public static RequestParameters parseRequestWoQuery(String requestStr) { RequestParameters params = new RequestParameters(); params.sessionId = ResponseUtils.substringBetween(requestStr, "kotlinServer&sessionId=", "&type="); params.type = ResponseUtils.substringBetween(requestStr, "&type=", "&args="); params.args = ResponseUtils.substringAfter(requestStr, "&args="); return params; }
private void writeResponse( SolrQueryResponse solrRsp, QueryResponseWriter responseWriter, Method reqMethod) throws IOException { try { Object invalidStates = solrReq.getContext().get(CloudSolrClient.STATE_VERSION); // This is the last item added to the response and the client would expect it that way. // If that assumption is changed , it would fail. This is done to avoid an O(n) scan on // the response for each request if (invalidStates != null) solrRsp.add(CloudSolrClient.STATE_VERSION, invalidStates); // Now write it out final String ct = responseWriter.getContentType(solrReq, solrRsp); // don't call setContentType on null if (null != ct) response.setContentType(ct); if (solrRsp.getException() != null) { NamedList info = new SimpleOrderedMap(); int code = ResponseUtils.getErrorInfo(solrRsp.getException(), info, log); solrRsp.add("error", info); response.setStatus(code); } if (Method.HEAD != reqMethod) { OutputStream out = new CloseShieldOutputStream( response.getOutputStream()); // Prevent close of container streams, see SOLR-8933 QueryResponseWriterUtil.writeQueryResponse(out, responseWriter, solrReq, solrRsp, ct); } // else http HEAD request, nothing to write out, waited this long just to get ContentType } catch (EOFException e) {"Unable to write response, client closed connection or we are shutting down", e); } }
/** * 生成验证码 * * @param req * @param res * @throws IOException */ public void get(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { if (RequestUtils.isRobot(request)) { return; } ResponseUtils.closeCache(response); response.setContentType("image/png"); _render(_generateRegKey(request, response), response.getOutputStream(), WIDTH, HEIGHT); }
/** * @param verb * @param url * @return {@link Response} * @throws TwitterException si la response est <code>null</code> ou si son code est différent de * 200 */ public static Response getResponse(Verb verb, String url) throws TwitterException { Response response = getRequestSigned(verb, url).send(); ResponseUtils.validateResponse(response); return response; }
protected void sendError(Throwable ex) throws IOException { Exception exp = null; SolrCore localCore = null; try { SolrQueryResponse solrResp = new SolrQueryResponse(); if (ex instanceof Exception) { solrResp.setException((Exception) ex); } else { solrResp.setException(new RuntimeException(ex)); } localCore = core; if (solrReq == null) { final SolrParams solrParams; if (req != null) { // use GET parameters if available: solrParams = SolrRequestParsers.parseQueryString(req.getQueryString()); } else { // we have no params at all, use empty ones: solrParams = new MapSolrParams(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); } solrReq = new SolrQueryRequestBase(core, solrParams) {}; } QueryResponseWriter writer = core.getQueryResponseWriter(solrReq); writeResponse(solrResp, writer, Method.GET); } catch (Exception e) { // This error really does not matter exp = e; } finally { try { if (exp != null) { SimpleOrderedMap info = new SimpleOrderedMap(); int code = ResponseUtils.getErrorInfo(ex, info, log); sendError(code, info.toString()); } } finally { if (core == null && localCore != null) { localCore.close(); } } } }
@Override public RestLiResponseEnvelope buildRestLiResponseData( RestRequest request, RoutingResult routingResult, Object result, Map<String, String> headers, List<HttpCookie> cookies) { if (result instanceof BatchCreateKVResult) { BatchCreateKVResult<?, ?> list = (BatchCreateKVResult<?, ?