private static <T extends AbstractJaxb> void execute(T target, Pattern pattern) { TagEnum tagEnum = TagEnum.valueOf(target.getClass().getSimpleName().toUpperCase()); switch (tagEnum) { case A: A a = (A) target; if (idMatch(a.getId(), pattern)) { a.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(a.getContent(), pattern); break; case ABBR: Abbr abbr = (Abbr) target; if (idMatch(abbr.getId(), pattern)) { abbr.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(abbr.getContent(), pattern); break; case ACRONYM: Acronym acronym = (Acronym) target; if (idMatch(acronym.getId(), pattern)) { acronym.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(acronym.getContent(), pattern); break; case ADDRESS: Address address = (Address) target; if (idMatch(address.getId(), pattern)) { address.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(address.getContent(), pattern); break; case APPLET: Applet applet = (Applet) target; if (idMatch(applet.getId(), pattern)) { applet.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(applet.getContent(), pattern); break; case AREA: Area area = (Area) target; if (idMatch(area.getId(), pattern)) { area.setId(null); } // area is empty element. break; case B: B b = (B) target; if (idMatch(b.getId(), pattern)) { b.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(b.getContent(), pattern); break; case BASE: Base base = (Base) target; if (idMatch(base.getId(), pattern)) { base.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case BASEFONT: Basefont basefont = (Basefont) target; if (idMatch(basefont.getId(), pattern)) { basefont.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case BDO: Bdo bdo = (Bdo) target; if (idMatch(bdo.getId(), pattern)) { bdo.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(bdo.getContent(), pattern); break; case BIG: Big big = (Big) target; if (idMatch(big.getId(), pattern)) { big.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(big.getContent(), pattern); break; case BLOCKQUOTE: Blockquote blockquote = (Blockquote) target; if (idMatch(blockquote.getId(), pattern)) { blockquote.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(blockquote.getContent(), pattern); break; case BODY: Body body = (Body) target; if (idMatch(body.getId(), pattern)) { body.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(body.getContent(), pattern); break; case BR: Br br = (Br) target; if (idMatch(br.getId(), pattern)) { br.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case BUTTON: Button button = (Button) target; if (idMatch(button.getId(), pattern)) { button.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(button.getContent(), pattern); break; case CAPTION: Caption caption = (Caption) target; if (idMatch(caption.getId(), pattern)) { caption.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(caption.getContent(), pattern); break; case CENTER: Center center = (Center) target; if (idMatch(center.getId(), pattern)) { center.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(center.getContent(), pattern); break; case CITE: Cite cite = (Cite) target; if (idMatch(cite.getId(), pattern)) { cite.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(cite.getContent(), pattern); break; case CODE: Code code = (Code) target; if (idMatch(code.getId(), pattern)) { code.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(code.getContent(), pattern); break; case COL: Col col = (Col) target; if (idMatch(col.getId(), pattern)) { col.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case COLGROUP: Colgroup colgroup = (Colgroup) target; if (idMatch(colgroup.getId(), pattern)) { colgroup.setId(null); } for (Col tmpcol : colgroup.getCol()) { execute(tmpcol, pattern); } break; case DD: Dd dd = (Dd) target; if (idMatch(dd.getId(), pattern)) { dd.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(dd.getContent(), pattern); break; case DEL: Del del = (Del) target; if (idMatch(del.getId(), pattern)) { del.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(del.getContent(), pattern); break; case DFN: Dfn dfn = (Dfn) target; if (idMatch(dfn.getId(), pattern)) { dfn.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(dfn.getContent(), pattern); break; case DIR: Dir dir = (Dir) target; if (idMatch(dir.getId(), pattern)) { dir.setId(null); } for (Li tmpli : dir.getLi()) { execute(tmpli, pattern); } break; case DIV: Div div = (Div) target; if (idMatch(div.getId(), pattern)) { div.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(div.getContent(), pattern); break; case DL: Dl dl = (Dl) target; if (idMatch(dl.getId(), pattern)) { dl.setId(null); } for (AbstractJaxb aj : dl.getDtOrDd()) { execute(aj, pattern); } break; case DT: Dt dt = (Dt) target; if (idMatch(dt.getId(), pattern)) { dt.