コード例 #1
   * Checks whether the {@code traversal}'s path refers to a package directory.
   * @return the result of the lookup; it contains potentially new {@link TraversalRequest} and
   *     {@link FileInfo} so the caller should use these instead of the old ones (this happens when
   *     a package is found, but under a different root than expected)
  private static PkgLookupResult checkIfPackage(
      Environment env, TraversalRequest traversal, FileInfo rootInfo) throws MissingDepException {
        rootInfo.type.exists() && !rootInfo.type.isFile(), "{%s} {%s}", traversal, rootInfo);
    PackageLookupValue pkgLookup =
            getDependentSkyValue(env, PackageLookupValue.key(traversal.path.getRelativePath()));

    if (pkgLookup.packageExists()) {
      if (traversal.isGenerated) {
        // The traversal's root was a generated directory, but its root-relative path conflicts with
        // an existing package.
        return PkgLookupResult.conflict(traversal, rootInfo);
      } else {
        // The traversal's root was a source directory and it defines a package.
        Path pkgRoot = pkgLookup.getRoot();
        if (!pkgRoot.equals(traversal.path.getRoot())) {
          // However the root of this package is different from what we expected. stat() the real
          // BUILD file of that package.
          traversal = traversal.forChangedRootPath(pkgRoot);
          rootInfo = lookUpFileInfo(env, traversal);
          Verify.verify(rootInfo.type.exists(), "{%s} {%s}", traversal, rootInfo);
        return PkgLookupResult.pkg(traversal, rootInfo);
    } else {
      // The traversal's root was a directory (source or generated one), no package exists under the
      // same root-relative path.
      return PkgLookupResult.directory(traversal, rootInfo);
コード例 #2
   * Looks in the directory specified by {@code recursivePkgKey} for a package, does some work as
   * specified by {@link Visitor} if such a package exists, then recursively does work in each
   * non-excluded subdirectory as specified by {@link #getSkyKeyForSubdirectory}, and finally
   * aggregates the {@link Visitor} value along with values from each subdirectory as specified by
   * {@link #aggregateWithSubdirectorySkyValues}, and returns that aggregation.
   * <p>Returns null if {@code env.valuesMissing()} is true, checked after each call to one of
   * {@link RecursiveDirectoryTraversalFunction}'s abstract methods that were given {@code env}.
   * (And after each of {@code visitDirectory}'s own uses of {@code env}, of course.)
  TReturn visitDirectory(RecursivePkgKey recursivePkgKey, Environment env) {
    RootedPath rootedPath = recursivePkgKey.getRootedPath();
    ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedPaths = recursivePkgKey.getExcludedPaths();
    Path root = rootedPath.getRoot();
    PathFragment rootRelativePath = rootedPath.getRelativePath();

    SkyKey fileKey = FileValue.key(rootedPath);
    FileValue fileValue;
    try {
      fileValue =
    } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException | FileSymlinkException | IOException e) {
      return reportErrorAndReturn(
          "Failed to get information about path", e, rootRelativePath, env.getListener());
    if (fileValue == null) {
      return null;

    if (!fileValue.isDirectory()) {
      return getEmptyReturn();

    PackageIdentifier packageId =
        PackageIdentifier.create(recursivePkgKey.getRepository(), rootRelativePath);

    if ((packageId.getRepository().isDefault() || packageId.getRepository().isMain())
        && fileValue.isSymlink()
        && fileValue
            .startsWith(directories.getOutputBase().asFragment())) {
      // Symlinks back to the output base are not traversed so that we avoid convenience symlinks.
      // Note that it's not enough to just check for the convenience symlinks themselves, because
      // if the value of --symlink_prefix changes, the old symlinks are left in place. This
      // algorithm also covers more creative use cases where people create convenience symlinks
      // somewhere in the directory tree manually.
      return getEmptyReturn();

    SkyKey pkgLookupKey = PackageLookupValue.key(packageId);
    SkyKey dirListingKey = DirectoryListingValue.key(rootedPath);
        pkgLookupAndDirectoryListingDeps =
                ImmutableList.of(pkgLookupKey, dirListingKey),
    if (env.valuesMissing()) {
      return null;
    PackageLookupValue pkgLookupValue;
    try {
      pkgLookupValue =
                  "%s %s",
    } catch (NoSuchPackageException | InconsistentFilesystemException e) {
      return reportErrorAndReturn("Failed to load package", e, rootRelativePath, env.getListener());
    } catch (IOException | FileSymlinkException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    TVisitor visitor = getInitialVisitor();

