public void removeTile(CrystalNetworkTile te) { tiles.remove(PylonFinder.getLocation(te)); if (te instanceof NotifiedNetworkTile) { notifyCache.remove(te); } for (NotifiedNetworkTile tile : notifyCache) { tile.onTileNetworkTopologyChange(te, true); } if (te instanceof TileEntityCrystalPylon) { TileEntityCrystalPylon tile = (TileEntityCrystalPylon) te; TileEntityCache<TileEntityCrystalPylon> c = pylons.get(tile.getColor()); if (c != null) c.remove(tile); } Collection<CrystalFlow> li = flows.get(te.getWorld().provider.dimensionId); Iterator<CrystalFlow> it = li.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CrystalFlow p =; if (p.contains(te)) { CrystalNetworkLogger.logFlowBreak(p, FlowFail.TILE); p.resetTiles(); p.receiver.onPathBroken(p, FlowFail.TILE); it.remove(); } } PylonFinder.removePathsWithTile(te); WorldCrystalNetworkData.initNetworkData(te.getWorld()).setDirty(true); // was false if (te instanceof TileEntityCrystalPylon) { PylonLocationData.initNetworkData(te.getWorld()).setDirty(true); } }
public void addTile(CrystalNetworkTile te) { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.SERVER) { WorldLocation loc = PylonFinder.getLocation(te); CrystalNetworkTile old = tiles.get(loc); if (old != null) { // cache cleaning; old TEs may get out of sync for things like charge this.removeTile(old); } tiles.put(loc, te); if (te instanceof TileEntityCrystalPylon) { this.addPylon((TileEntityCrystalPylon) te); } this.verifyTileAt(te, loc); for (NotifiedNetworkTile tile : notifyCache) { tile.onTileNetworkTopologyChange(te, false); } if (te instanceof NotifiedNetworkTile) { notifyCache.add((NotifiedNetworkTile) te); } WorldCrystalNetworkData.initNetworkData(te.getWorld()).setDirty(true); if (te instanceof TileEntityCrystalPylon) { PylonLocationData.initNetworkData(te.getWorld()).setDirty(true); } } }
@SubscribeEvent public void clearOnUnload(WorldEvent.Unload evt) { PylonFinder.stopAllSearches(); int dim =; ChromatiCraft.logger.debug("Unloading dimension " + dim + ", clearing crystal network."); try { this.clear(dim); for (WorldLocation c : tiles.keySet()) { CrystalNetworkTile te = tiles.get(c); PylonFinder.removePathsWithTile(te); if (te instanceof CrystalTransmitter) ((CrystalTransmitter) te).clearTargets(true); } tiles.removeWorld(; for (TileEntityCache c : pylons.values()) c.removeWorld(; } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { ChromatiCraft.logger.logError( "Clearing the crystal network on world unload caused a CME. This is indicative of a deeper problem."); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public Collection<TileEntityCrystalPylon> getNearbyPylons( World world, int x, int y, int z, CrystalElement e, int range, boolean LOS) { TileEntityCache<TileEntityCrystalPylon> c = pylons.get(e); Collection<TileEntityCrystalPylon> li = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) { for (WorldLocation loc : c.keySet()) { if (loc.dimensionID == world.provider.dimensionId && loc.getDistanceTo(x, y, z) <= range) { if (!LOS || PylonFinder.lineOfSight(world, x, y, z, loc.xCoord, loc.yCoord, loc.zCoord)) { li.add(c.get(loc)); } } } } return li; }
void recalculateLOS() { hasLOS = PylonFinder.lineOfSight(loc1, loc2); }