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(dt.getContent(), pattern); break; case EM: Em em = (Em) target; if (idMatch(em.getId(), pattern)) { em.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(em.getContent(), pattern); break; case FIELDSET: Fieldset fieldset = (Fieldset) target; if (idMatch(fieldset.getId(), pattern)) { fieldset.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(fieldset.getContent(), pattern); break; case FONT: Font font = (Font) target; if (idMatch(font.getId(), pattern)) { font.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(font.getContent(), pattern); break; case FORM: Form form = (Form) target; if (idMatch(form.getId(), pattern)) { form.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(form.getContent(), pattern); break; case H1: H1 h1 = (H1) target; if (idMatch(h1.getId(), pattern)) { h1.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(h1.getContent(), pattern); break; case H2: H2 h2 = (H2) target; if (idMatch(h2.getId(), pattern)) { h2.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(h2.getContent(), pattern); break; case H3: H3 h3 = (H3) target; if (idMatch(h3.getId(), pattern)) { h3.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(h3.getContent(), pattern); break; case H4: H4 h4 = (H4) target; if (idMatch(h4.getId(), pattern)) { h4.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(h4.getContent(), pattern); break; case H5: H5 h5 = (H5) target; if (idMatch(h5.getId(), pattern)) { h5.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(h5.getContent(), pattern); break; case H6: H6 h6 = (H6) target; if (idMatch(h6.getId(), pattern)) { h6.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(h6.getContent(), pattern); break; case HGROUP: Hgroup hgroup = (Hgroup) target; if (idMatch(hgroup.getId(), pattern)) { hgroup.setId(null); } for (AbstractJaxb aj : hgroup.getH1OrH2OrH3()) { execute(aj, pattern); } break; case HEAD: Head head = (Head) target; if (idMatch(head.getId(), pattern)) { head.setId(null); } for (AbstractJaxb aj : head.getContent()) { execute(aj, pattern); } break; case HR: Hr hr = (Hr) target; if (idMatch(hr.getId(), pattern)) { hr.setId(null); } // hr is empty element. break; case HTML: Html html = (Html) target; if (idMatch(html.getId(), pattern)) { html.setId(null); } execute(html.getHead(), pattern); execute(html.getBody(), pattern); break; case I: I i = (I) target; if (idMatch(i.getId(), pattern)) { i.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(i.getContent(), pattern); break; case IFRAME: Iframe iframe = (Iframe) target; if (idMatch(iframe.getId(), pattern)) { iframe.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(iframe.getContent(), pattern); break; case IMG: Img img = (Img) target; if (idMatch(img.getId(), pattern)) { img.setId(null); } // img is empty element. break; case INPUT: Input input = (Input) target; if (idMatch(input.getId(), pattern)) { input.setId(null); } // input is empty element. break; case INS: Ins ins = (Ins) target; if (idMatch(ins.getId(), pattern)) { ins.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(ins.getContent(), pattern); break; case ISINDEX: Isindex isindex = (Isindex) target; if (idMatch(isindex.getId(), pattern)) { isindex.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case KBD: Kbd kbd = (Kbd) target; if (idMatch(kbd.getId(), pattern)) { kbd.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(kbd.getContent(), pattern); break; case LABEL: Label label = (Label) target; if (idMatch(label.getId(), pattern)) { label.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(label.getContent(), pattern); break; case LEGEND: Legend legend = (Legend) target; if (idMatch(legend.getId(), pattern)) { legend.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(legend.getContent(), pattern); break; case LI: Li li = (Li) target; if (idMatch(li.getId(), pattern)) { li.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(li.getContent(), pattern); break; case LINK: Link link = (Link) target; if (idMatch(link.getId(), pattern)) { link.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case MAIN: Main main = (Main) target; if (idMatch(main.getId(), pattern)) { main.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(main.getContent(), pattern); break; case MAP: Map map = (Map) target; if (idMatch(map.getId(), pattern)) { map.setId(null); } for (Area tmpArea : map.getArea()) { execute(tmpArea, pattern); } break; case MENU: Menu menu = (Menu) target; if (idMatch(menu.getId(), pattern)) { menu.