コード例 #1
  * Put complex types that are polymorphic and have recursive references.
  * @param complexBody Please put a salmon that looks like this: { "fishtype": "salmon", "species":
  *     "king", "length": 1, "age": 1, "location": "alaska", "iswild": true, "siblings": [ {
  *     "fishtype": "shark", "species": "predator", "length": 20, "age": 6, "siblings": [ {
  *     "fishtype": "salmon", "species": "coho", "length": 2, "age": 2, "location": "atlantic",
  *     "iswild": true, "siblings": [ { "fishtype": "shark", "species": "predator", "length": 20,
  *     "age": 6 }, { "fishtype": "sawshark", "species": "dangerous", "length": 10, "age": 105 } ]
  *     }, { "fishtype": "sawshark", "species": "dangerous", "length": 10, "age": 105 } ] }, {
  *     "fishtype": "sawshark", "species": "dangerous", "length": 10, "age": 105 } ] }
  * @throws ErrorException exception thrown from REST call
  * @throws IOException exception thrown from serialization/deserialization
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException exception thrown from invalid parameters
  * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful.
 public ServiceResponse<Void> putValid(Fish complexBody)
     throws ErrorException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
   if (complexBody == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter complexBody is required and cannot be null.");
   Call<ResponseBody> call = service.putValid(complexBody);
   return putValidDelegate(call.execute(), null);
コード例 #2
  * Get complex types that are polymorphic and have recursive references.
  * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
  * @return the {@link Call} object
 public Call<ResponseBody> getValidAsync(final ServiceCallback<Fish> serviceCallback) {
   Call<ResponseBody> call = service.getValid();
       new ServiceResponseCallback<Fish>(serviceCallback) {
         public void onResponse(Response<ResponseBody> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
           try {
             serviceCallback.success(getValidDelegate(response, retrofit));
           } catch (ErrorException | IOException exception) {
   return call;
コード例 #3
  * Put complex types that are polymorphic and have recursive references.
  * @param complexBody Please put a salmon that looks like this: { "fishtype": "salmon", "species":
  *     "king", "length": 1, "age": 1, "location": "alaska", "iswild": true, "siblings": [ {
  *     "fishtype": "shark", "species": "predator", "length": 20, "age": 6, "siblings": [ {
  *     "fishtype": "salmon", "species": "coho", "length": 2, "age": 2, "location": "atlantic",
  *     "iswild": true, "siblings": [ { "fishtype": "shark", "species": "predator", "length": 20,
  *     "age": 6 }, { "fishtype": "sawshark", "species": "dangerous", "length": 10, "age": 105 } ]
  *     }, { "fishtype": "sawshark", "species": "dangerous", "length": 10, "age": 105 } ] }, {
  *     "fishtype": "sawshark", "species": "dangerous", "length": 10, "age": 105 } ] }
  * @param serviceCallback the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.
  * @return the {@link Call} object
 public Call<ResponseBody> putValidAsync(
     Fish complexBody, final ServiceCallback<Void> serviceCallback) {
   if (complexBody == null) {
         new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter complexBody is required and cannot be null."));
     return null;
   Validator.validate(complexBody, serviceCallback);
   Call<ResponseBody> call = service.putValid(complexBody);
       new ServiceResponseCallback<Void>(serviceCallback) {
         public void onResponse(Response<ResponseBody> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
           try {
             serviceCallback.success(putValidDelegate(response, retrofit));
           } catch (ErrorException | IOException exception) {
   return call;
コード例 #4
  * Get complex types that are polymorphic and have recursive references.
  * @throws ErrorException exception thrown from REST call
  * @throws IOException exception thrown from serialization/deserialization
  * @return the Fish object wrapped in {@link ServiceResponse} if successful.
 public ServiceResponse<Fish> getValid() throws ErrorException, IOException {
   Call<ResponseBody> call = service.getValid();
   return getValidDelegate(call.execute(), null);