private String getOriginalKey(
      final ProcessorGraphNode<Object, Object> node, final String mappedKey) {
    String inputName = mappedKey;
    if (node.getInputMapper().containsKey(mappedKey)) {
      inputName = node.getInputMapper().get(mappedKey);

    return inputName;
  private String getMappedKey(
      final ProcessorGraphNode<Object, Object> node, final String requiredInput) {
    String inputName = requiredInput;
    if (node.getInputMapper().containsValue(requiredInput)) {
      inputName = node.getInputMapper().inverse().get(requiredInput);

    return inputName;
  private static Set<InputValue> getInputs(final ProcessorGraphNode<Object, Object> node) {
    final BiMap<String, String> inputMapper = node.getInputMapper();
    final Set<InputValue> inputs = Sets.newHashSet();

    final Object inputParameter = node.getProcessor().createInputParameter();
    if (inputParameter != null) {
          "One or more of the input mapping values of '"
              + node
              + "'  do not match an input parameter.  The bad mappings are");

      final Collection<Field> allProperties = getAllAttributes(inputParameter.getClass());
      for (Field field : allProperties) {
        String name =
                node.getProcessor().getInputPrefix(), inputMapper, field.getName());
        inputs.add(new InputValue(name, field.getType()));

    return inputs;