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(menu.getContent(), pattern); break; case META: Meta meta = (Meta) target; if (idMatch(meta.getId(), pattern)) { meta.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case NOFRAMES: Noframes noframes = (Noframes) target; if (idMatch(noframes.getId(), pattern)) { noframes.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(noframes.getContent(), pattern); break; case NOSCRIPT: Noscript noscript = (Noscript) target; if (idMatch(noscript.getId(), pattern)) { noscript.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(noscript.getContent(), pattern); break; case OBJECT: org.mixer2.jaxb.xhtml.Object object = (org.mixer2.jaxb.xhtml.Object) target; if (idMatch(object.getId(), pattern)) { object.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(object.getContent(), pattern); break; case OL: Ol ol = (Ol) target; if (idMatch(ol.getId(), pattern)) { ol.setId(null); } for (Li tmpli : ol.getLi()) { execute(tmpli, pattern); } break; case OPTGROUP: Optgroup optgroup = (Optgroup) target; if (idMatch(optgroup.getId(), pattern)) { optgroup.setId(null); } for (Option tmpOption : optgroup.getOption()) { execute(tmpOption, pattern); } break; case OPTION: Option option = (Option) target; if (idMatch(option.getId(), pattern)) { option.setId(null); } // option tag includes no other element. break; case P: P p = (P) target; if (idMatch(p.getId(), pattern)) { p.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(p.getContent(), pattern); break; case PARAM: Param param = (Param) target; if (idMatch(param.getId(), pattern)) { param.setId(null); } // empty element. break; case PRE: Pre pre = (Pre) target; if (idMatch(pre.getId(), pattern)) { pre.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(pre.getContent(), pattern); break; case Q: Q q = (Q) target; if (idMatch(q.getId(), pattern)) { q.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(q.getContent(), pattern); break; case S: S s = (S) target; if (idMatch(s.getId(), pattern)) { s.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(s.getContent(), pattern); break; case SAMP: Samp samp = (Samp) target; if (idMatch(samp.getId(), pattern)) { samp.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(samp.getContent(), pattern); break; case SCRIPT: Script script = (Script) target; if (idMatch(script.getId(), pattern)) { script.setId(null); } // script include no other element. break; case SELECT: Select select = (Select) target; if (idMatch(select.getId(), pattern)) { select.setId(null); } for (AbstractJaxb aj : select.getOptgroupOrOption()) { execute(aj, pattern); } break; case SMALL: Small small = (Small) target; if (idMatch(small.getId(), pattern)) { small.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(small.getContent(), pattern); break; case SPAN: Span span = (Span) target; if (idMatch(span.getId(), pattern)) { span.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(span.getContent(), pattern); break; case STRIKE: Strike strike = (Strike) target; if (idMatch(strike.getId(), pattern)) { strike.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(strike.getContent(), pattern); break; case STRONG: Strong strong = (Strong) target; if (idMatch(strong.getId(), pattern)) { strong.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(strong.getContent(), pattern); break; case STYLE: Style style = (Style) target; if (idMatch(style.getId(), pattern)) { style.setId(null); } // has no other element. break; case SUB: Sub sub = (Sub) target; if (idMatch(sub.getId(), pattern)) { sub.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(sub.getContent(), pattern); break; case SUP: Sup sup = (Sup) target; if (idMatch(sup.getId(), pattern)) { sup.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(sup.getContent(), pattern); break; case TABLE: Table table = (Table) target; if (idMatch(table.getId(), pattern)) { table.setId(null); } if (table.isSetCaption()) { execute(table.getCaption(), pattern); } for (Col tmpCol : table.getCol()) { execute(tmpCol, pattern); } for (Colgroup tmpColgroup : table.getColgroup()) { execute(tmpColgroup, pattern); } for (Tbody tmpTbody : table.getTbody()) { execute(tmpTbody, pattern); } if (table.isSetThead()) { execute(table.getThead(), pattern); } if (table.isSetTfoot()) { execute(table.getTfoot(), pattern); } for (Tr tmpTr : table.getTr()) { execute(tmpTr, pattern); } break; case TBODY: Tbody tbody = (Tbody) target; if (idMatch(tbody.getId(), pattern)) { tbody.setId(null); } for (Tr tmpTr : tbody.getTr()) { execute(tmpTr, pattern); } break; case TD: Td td = (Td) target; if (idMatch(td.getId(), pattern)) { td.