コード例 #1
  protected void prepare(
      Map stormConf, final TopologyContext context, final IOutputCollector collector) {

    _rand = new Random();
    _collector = collector;

    _context = context;

    heartbeatTimeoutMills = getHeartbeatTimeoutMillis(stormConf);

    _process = new NuShellProcess(_command, this, this);

    // subprocesses must send their pid first thing
    Number subpid = _process.launch(stormConf, context);
    LOG.info("Launched subprocess with pid " + subpid);
    this.pid = subpid.longValue();

     * randomizing the initial delay would prevent all shell bolts from heartbeating at the same
     * time frame
    int initialDelayMillis = random.nextInt(4000) + 1000;
    BoltHeartbeatTimerTask task = new BoltHeartbeatTimerTask(this);
        task, initialDelayMillis, getHeartbeatPeriodMillis(stormConf), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);