コード例 #1
 public static ServiceProxyImpl forService(ServiceImpl owner, OmiscidService omiscidService) {
   Map<Integer, ProxyInfo> proxies;
   synchronized (proxyForService) {
     proxies = proxyForService.get(owner);
     if (proxies == null) {
       proxies = new Hashtable<Integer, ProxyInfo>();
       proxyForService.put(owner, proxies);
   ProxyInfo proxyInfo;
   synchronized (proxies) {
     proxyInfo = proxies.get(omiscidService.getRemotePeerId());
     if (proxyInfo == null) {
       proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
       proxies.put(omiscidService.getRemotePeerId(), proxyInfo);
   synchronized (proxyInfo) {
     long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
     if (proxyInfo.timeout < now) {
       try {
         proxyInfo.serviceProxyImpl = new ServiceProxyImpl(omiscidService);
         proxyInfo.timeout = Long.MAX_VALUE; // ignoring timeout for now //now + ???;
       } catch (RuntimeException e) {
         proxyInfo.serviceProxyImpl = null;
         proxyInfo.timeout = now;
   return proxyInfo.serviceProxyImpl;
   //        return new ServiceProxyImpl(omiscidService);
コード例 #2
 public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
   try {
     Set<? extends Element> set = roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Parcelable.class);
     for (Element element : set) {
       try {
         TypeElement enclosingElement = (TypeElement) element;
         ProxyInfo pi = new ProxyInfo(enclosingElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
         JavaFileObject jfo = filer.createSourceFile(pi.getFullName(), enclosingElement);
         Writer writer = jfo.openWriter();
       } catch (Exception e) {
   } catch (Exception e) {
   return true;
コード例 #3
 public List<Proxy> select(URI uri) {
   if (HTTP.equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()) || SOCKS.equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
     if (isInExcludedSet(uri.toASCIIString())) {
       if (isLogEnabled()) {
         Log.d(TAG, "Found in excludedSet. Returning default proxy for url : " + uri);
       if (sDefaultProxy == null) {
         return mDefaultProxySelector.select(uri);
       return Arrays.asList(
           new Proxy(
               new InetSocketAddress(sDefaultProxy.getHost(), sDefaultProxy.getPort())));
     ProxyInfo proxyForUrl = getProxyForUrl(uri.toASCIIString());
     if (proxyForUrl != null) {
       if (isLogEnabled()) {
             "Found in includeSet. Returning proxy ("
                 + proxyForUrl.getHost()
                 + ", "
                 + proxyForUrl.getPort()
                 + ") for url : "
                 + uri);
       return Arrays.asList(
           new Proxy(
               new InetSocketAddress(proxyForUrl.getHost(), proxyForUrl.getPort())));
   if (isLogEnabled()) {
     Log.d(TAG, "Not found anywhere. Returning default proxy (which is none generally).");
   if (sDefaultProxy == null) {
     return mDefaultProxySelector.select(uri);
   return Arrays.asList(
       new Proxy(
           new InetSocketAddress(sDefaultProxy.getHost(), sDefaultProxy.getPort())));
コード例 #4
  private Socket socks5ProxifiedSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException {
    Socket socket = null;
    InputStream in = null;
    OutputStream out = null;
    String proxy_host = proxy.getProxyAddress();
    int proxy_port = proxy.getProxyPort();
    String user = proxy.getProxyUsername();
    String passwd = proxy.getProxyPassword();

    try {
      socket = new Socket(proxy_host, proxy_port);
      in = socket.getInputStream();
      out = socket.getOutputStream();


      byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
      int index = 0;

                         |VER | NMETHODS | METHODS  |
                         | 1  |    1     | 1 to 255 |

         The VER field is set to X'05' for this version of the protocol.  The
         NMETHODS field contains the number of method identifier octets that
         appear in the METHODS field.

         The values currently defined for METHOD are:

                o  X'00' NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED
                o  X'01' GSSAPI
                o  X'02' USERNAME/PASSWORD
                o  X'03' to X'7F' IANA ASSIGNED
                o  X'80' to X'FE' RESERVED FOR PRIVATE METHODS
                o  X'FF' NO ACCEPTABLE METHODS

      buf[index++] = 5;

      buf[index++] = 2;
      buf[index++] = 0; // NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED
      buf[index++] = 2; // USERNAME/PASSWORD

      out.write(buf, 0, index);

          The server selects from one of the methods given in METHODS, and
          sends a METHOD selection message:

                               |VER | METHOD |
                               | 1  |   1    |
      // in.read(buf, 0, 2);
      fill(in, buf, 2);

      boolean check = false;
      switch ((buf[1]) & 0xff) {
          check = true;
        case 2: // USERNAME/PASSWORD
          if (user == null || passwd == null) {

