コード例 #1
  /** Test if both constructors are equivalent */
  public void testLof() throws OrekitException {

    //  Satellite position
    final CircularOrbit circ =
        new CircularOrbit(

    // Create lof aligned law
    // ************************
    final LofOffset lofLaw = new LofOffset(circ.getFrame(), LOFType.VVLH);
    final LofOffsetPointing lofPointing =
        new LofOffsetPointing(earthSpheric, lofLaw, Vector3D.PLUS_K);
    final Rotation lofRot = lofPointing.getAttitude(circ, date, circ.getFrame()).getRotation();

    // Compare to body center pointing law
    // *************************************
    final BodyCenterPointing centerLaw = new BodyCenterPointing(earthSpheric.getBodyFrame());
    final Rotation centerRot = centerLaw.getAttitude(circ, date, circ.getFrame()).getRotation();
    final double angleBodyCenter = centerRot.applyInverseTo(lofRot).getAngle();
    Assert.assertEquals(0., angleBodyCenter, Utils.epsilonAngle);

    // Compare to nadir pointing law
    // *******************************
    final NadirPointing nadirLaw = new NadirPointing(earthSpheric);
    final Rotation nadirRot = nadirLaw.getAttitude(circ, date, circ.getFrame()).getRotation();
    final double angleNadir = nadirRot.applyInverseTo(lofRot).getAngle();
    Assert.assertEquals(0., angleNadir, Utils.epsilonAngle);
コード例 #2
ファイル: DTM2000Test.java プロジェクト: PlanetHunt/hippo
  public void testWithOriginalTestsCases() throws OrekitException, ParseException {

    Frame itrf = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
    PVCoordinatesProvider sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
    OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(6378136.460, 1.0 / 298.257222101, itrf);
    SolarInputs97to05 in = SolarInputs97to05.getInstance();
    DTM2000 atm = new DTM2000(in, sun, earth);
    double roTestCase;
    double tzTestCase;
    double tinfTestCase;
    double myRo;

    // Inputs :
    //      alt=800.
    //      lat=40.
    //      day=185.
    //      hl=16.
    //      xlon=0.
    //      fm(1)=150.
    //      f(1) =fm(1)
    //      fm(2)=0.
    //      f(2)=0.
    //      akp(1)=0.
    //      akp(2)=0.
    //      akp(3)=0.
    //      akp(4)=0.

    // Outputs :
    roTestCase = 1.8710001353820e-17 * 1000;
    tzTestCase = 1165.4839828984;
    tinfTestCase = 1165.4919505608;

    // Computation and results
    myRo =
            185, 800 * 1000, 0, FastMath.toRadians(40), 16 * FastMath.PI / 12, 150, 150, 0, 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (roTestCase - myRo) / roTestCase, 1e-14);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tzTestCase - atm.getT()) / tzTestCase, 1e-13);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tinfTestCase - atm.getTinf()) / tinfTestCase, 1e-13);

    //      IDEM., day=275

    roTestCase = 2.8524195214905e-17 * 1000;
    tzTestCase = 1157.1872001392;
    tinfTestCase = 1157.1933514185;

    myRo =
            275, 800 * 1000, 0, FastMath.toRadians(40), 16 * FastMath.PI / 12, 150, 150, 0, 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (roTestCase - myRo) / roTestCase, 1e-14);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tzTestCase - atm.getT()) / tzTestCase, 1e-13);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tinfTestCase - atm.getTinf()) / tinfTestCase, 1e-13);

    //      IDEM., day=355

    roTestCase = 1.7343324462212e-17 * 1000;
    tzTestCase = 1033.0277846356;
    tinfTestCase = 1033.0282703200;

    myRo =
            355, 800 * 1000, 0, FastMath.toRadians(40), 16 * FastMath.PI / 12, 150, 150, 0, 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (roTestCase - myRo) / roTestCase, 2e-14);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tzTestCase - atm.getT()) / tzTestCase, 1e-13);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tinfTestCase - atm.getTinf()) / tinfTestCase, 1e-13);
    //      IDEM., day=85

    roTestCase = 2.9983740796297e-17 * 1000;
    tzTestCase = 1169.5405086196;
    tinfTestCase = 1169.5485768345;

    myRo =
            85, 800 * 1000, 0, FastMath.toRadians(40), 16 * FastMath.PI / 12, 150, 150, 0, 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (roTestCase - myRo) / roTestCase, 1e-14);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tzTestCase - atm.getT()) / tzTestCase, 1e-13);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, (tinfTestCase - atm.getTinf()) / tinfTestCase, 1e-13);

    //      alt=500.
    //      lat=-70.      NB: the subroutine requires latitude in rad
    //      day=15.
    //      hl=16.        NB: the subroutine requires local time in rad (0hr=0 rad)
    //      xlon=0.
    //      fm(1)=70.
    //      f(1) =fm(1)
    //      fm(2)=0.
    //      f(2)=0.
    //      akp(1)=0.
    //      akp(2)=0.
    //      akp(3)=0.
    //      akp(4)=0.
    //      ro=    1.3150282384722D-16
    //      tz=    793.65487014559
    //      tinf=    793.65549802348
    //        roTestCase =    1.3150282384722E-16;
    //        tzTestCase=    793.65487014559;
    //        tinfTestCase=    793.65549802348;

    atm.getDensity(15, 500 * 1000, 0, FastMath.toRadians(-70), 16 * FastMath.PI / 12, 70, 70, 0, 0);

    //      IDEM., alt=800.
    //      ro=    1.9556768571305D-18
    //      tz=    793.65549797919
    //      tinf=    793.65549802348
    atm.getDensity(15, 800 * 1000, 0, FastMath.toRadians(-70), 16 * FastMath.PI / 12, 70, 70, 0, 0);