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(td.getContent(), pattern); break; case TEXTAREA: Textarea textarea = (Textarea) target; if (idMatch(textarea.getId(), pattern)) { textarea.setId(null); } // textarea has no other element. break; case TFOOT: Tfoot tfoot = (Tfoot) target; if (idMatch(tfoot.getId(), pattern)) { tfoot.setId(null); } for (Tr tmpTr : tfoot.getTr()) { execute(tmpTr, pattern); } break; case TH: Th th = (Th) target; if (idMatch(th.getId(), pattern)) { th.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(th.getContent(), pattern); break; case THEAD: Thead thead = (Thead) target; if (idMatch(thead.getId(), pattern)) { thead.setId(null); } for (Tr tmpTr : thead.getTr()) { execute(tmpTr, pattern); } break; case TITLE: Title title = (Title) target; if (idMatch(title.getId(), pattern)) { title.setId(null); } // has no other element. break; case TR: Tr tr = (Tr) target; if (idMatch(tr.getId(), pattern)) { tr.setId(null); } for (AbstractJaxb aj : tr.getThOrTd()) { execute(aj, pattern); } break; case TT: Tt tt = (Tt) target; if (idMatch(tt.getId(), pattern)) { tt.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(tt.getContent(), pattern); break; case U: U u = (U) target; if (idMatch(u.getId(), pattern)) { u.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(u.getContent(), pattern); break; case UL: Ul ul = (Ul) target; if (idMatch(ul.getId(), pattern)) { ul.setId(null); } for (Li tmpLi : ul.getLi()) { execute(tmpLi, pattern); } break; case VAR: Var var = (Var) target; if (idMatch(var.getId(), pattern)) { var.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(var.getContent(), pattern); break; case ARTICLE: Article article = (Article) target; if (idMatch(article.getId(), pattern)) { article.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(article.getContent(), pattern); break; case ASIDE: Aside aside = (Aside) target; if (idMatch(aside.getId(), pattern)) { aside.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(aside.getContent(), pattern); break; case AUDIO: Audio audio = (Audio) target; if (idMatch(audio.getId(), pattern)) { audio.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(audio.getContent(), pattern); break; case BDI: Bdi bdi = (Bdi) target; if (idMatch(bdi.getId(), pattern)) { bdi.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(bdi.getContent(), pattern); break; case CANVAS: Canvas canvas = (Canvas) target; if (idMatch(canvas.getId(), pattern)) { canvas.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(canvas.getContent(), pattern); break; case COMMAND: Command command = (Command) target; if (idMatch(command.getId(), pattern)) { command.setId(null); } // empty element break; case DATALIST: Datalist datalist = (Datalist) target; if (idMatch(datalist.getId(), pattern)) { datalist.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(datalist.getContent(), pattern); break; case DETAILS: Details details = (Details) target; if (idMatch(details.getId(), pattern)) { details.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(details.getContent(), pattern); break; case EMBED: Embed embed = (Embed) target; if (idMatch(embed.getId(), pattern)) { embed.setId(null); } // empty element break; case FIGCAPTION: Figcaption figcaption = (Figcaption) target; if (idMatch(figcaption.getId(), pattern)) { figcaption.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(figcaption.getContent(), pattern); break; case FIGURE: Figure figure = (Figure) target; if (idMatch(figure.getId(), pattern)) { figure.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(figure.getContent(), pattern); break; case FOOTER: Footer footer = (Footer) target; if (idMatch(footer.getId(), pattern)) { footer.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(footer.getContent(), pattern); break; case HEADER: Header header = (Header) target; if (idMatch(header.getId(), pattern)) { header.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(header.getContent(), pattern); break; case KEYGEN: Keygen keygen = (Keygen) target; if (idMatch(keygen.getId(), pattern)) { keygen.setId(null); } // empty element break; case MARK: Mark mark = (Mark) target; if (idMatch(mark.getId(), pattern)) { mark.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(mark.getContent(), pattern); break; case METER: Meter meter = (Meter) target; if (idMatch(meter.getId(), pattern)) { meter.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(meter.getContent(), pattern); break; case NAV: Nav nav = (Nav) target; if (idMatch(nav.getId(), pattern)) { nav.