コード例 #1
   * Divide the given record into sub-records.
   * @return the sub-records or null if the record cannot be divided by this strategy.
  public List<Record> divide(Record record) {
    List<Record> result = null;

    // algorithm:
    //  - find repeating text with repeating paths using the view.
    //  - group the most (equally) frequent paths into records.
    //  - distribute same paths across records.

    final PathHistogram pathHistogram = new PathHistogram(record);
    final PathHistogram.FieldGroupCollector fieldGroupCollector =
        new PathHistogram.FieldGroupCollector();

    for (Iterator<PathHistogram.PathGroup> pgIter = pathHistogram.iterator(); pgIter.hasNext(); ) {
      final PathHistogram.PathGroup pathGroup = pgIter.next();

      if (!accept(pathGroup)) continue;

      final boolean complete = fieldGroupCollector.addAll(pathGroup);
      if (accept(fieldGroupCollector)) {
        result = fieldGroupCollector.getRecords(false /*includeIncomplete*/);

        if (accept(result)) break;
      } else {
        // zero out for another try

    return result;