             Once the SOCKS V5 server has started, and the client has selected the
             Username/Password Authentication protocol, the Username/Password
             subnegotiation begins.  This begins with the client producing a
             Username/Password request:

                     |VER | ULEN |  UNAME   | PLEN |  PASSWD  |
                     | 1  |  1   | 1 to 255 |  1   | 1 to 255 |

             The VER field contains the current version of the subnegotiation,
             which is X'01'. The ULEN field contains the length of the UNAME field
             that follows. The UNAME field contains the username as known to the
             source operating system. The PLEN field contains the length of the
             PASSWD field that follows. The PASSWD field contains the password
             association with the given UNAME.
          index = 0;
          buf[index++] = 1;
          buf[index++] = (byte) (user.length());
          System.arraycopy(user.getBytes(), 0, buf, index, user.length());
          index += user.length();
          buf[index++] = (byte) (passwd.length());
          System.arraycopy(passwd.getBytes(), 0, buf, index, passwd.length());
          index += passwd.length();

          out.write(buf, 0, index);

             The server verifies the supplied UNAME and PASSWD, and sends the
             following response:

                                  |VER | STATUS |
                                  | 1  |   1    |

             A STATUS field of X'00' indicates success. If the server returns a
             `failure' (STATUS value other than X'00') status, it MUST close the
          // in.read(buf, 0, 2);
          fill(in, buf, 2);
          if (buf[1] == 0) {
            check = true;

      if (!check) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception eee) {
        throw new ProxyException(ProxyInfo.ProxyType.SOCKS5, "fail in SOCKS5 proxy");

            The SOCKS request is formed as follows:

              |VER | CMD |  RSV  | ATYP | DST.ADDR | DST.PORT |
              | 1  |  1  | X'00' |  1   | Variable |    2     |


            o  VER    protocol version: X'05'
            o  CMD
               o  CONNECT X'01'
               o  BIND X'02'
               o  UDP ASSOCIATE X'03'
            o  RSV    RESERVED
               o  ATYP   address type of following address
               o  IP V4 address: X'01'
               o  DOMAINNAME: X'03'
               o  IP V6 address: X'04'
            o  DST.ADDR       desired destination address
            o  DST.PORT desired destination port in network octet

      index = 0;
      buf[index++] = 5;
      buf[index++] = 1; // CONNECT
      buf[index++] = 0;

      byte[] hostb = host.getBytes();
      int len = hostb.length;
      buf[index++] = 3; // DOMAINNAME
      buf[index++] = (byte) (len);
      System.arraycopy(hostb, 0, buf, index, len);
      index += len;
      buf[index++] = (byte) (port >>> 8);
      buf[index++] = (byte) (port & 0xff);

      out.write(buf, 0, index);

         The SOCKS request information is sent by the client as soon as it has
         established a connection to the SOCKS server, and completed the
         authentication negotiations.  The server evaluates the request, and
         returns a reply formed as follows:

              |VER | REP |  RSV  | ATYP | BND.ADDR | BND.PORT |
              | 1  |  1  | X'00' |  1   | Variable |    2     |


         o  VER    protocol version: X'05'
         o  REP    Reply field:
            o  X'00' succeeded
            o  X'01' general SOCKS server failure
            o  X'02' connection not allowed by ruleset
            o  X'03' Network unreachable
            o  X'04' Host unreachable
            o  X'05' Connection refused
            o  X'06' TTL expired
            o  X'07' Command not supported
            o  X'08' Address type not supported
            o  X'09' to X'FF' unassigned
          o  RSV    RESERVED
          o  ATYP   address type of following address
            o  IP V4 address: X'01'
            o  DOMAINNAME: X'03'
            o  IP V6 address: X'04'
          o  BND.ADDR       server bound address
          o  BND.PORT       server bound port in network octet order

      // in.read(buf, 0, 4);
      fill(in, buf, 4);

      if (buf[1] != 0) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception eee) {
        throw new ProxyException(ProxyInfo.ProxyType.SOCKS5, "server returns " + buf[1]);

      switch (buf[3] & 0xff) {
        case 1:
          // in.read(buf, 0, 6);
          fill(in, buf, 6);
        case 3:
          // in.read(buf, 0, 1);
          fill(in, buf, 1);
          // in.read(buf, 0, buf[0]+2);
          fill(in, buf, (buf[0] & 0xff) + 2);
        case 4:
          // in.read(buf, 0, 18);
          fill(in, buf, 18);
      return socket;

    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      try {
        if (socket != null) {
      } catch (Exception eee) {
      String message = "ProxySOCKS5: " + e.toString();
      if (e instanceof Throwable) {
        throw new ProxyException(ProxyInfo.ProxyType.SOCKS5, message, e);
      throw new IOException(message);