroupInSync(
      ReplicatedEnvironment master, RepEnvInfo[] repEnvInfo, RollbackWorkload workload)
      throws InterruptedException {

     * Make sure we're testing partial rollbacks, and that the replication
     * stream is poised at a place where the last sync VLSN != lastVLSN.
    VLSN lastVLSN = ensureDistinctLastAndSyncVLSN(master, repEnvInfo);

    RepTestUtils.syncGroupToVLSN(repEnvInfo, repEnvInfo.length, lastVLSN);

     * All nodes in the group should have the same data, and it should
     * consist of committed and uncommitted updates.

     * TODO: Node equality check is temporarily disabled because it (or
     * perhaps just the passing of time that allows for a heartbeat) causes
     * a GroupDB record to be written, which becomes the matchpoint and
     * defeats the test of partial rollback (because there is none).
    // RepTestUtils.checkNodeEquality(lastVLSN, verbose, repEnvInfo);

     * TODO: The following fails if checkNodeEquality is called.  Perhaps
     * we should just do this here and not above at the top of the method.
    lastVLSN = ensureDistinctLastAndSyncVLSN(master, repEnvInfo);

    return lastVLSN;
コード例 #2
   * Since the master never dies in this test, no rollbacks should occur, but no data should be lost
   * either.
   * <p>TODO: Should the workload param be of a different class (not a RollbackWorkload), since its
   * masterSteadyWork method is only called here?
  private void replicasDieAndRejoin(RollbackWorkload workload, int numIterations) throws Throwable {

    RepEnvInfo[] repEnvInfo = null;

    try {
      /* Create a  3 node group. Assign identities. */
      repEnvInfo = RepTestUtils.setupEnvInfos(envRoot, 3);
      ReplicatedEnvironment master = RepTestUtils.joinGroup(repEnvInfo);
      logger.severe("master=" + master);

      RepEnvInfo replicaA = null;
      RepEnvInfo replicaB = null;

      for (RepEnvInfo info : repEnvInfo) {
        if (info.getEnv().getState().isMaster()) {

        if (replicaA == null) {
          replicaA = info;
        } else {
          replicaB = info;

       * For the sake of easy test writing, make sure numIterations is an
       * even number.
      assertTrue((numIterations % 2) == 0);
      for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
        waitForReplicaToSync(master, repEnvInfo);
        if ((i % 2) == 0) {
        } else {
        waitForReplicaToSync(master, repEnvInfo);

      VLSN lastVLSN = RepInternal.getRepImpl(master).getVLSNIndex().getRange().getLast();
      RepTestUtils.syncGroupToVLSN(repEnvInfo, repEnvInfo.length, lastVLSN);

      RepTestUtils.checkNodeEquality(lastVLSN, verbose, repEnvInfo);

      for (RepEnvInfo repi : repEnvInfo) {
         * We're done with the test. Bringing down these replicators
         * forcibly, without closing transactions and whatnot.
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      throw e;
コード例 #3
   * Create 3 nodes and replicate operations. Kill off the master, and make the other two resume.
   * This will require a syncup and a rollback of any operations after the matchpoint.
  private void masterDiesAndRejoins(RollbackWorkload workload) throws Throwable {

    RepEnvInfo[] repEnvInfo = null;

    try {
      /* Create a  3 node group */
      repEnvInfo = RepTestUtils.setupEnvInfos(envRoot, 3);
      ReplicatedEnvironment master = RepTestUtils.joinGroup(repEnvInfo);
      logger.severe("master=" + master);

       * Run a workload against the master. Sync up the group and check
       * that all nodes have the same contents. This first workload must
       * end with in-progress, uncommitted transactions.
      if (workload.noLockConflict()) {
        lastVLSN = checkIfWholeGroupInSync(master, repEnvInfo, workload);

       * Crash the master, find a new master.
      RepEnvInfo oldMaster = repEnvInfo[RepInternal.getNodeId(master) - 1];
      master = crashMasterAndElectNewMaster(master, repEnvInfo);
      RepEnvInfo newMaster = repEnvInfo[RepInternal.getNodeId(master) - 1];
      logger.severe("newmaster=" + master);
      RepEnvInfo alwaysReplica = null;
      for (RepEnvInfo info : repEnvInfo) {
        if ((info != oldMaster) && (info != newMaster)) {
          alwaysReplica = info;

       * Check that the remaining two nodes only contain committed
       * updates.
       * TODO: check that the number of group members is 2.
      RepTestUtils.checkNodeEquality(lastVLSN, verbose, repEnvInfo);

       * Do some work against the new master, while the old master is
       * asleep. Note that the first workload may have contained
       * in-flight transactions, so this may result in the rollback of
       * some transactions in the first workload.

       * The intent of this test is that the work after crash will end on
       * an incomplete txn. Check for that.
      lastVLSN = ensureDistinctLastAndSyncVLSN(master, repEnvInfo);

      /* Now bring up the old master. */
      logger.info("Bring up old master");

      logger.info("Old master joined");
      RepTestUtils.syncGroupToVLSN(repEnvInfo, repEnvInfo.length, lastVLSN);
      logger.info("Old master synced");

       * Check that all nodes only contain committed updates.
      RepTestUtils.checkNodeEquality(lastVLSN, verbose, repEnvInfo);

       * Now crash the node that has never been a master. Do some work
       * without it, then recover that node, then do a verification
       * check.  This exercises the recovery of a log that has syncups in
       * it.

      lastVLSN = RepInternal.getRepImpl(master).getVLSNIndex().getRange().getLast();
      RepTestUtils.syncGroupToVLSN(repEnvInfo, 2, lastVLSN);
      RepTestUtils.syncGroupToVLSN(repEnvInfo, 3, lastVLSN);
      RepTestUtils.checkNodeEquality(lastVLSN, verbose, repEnvInfo);


       * We're done with the test. Bringing down these replicators
       * forcibly, without closing transactions and whatnot.
      for (RepEnvInfo repi : repEnvInfo) {

       * Open and verify the environments one last time, to ensure that
       * rollbacks in the recovery interval don't cause problems.
      master = RepTestUtils.restartGroup(repEnvInfo);
      lastVLSN = RepInternal.getRepImpl(master).getVLSNIndex().getRange().getLast();
      RepTestUtils.syncGroupToVLSN(repEnvInfo, 3, lastVLSN);
      RepTestUtils.checkNodeEquality(lastVLSN, verbose, repEnvInfo);

      /* Final close. */
      for (RepEnvInfo repi : repEnvInfo) {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      throw e;