>) result; if (list.getResults() == null) { throw new RestLiServiceException( HttpStatus.S_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unexpected null encountered. Null List inside of a BatchCreateKVResult returned by the resource method: " + routingResult.getResourceMethod()); } List<CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem> collectionCreateList = new ArrayList<CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem>( list.getResults().size()); for (CreateKVResponse e : list.getResults()) { if (e == null) { throw new RestLiServiceException( HttpStatus.S_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unexpected null encountered. Null element inside of List inside of a BatchCreateResult returned by the resource method: " + routingResult.getResourceMethod()); } else { Object id = ResponseUtils.translateCanonicalKeyToAlternativeKeyIfNeeded(e.getId(), routingResult); if (e.getError() == null) { CreateIdEntityStatus<Object, RecordTemplate> entry = new CreateIdEntityStatus<Object, RecordTemplate>( e.getStatus().getCode(), id, e.getEntity(), null, ProtocolVersionUtil.extractProtocolVersion(headers)); collectionCreateList.add( new CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem(entry)); } else { collectionCreateList.add( new CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem( e.getError(), id)); } } } return new CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope(collectionCreateList, headers, cookies); } else { BatchCreateResult<?, ?> list = (BatchCreateResult<?, ?>) result; // Verify that a null list was not passed into the BatchCreateResult. If so, this is a // developer error. if (list.getResults() == null) { throw new RestLiServiceException( HttpStatus.S_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unexpected null encountered. Null List inside of a BatchCreateResult returned by the resource method: " + routingResult.getResourceMethod()); } List<CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem> collectionCreateList = new ArrayList<CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem>( list.getResults().size()); for (CreateResponse e : list.getResults()) { // Verify that a null element was not passed into the BatchCreateResult list. If so, this is // a developer error. if (e == null) { throw new RestLiServiceException( HttpStatus.S_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unexpected null encountered. Null element inside of List inside of a BatchCreateResult returned by the resource method: " + routingResult.getResourceMethod()); } else { Object id = ResponseUtils.translateCanonicalKeyToAlternativeKeyIfNeeded(e.getId(), routingResult); if (e.getError() == null) { CreateIdStatus<Object> entry = new CreateIdStatus<Object>( e.getStatus().getCode(), id, null, ProtocolVersionUtil.extractProtocolVersion(headers)); collectionCreateList.add( new CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem(entry)); } else { collectionCreateList.add( new CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope.CollectionCreateResponseItem( e.getError(), id)); } } } return new CreateCollectionResponseEnvelope(collectionCreateList, headers, cookies); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport#doStartTag() */ @Override public int doStartTag() throws JspException { log.debug(this); StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("<select "); if (name != null) { str.append("name=\"" + name + "\" "); } if (id != null) { str.append("id=\"" + id + "\" "); } if (multiple != null) { str.append("mutiple=\"" + multiple + "\" "); } if (size != null) { str.append("size=\"" + size + "\" "); } if (style != null) { str.append("style=\"" + style + "\""); } if (disable != null) { str.append("style=\"" + disable + "\""); } if (onChange != null) { str.append("onChange=\"" + onChange + "\""); } str.append(">\n"); int start = 0; int end = 0; int length = 0; int value = 0; if (this.start != null) { start = Integer.parseInt(this.start); } if (this.end != null) { end = Integer.parseInt(this.end); } if (this.length != null) { length = Integer.parseInt(this.length); } log.debug("this.value=" + this.value); if (this.value != null) { value = Integer.parseInt(this.value); } str.append(nullOption); // 目前只支持升序降序两种方法,将不为升序的sort字符串赋值为降序 if (!S_ASCE.equals(sort)) { sort = S_DESC; } // 初始化current if (S_DESC.equals(sort)) { current = end; } else { current = start; } if (length == 0) { length = end - start + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int n = getNext(); str.append("<option value=\"" + n); log.debug("value=" + value); log.debug("n=" + n); str.append("\""); if (value == n) { str.append(" selected "); } str.append(">"); if (prefix != null) { str.append(prefix); } str.append(n); if (suffix != null) { str.append(suffix); } str.append("</option>\n"); } str.append("</select>"); log.debug("General number select html:\n" + str); ResponseUtils.write(pageContext, str.toString()); return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; }