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(nav.getContent(), pattern); break; case OUTPUT: Output output = (Output) target; if (idMatch(output.getId(), pattern)) { output.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(output.getContent(), pattern); break; case PROGRESS: Progress progress = (Progress) target; if (idMatch(progress.getId(), pattern)) { progress.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(progress.getContent(), pattern); break; case RP: Rp rp = (Rp) target; if (idMatch(rp.getId(), pattern)) { rp.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(rp.getContent(), pattern); break; case RT: Rt rt = (Rt) target; if (idMatch(rt.getId(), pattern)) { rt.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(rt.getContent(), pattern); break; case RUBY: Ruby ruby = (Ruby) target; if (idMatch(ruby.getId(), pattern)) { ruby.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(ruby.getContent(), pattern); break; case SECTION: Section section = (Section) target; if (idMatch(section.getId(), pattern)) { section.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(section.getContent(), pattern); break; case SOURCE: Source source = (Source) target; if (idMatch(source.getId(), pattern)) { source.setId(null); } break; case SUMMARY: Summary summary = (Summary) target; if (idMatch(summary.getId(), pattern)) { summary.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(summary.getContent(), pattern); break; case TIME: Time time = (Time) target; if (idMatch(time.getId(), pattern)) { time.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(time.getContent(), pattern); break; case TRACK: Track track = (Track) target; if (idMatch(track.getId(), pattern)) { track.setId(null); } // empty element break; case VIDEO: Video video = (Video) target; if (idMatch(video.getId(), pattern)) { video.setId(null); } unsetAllIdWithinObjectList(video.getContent(), pattern); break; case WBR: Wbr wbr = (Wbr) target; if (idMatch(wbr.getId(), pattern)) { wbr.setId(null); } // empty element break; } }
/** Update progress with new work & message */ @Override public Progress atomic(Progress old) { if (old == null) return old; old._worked += _newwork; if (_progress_msg != null) old._progress_msg = _progress_msg; return old; }
private List<String> findFullyQualifiedSourceFileNames( IClassPathBuilder builder, IClassPath classPath) { List<ClassDescriptor> appClassList = builder.getAppClassList(); progress.startScanningClasses(appClassList.size()); List<String> fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList = new LinkedList<String>(); for (ClassDescriptor classDesc : appClassList) { try { String fullyQualifiedSourceFileName = findFullyQualifiedSourceFileName(classPath, classDesc); fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList.add(fullyQualifiedSourceFileName); } catch (IOException e) { errorLogger.logError("Couldn't scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e); } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { errorLogger.logError("Couldn't scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e); } } progress.doneScanningClasses(); return fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList; }
/** * Create a new Job that can be canceled. * * @param jobName the name of the Job * @param workerThread the thread on which this job runs */ public static Progress createJob(String jobID, String jobName, Thread workerThread) { Progress job = new Job(jobID, jobName, workerThread); jobs.add(job); log.debug("job starting: {}", job.getJobName()); return job; }
public void applyUncalled() { Progress progress = new Progress(uncalled.size(), 50); while (!uncalled.isEmpty()) { List<FunType> uncalledDup = new ArrayList<>(uncalled); for (FunType cl : uncalledDup) { progress.tick(); Call.apply(cl, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } }
