コード例 #1
  * Unlinks, or removes, a given {@code Node} from this LinkedList's structure.
  * <p>This operation constitutes a structural modification.
  * @param n The node to unlink.
  * @return The data previously contained by the given node.
 private E unlink(Node<E> n) {
   final E element = n.item;
   final Node<E> previous = n.previousLink;
   final Node<E> next = n.nextLink;
   if (previous == null) {
     first = next;
   } else {
     previous.nextLink = next;
     n.previousLink = null;
   if (next == null) {
     last = previous;
   } else {
     next.previousLink = previous;
     n.nextLink = null;
   n.item = null;
   return element;
コード例 #2
  * Links the given element as the first link in the structure. In the case that the old first
  * element is {@code null}, the first and last link are made to refer to the same link.
  * <p>This operation constitutes a structural modification.
  * @param element The data for the new first link of the structure.
 private void linkFirst(E element) {
   final Node<E> oldFirst = first;
   final Node<E> newFirst = new Node<>(element, null, first);
   first = newFirst;
   if (oldFirst == null) {
     last = newFirst;
   } else {
     oldFirst.previousLink = newFirst;
コード例 #3
  * Removes all elements contained within this {@code LinkedList}. After this method call, {@link
  * #isEmpty()} should always return {@code true}.
  * <p>This operation constitutes a structural modification.
 public void clear() {
   Node<E> next;
   for (Node<E> n = first; n != null; n = next) {
     next = n.nextLink;
     n.item = null;
     n.previousLink = null;
     n.nextLink = null;
   first = null;
   last = null;
   size = 0;
コード例 #4
  * Unlinks the last node in the structure, returning the data that was previously contained by it.
  * <p>This operation constitutes a structural modification.
  * @param l The last node to remove from this structure.
  * @return The data previously contained by the given node.
 private E unlinkLast(Node<E> l) {
   final E element = l.item;
   final Node<E> previous = l.previousLink;
   l.item = null;
   l.previousLink = null;
   last = previous;
   if (previous == null) {
     first = null;
   } else {
     previous.nextLink = null;
   return element;
コード例 #5
  * Unlinks the first node in the structure, returning the data that was previously contained by
  * it.
  * <p>This operation constitutes a structural modification.
  * @param f The first node to remove from this structure.
  * @return The data previously contained by the given node.
 private E unlinkFirst(Node<E> f) {
   final E element = f.item;
   final Node<E> next = f.nextLink;
   f.item = null;
   f.nextLink = null;
   first = next;
   if (next == null) {
     last = null;
   } else {
     next.previousLink = null;
   return element;
コード例 #6
   * Inserts into this {@code LinkedList} all elements contained within the given {@code Collection}
   * argument at the given index. This operation uses the iterator of the given collection,
   * therefore, care should be taken if the order of the elements that are being inserted must be
   * preserved. Finally, should the given collection be modified during the run of this method, the
   * resulting behavior is undefined.
   * <p>This operation constitutes a structural modification.
   * @param index The index
   * @param c The {@code Collection} containing the elements to to this {@code LinkedList}.
   * @return {@code true} if the add operation was successful, {@code false} otherwise.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified argument {@code c} is {@code null}.
  public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(c, "Invalid null Collection!");

    Object[] elements = c.toArray();
    int newElementCount = elements.length;
    if (newElementCount == 0) {
      return false;

    Node<E> previous, succeeding;
    if (index == size) {
      succeeding = null;
      previous = last;
    } else {
      succeeding = nodeAt(index);
      previous = succeeding.previousLink;

    for (Object obj : elements) {
      E element = (E) obj;
      Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(element, previous, null);
      if (previous == null) {
        first = newNode;
      } else {
        previous.nextLink = newNode;
      previous = newNode;

    if (succeeding == null) {
      last = previous;
    } else {
      previous.nextLink = succeeding;
      succeeding.previousLink = previous;

    size += newElementCount;
    return true;