コード例 #1
   * @param mapProcessing
   * @param surl
   * @throws Exception
  protected static void processQueueAsync(String sURL, String sData, Map mapProcessing)
      throws Exception {
    URL url;
    url = new URL(sURL);

    String s;
    byte[] bytes = downloadURL(url, sData);
    s = new String(bytes, "UTF8");

    Map mapAllReplies = JSONUtils.decodeJSON(s);
    List listReplies = MapUtils.getMapList(mapAllReplies, "replies", null);

    if (mapAllReplies == null || listReplies == null || listReplies.isEmpty()) {
          "Error while sending message(s) to Platform: reply: "
              + s
              + "\nurl: "
              + sURL
              + "\nPostData: "
              + sData);
      for (Iterator iter = mapProcessing.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        PlatformMessage message = (PlatformMessage) iter.next();
        PlatformMessengerListener l = (PlatformMessengerListener) mapProcessing.get(message);
        if (l != null) {
          try {
            HashMap map = new HashMap();
            map.put("text", "result was " + s);
            l.replyReceived(message, REPLY_EXCEPTION, map);
          } catch (Throwable e2) {
                "Error while sending replyReceived" + "\nurl: " + sURL + "\nPostData: " + sData,

    Map<Long, Map> mapOrder = new HashMap<Long, Map>();
    for (Object reply : listReplies) {
      if (reply instanceof Map) {
        mapOrder.put(MapUtils.getMapLong((Map) reply, "seq-id", -1), (Map) reply);
    for (Iterator iter = mapProcessing.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      PlatformMessage message = (PlatformMessage) iter.next();
      PlatformMessengerListener l = (PlatformMessengerListener) mapProcessing.get(message);
      if (l == null) {
      Map mapReply = mapOrder.get(new Long(message.getSequenceNo()));
      if (mapReply == null) {
        debug("No reply for " + message.toShortString());
      String replyType = MapUtils.getMapString(mapReply, "type", "payload");
      Map payload;
      if (replyType.equalsIgnoreCase("payload")) {
        payload = MapUtils.getMapMap(mapReply, "payload", Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
      } else {
        payload = new HashMap();
        payload.put("message", MapUtils.getMapString(mapReply, "message", "?"));

      if (mapReply != null) {
        String reply = JSONUtils.encodeToJSON(payload);
            "Got a reply for "
                + message.toShortString()
                + "\n\t"
                + reply.substring(0, Math.min(8192, reply.length())));

      try {
        l.replyReceived(message, replyType, payload);
      } catch (Exception e2) {
        debug("Error while sending replyReceived", e2);
コード例 #2
  /** @param requiresAuthorization */
  protected static void processQueue(String queueID, Map mapQueue) {
    if (!initialized) {

    final Map mapProcessing = new HashMap();

    boolean sendAZID = true;
    long contentNetworkID = ContentNetwork.CONTENT_NETWORK_VUZE;

    // Create urlStem (or post data)
    boolean isMulti = false;
    StringBuffer urlStem = new StringBuffer();
    long sequenceNo = 0;

    Map<String, Object> mapPayload = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    mapPayload.put("azid", ConstantsVuze.AZID);
    mapPayload.put("azv", Constants.AZUREUS_VERSION);
    // mapPayload.put("mode", FeatureManagerUI.getMode());
    List<Map> listCommands = new ArrayList<Map>();
    mapPayload.put("commands", listCommands);

    try {
      String lastServer = null;
      // add one at a time, ensure relay server messages are seperate
      boolean first = true;
      for (Iterator iter = mapQueue.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        PlatformMessage message = (PlatformMessage) iter.next();
        Object value = mapQueue.get(message);

        Map<String, Object> mapCmd = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        if (first) {
          sendAZID = message.sendAZID();
          contentNetworkID = message.getContentNetworkID();
          first = false;

        // build urlStem

        if (urlStem.length() > 0) {

        String listenerID = message.getListenerID();
        String messageID = message.getMessageID();
        Map params = message.getParameters();
        try {
          urlStem.append(URLEncoder.encode(listenerID, "UTF-8"));
          urlStem.append(URLEncoder.encode(message.getOperationID(), "UTF-8"));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

        mapCmd.put("seq-id", sequenceNo);
        mapCmd.put("listener-id", listenerID);
        mapCmd.put("op-id", message.getOperationID());
        if (params != null) {
          mapCmd.put("values", params);

        // We used to check on MAX_POST_LENGTH, but with the changes that
        // would require converting the map to JSON on every iteration to get
        // the length.  For now, just limit to 10
        if (sequenceNo > 10) {
          debug("breaking up batch at " + sequenceNo + " because max limit would be exceeded");

        String curServer = messageID + "-" + listenerID;
        if (lastServer != null && !lastServer.equals(curServer)) {
          isMulti = true;
        lastServer = curServer;

        PlatformMessengerListener listener = (PlatformMessengerListener) mapProcessing.get(message);
        if (listener != null) {

        // Adjust lists
        mapProcessing.put(message, value);


        if (!getAllowMulti()) {
    } finally {
    // debug("about to process " + mapProcessing.size());

    if (mapProcessing.size() == 0) {

    // Build base RPC url based on listener and server

    // one day all this URL hacking should be moved into the ContentNetwork...

    ContentNetwork cn =
    if (cn == null) {
      cn = ConstantsVuze.getDefaultContentNetwork();

    String sURL_RPC =
        ContentNetworkUtils.getUrl(cn, ContentNetwork.SERVICE_RPC) + "&" + urlStem.toString();

    // Build full url and data to send
    String sURL;
    String sPostData = null;
    String sJSONPayload = UrlUtils.encode(JSONUtils.encodeToJSON(mapPayload));
    if (USE_HTTP_POST) {
      sURL = sURL_RPC;

      sPostData = URL_POST_PLATFORM_DATA + "&payload=" + sJSONPayload;
      sPostData = cn.appendURLSuffix(sPostData, true, sendAZID);

      if (DEBUG_URL) {
        debug("POST for " + mapProcessing.size() + ": " + sURL + "\n   DATA: " + sPostData);
      } else {
        debug("POST for " + mapProcessing.size() + ": " + sURL);
    } else {
      sURL = sURL_RPC + URL_PLATFORM_MESSAGE + "&payload=" + sJSONPayload;

      sURL = cn.appendURLSuffix(sURL, false, sendAZID);

      if (DEBUG_URL) {
        debug("GET: " + sURL);
      } else {
        debug("GET: " + sURL_RPC + URL_PLATFORM_MESSAGE);

    final String fURL = sURL;
    final String fPostData = sPostData;

    // one at a time to take advantage of keep-alive connections

        new AERunnable() {
          public void runSupport() {
            try {
              processQueueAsync(fURL, fPostData, mapProcessing);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
              if (e instanceof ResourceDownloaderException) {
                debug("Error while sending message(s) to Platform: " + e.toString());
              } else {
                debug("Error while sending message(s) to Platform", e);
              for (Iterator iter = mapProcessing.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                PlatformMessage message = (PlatformMessage) iter.next();
                PlatformMessengerListener l =
                    (PlatformMessengerListener) mapProcessing.get(message);
                if (l != null) {
                  try {
                    HashMap map = new HashMap();
                    map.put("text", e.toString());
                    map.put("Throwable", e);
                    l.replyReceived(message, REPLY_EXCEPTION, map);
                  } catch (Throwable e2) {
                    debug("Error while sending replyReceived", e2);