    DirectoryListingValue dirListingValue;
    try {
      dirListingValue =
                  "%s %s",
    } catch (InconsistentFilesystemException | IOException e) {
      return reportErrorAndReturn(
          "Failed to list directory contents", e, rootRelativePath, env.getListener());
    } catch (FileSymlinkException e) {
      // DirectoryListingFunction only throws FileSymlinkCycleException when FileFunction throws it,
      // but FileFunction was evaluated for rootedPath above, and didn't throw there. It shouldn't
      // be able to avoid throwing there but throw here.
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Symlink cycle found after not being found for \"" + rootedPath + "\"");
    } catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    boolean followSymlinks = shouldFollowSymlinksWhenTraversing(dirListingValue.getDirents());
    List<SkyKey> childDeps = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Dirent dirent : dirListingValue.getDirents()) {
      Type type = dirent.getType();
      if (type != Type.DIRECTORY
          && (type != Type.SYMLINK || (type == Type.SYMLINK && !followSymlinks))) {
        // Non-directories can never host packages. Symlinks to non-directories are weeded out at
        // the next level of recursion when we check if its FileValue is a directory. This is slower
        // if there are a lot of symlinks in the tree, but faster if there are only a few, which is
        // the case most of the time.
        // We are not afraid of weird symlink structure here: both cyclical ones and ones that give
        // rise to infinite directory trees are diagnosed by FileValue.
      String basename = dirent.getName();
      if (rootRelativePath.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)
          && PathPackageLocator.DEFAULT_TOP_LEVEL_EXCLUDES.contains(basename)) {
      PathFragment subdirectory = rootRelativePath.getRelative(basename);

      // If this subdirectory is one of the excluded paths, don't recurse into it.
      if (excludedPaths.contains(subdirectory)) {

      // If we have an excluded path that isn't below this subdirectory, we shouldn't pass that
      // excluded path to our evaluation of the subdirectory, because the exclusion can't
      // possibly match anything beneath the subdirectory.
      // For example, if we're currently evaluating directory "a", are looking at its subdirectory
      // "a/b", and we have an excluded path "a/c/d", there's no need to pass the excluded path
      // "a/c/d" to our evaluation of "a/b".
      // This strategy should help to get more skyframe sharing. Consider the example above. A
      // subsequent request of "a/b/...", without any excluded paths, will be a cache hit.
      // TODO(bazel-team): Replace the excludedPaths set with a trie or a SortedSet for better
      // efficiency.
      ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectoriesBeneathThisSubdirectory =
          PathFragment.filterPathsStartingWith(excludedPaths, subdirectory);
      RootedPath subdirectoryRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPath(root, subdirectory);

    Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> subdirectorySkyValues;
    if (pkgLookupValue.packageExists() && pkgLookupValue.getRoot().equals(root)) {
      SkyKey packageKey = PackageValue.key(packageId);
      Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException<NoSuchPackageException>> dependentSkyValues =
              Iterables.concat(childDeps, ImmutableList.of(packageKey)),
      if (env.valuesMissing()) {
        return null;
      Package pkg = null;
      try {
        PackageValue pkgValue = (PackageValue) dependentSkyValues.get(packageKey).get();
        if (pkgValue == null) {
          return null;
        pkg = pkgValue.getPackage();
        if (pkg.containsErrors()) {
              .handle(Event.error("package contains errors: " + rootRelativePath.getPathString()));
      } catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
        // The package had errors, but don't fail-fast as there might be subpackages below the
        // current directory.
            .handle(Event.error("package contains errors: " + rootRelativePath.getPathString()));
      if (pkg != null) {
        visitor.visitPackageValue(pkg, env);
        if (env.valuesMissing()) {
          return null;
      ImmutableMap.Builder<SkyKey, SkyValue> subdirectoryBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
      for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException<NoSuchPackageException>> entry :
          Maps.filterKeys(dependentSkyValues, Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(packageKey)))
              .entrySet()) {
        try {
          subdirectoryBuilder.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get());
        } catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
          // ignored.
      subdirectorySkyValues = subdirectoryBuilder.build();
    } else {
      subdirectorySkyValues = env.getValues(childDeps);
    if (env.valuesMissing()) {
      return null;
    return aggregateWithSubdirectorySkyValues(visitor, subdirectorySkyValues);