@Override public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException { ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context); String action = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_ACTION).toLowerCase(); Element content = request.getElement(MailConstants.E_CONTENT); String aid = content.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, null); boolean flushCache = request.getAttributeBool(AdminConstants.A_FLUSH, false); boolean synchronous = request.getAttributeBool(AdminConstants.A_SYNCHRONOUS, false); if (action.equals(AdminConstants.A_STATUS)) { // just print the status } else if (action.equals(AdminConstants.A_DEPLOYALL)) { for (Server server : Provisioning.getInstance().getAllServers()) { checkRight(zsc, context, server, Admin.R_deployZimlet); } deploy(zsc, aid, zsc.getRawAuthToken(), flushCache, synchronous); if (flushCache) { if (ZimbraLog.misc.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.misc.debug("DeployZimlet: flushing zimlet cache"); } checkRight(zsc, context, Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer(), Admin.R_flushCache); FlushCache.sendFlushRequest(context, "/service", "/zimlet/res/all.js"); } } else if (action.equals(AdminConstants.A_DEPLOYLOCAL)) { Server localServer = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer(); checkRight(zsc, context, localServer, Admin.R_deployZimlet); deploy(zsc, aid, null, false, synchronous); if (flushCache) { if (ZimbraLog.misc.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.misc.debug("DeployZimlet: flushing zimlet cache"); } checkRight(zsc, context, localServer, Admin.R_flushCache); FlushCache.sendFlushRequest(context, "/service", "/zimlet/res/all.js"); } } else { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("invalid action " + action, null); } Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.DEPLOY_ZIMLET_RESPONSE); Progress progress = (Progress) mProgressMap.get(aid); if (progress != null) progress.writeResponse(response); return response; }
private String findFullyQualifiedSourceFileName(IClassPath classPath, ClassDescriptor classDesc) throws IOException, CheckedAnalysisException { try { // Open and parse the class file to attempt // to discover the source file name. ICodeBaseEntry codeBaseEntry = classPath.lookupResource(classDesc.toResourceName()); ClassParserUsingASM classParser = new ClassParserUsingASM( new ClassReader(codeBaseEntry.openResource()), classDesc, codeBaseEntry); ClassInfo.Builder classInfoBuilder = new ClassInfo.Builder(); classParser.parse(classInfoBuilder); ClassInfo classInfo =; // Construct the fully-qualified source file name // based on the package name and source file name. String packageName = classDesc.getPackageName(); String sourceFile = classInfo.getSource(); if (!packageName.equals("")) { packageName = packageName.replace('.', '/'); packageName += "/"; } String fullyQualifiedSourceFile = packageName + sourceFile; return fullyQualifiedSourceFile; } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { errorLogger.logError("Could scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e); throw e; } finally { progress.finishClass(); } }
private void formWindowActivated( java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_formWindowActivated if (progress_start == 0) { pr = new Progress(); pr.start(); } } // GEN-LAST:event_formWindowActivated
public String format(Progress progress) { CharSequence s = progress.getCurrentStepDescription(); if (s == null) { return " "; } return s.toString(); }
/** * Execute the search for source directories. * * @throws edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.CheckedAnalysisException * @throws * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ public void execute() throws CheckedAnalysisException, IOException, InterruptedException { File dir = new File(rootSourceDirectory); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Path " + rootSourceDirectory + " is not a directory"); } // Find all directories underneath the root source directory progress.startRecursiveDirectorySearch(); RecursiveFileSearch rfs = new RecursiveFileSearch( rootSourceDirectory, new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory(); } });; progress.doneRecursiveDirectorySearch(); List<String> candidateSourceDirList = rfs.getDirectoriesScanned(); // Build the classpath IClassPath classPath = null; try { IClassFactory factory = ClassFactory.instance(); IClassPathBuilder builder = factory.createClassPathBuilder(errorLogger); classPath = buildClassPath(builder, factory); // From the application classes, find the full list of // fully-qualified source file names. List<String> fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList = findFullyQualifiedSourceFileNames(builder, classPath); // Attempt to find source directories for all source files, // and add them to the discoveredSourceDirectoryList if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("looking for " + fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList.size() + " files"); } findSourceDirectoriesForAllSourceFiles( fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList, candidateSourceDirList); } finally { if (classPath != null) { classPath.close(); } } }
