public static String dumpOptions() { String ret = ""; for (final PresetDescription d : PresetDescription.values()) { ret = ret + d.toString() + ": " + d.description + "\n"; } return ret; }
/** * Dispatches to other make-functions based on a PresetDescription. * * @param which The description to generate settings based on * @param scope Defines the input-program and used librarys as well as exclusions for the analysis * @param cha The ClassHierarchy of the anayzed program * @return Preset containing Settings for "all situations" */ public static Preset make( final PresetDescription which, final AnalysisScope scope, final IClassHierarchy cha) { switch (which) { case DEFAULT: return makeDefault(scope, cha); case FAST: return makeFast(scope, cha); case FULL: return makeFull(scope, cha); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The requested preset (" + which.toString() + ") is not known"); } }