コード例 #1
  // Sorting the array and printing the result to 'bsOutput'
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    long st, et;
    st = System.nanoTime();
    long tt;

    // getting concurency
    if (args.length > 1) // 2nd argument to main should be the concurency
      concurency = args[1]; // getting the concurency - 2nd parameter
      if (concurency.equals(low_concurency)) sync = hi_sync;
      else if (concurency.equals(mid_concurency)) sync = mid_sync;
      else // in case of hi concurency or need for default value
        sync = low_sync; // setting default value
        if (!concurency.equals(low_concurency)) // in case no legal value was entered
              "Concurency in 2nd parameter must be one of the following: \n"
                  + "Low concurency: '"
                  + low_concurency
                  + "' , Mid concurency: '"
                  + mid_concurency
                  + "' , or High concurency, which is also the default value: '"
                  + hi_concurency
                  + "'. \n"
                  + "The program runs with the default value");
    } else // in case 2nd parameter was not set
    sync = low_sync; // setting default value
    // Running the Bubble Sort Program
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) // printing the original array
      System.out.print(BubbleSort.array[i] + " ");


      // creating a BubbleSort object with level of synchronization, oposite to concurency
      BubbleSortImpl bs = new BubbleSortImpl(array, new File(bsOutput), sync);
      bs.Sort(); // sorting the array with Bubble sort Algorithem
      bs.PrintArray(); // printing the sorted array
    } catch (IOException e) {

    Reporter reporter = null;
    // Checking and reporting results
    try {
      reporter = Reporter.GetInstance(bsOutput);

      if (args.length > 0) // in case the program recieves 1st parameter
      rOutput = args[0]; // this parameter exchanges the default output path
      reporter.Report(rOutput, array); // creatinr the report
    } catch (IOException e) {

    et = System.nanoTime();
    tt = (et - st) / 1000;