/** Inform the listeners that a title has changed. */ protected static void fireWorkProgressed(Progress job) { final WorkEvent ev = new WorkEvent(job); // We ought only to tell listeners about jobs that are in our // list of jobs so we need to fire before delete. for (WorkListener worker : listeners) { worker.workProgressed(ev); } // Do we need to remove the job? Note that the section above will // probably execute after this so we will be firing events for jobs // that are no longer in our list of jobs. ho hum. if (job.isFinished()) { log.debug("job finished: {}", job.getJobName()); jobs.remove(job); } }
private IClassPath buildClassPath(IClassPathBuilder builder, IClassFactory factory) throws InterruptedException, IOException, CheckedAnalysisException { progress.startScanningArchives(project.getFileCount()); for (String path : project.getFileList()) { builder.addCodeBase(factory.createFilesystemCodeBaseLocator(path), true); } for (String path : project.getAuxClasspathEntryList()) { builder.addCodeBase(factory.createFilesystemCodeBaseLocator(path), false); } IClassPath classPath = factory.createClassPath();, progress); progress.doneScanningArchives(); return classPath; }
public void run() { Server s = null; try { s = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer(); ZimletFile zf = new ZimletFile(upload.getName(), upload.getInputStream()); ZimletUtil.deployZimlet(zf, progress, auth, flushCache); } catch (Exception e) {"deploy", e); if (s != null) progress.markFailed(s, e); } finally { FileUploadServlet.deleteUpload(upload); } }
private Map<String, Double> getExpressionPvals( Set<String> targets, boolean[] set1, boolean[] set2) { Map<String, Double> map = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Histogram2D h = new Histogram2D(0.2); System.out.println("targets = " + targets.size()); Progress prg = new Progress(targets.size()); for (String sym : targets) { prg.tick(); if (expMan.getNonZeroRatio(sym) == 0) continue; double pval = calcDiffPval(sym, set1, set2, true); if (Double.isNaN(pval)) continue; if (pval == 0) pval = 1E-11; double pPerm = calcDiffPval(sym, set1, set2, false); if (pPerm == 0) pPerm = 1E-5; h.count(-Math.log(pval), -Math.log(pPerm)); // pval = 0 is not real and it is not compatible with fisher's combined probability. // below is a better approximation. // if (pval == 0) // { // pval = 1E-11; // } map.put(sym, pval); } Histogram2DPlot p = new Histogram2DPlot(h); p.setLines(Arrays.asList(new double[] {1, 0})); p.setVisible(true); return map; }
@Nullable private Type parseAndResolve(String file) { try { Node ast = getAstForFile(file); if (ast == null) { failedToParse.add(file); return null; } else { Type type = Node.transformExpr(ast, globaltable); if (!loadedFiles.contains(file)) { loadedFiles.add(file); loadingProgress.tick(); } return type; } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { if (astCache != null) { astCache.clear(); } System.gc(); return null; } }
@Override public void progressUpdated(Progress p) { if (p.getDone() >= fnMinWork && (p.getElapsed() - fnLastElapsed > fnFrequency || p.getStopped())) { double rr = getRecentRate(); if (p.getTarget() > 0.0) { fOut.print(p.getName() + " completed"); if (fbWholeNumbers) { fOut.print(String.format(" %d/%d", (int) p.getDone(), (int) p.getTarget())); } else { fOut.print(String.format(" %g/%g", p.getDone(), p.getTarget())); } fOut.print( String.format( " (%.2f %%) in %s - overall %.2f/s - EST %s", p.getPercentDone(), TimeUtil.getHMS(p.getElapsed()), p.getRate(), TimeUtil.getHMS(p.getEstimate()))); if (rr > 0) { fOut.print( String.format(" - recent %.2f/s - EST %s", rr, TimeUtil.getHMS(p.getEstimate(rr)))); } fOut.println(); } else { fOut.print(p.getName() + " completed"); if (fbWholeNumbers) { fOut.print(String.format(" %d", (int) p.getDone())); } else { fOut.print(String.format(" %g", p.getDone())); } fOut.print( String.format(" in %s - overall %.2f/s", TimeUtil.getHMS(p.getElapsed()), p.getRate())); if (rr > 0) { fOut.print(String.format(" - recent %.2f/s", rr)); } fOut.println(); } fOut.flush(); fnLastElapsed = p.getElapsed(); fSamples.add(new Sample(p.getDone())); } }
void setProgressValue(int nValue) { if (m_progress != null) m_progress.setProgressValue(nValue); }
private String progress_msg_impl() { Progress p = getProgress(); return p == null ? "" : p.progress_msg(); }
// Checks the DKV for the progress Key & object private float progress_impl() { Progress p = getProgress(); return p == null ? 0f : p.progress(); }
void setProgressMinMax(int nMin, int nMax) { if (m_progress != null) m_progress.setProgressMinMax(nMin, nMax); }