/** * Returns the cypher representation of the chain of relationships, * <p> * Example: * <pre> * (n1:ENTITY {id: {n1}.id}) -[r0:type0 {property: {r0}.property}]-> (n2:EMBEDDED {property: {n2}.property}) -[r1:type1]-> (n3:EMBEDDED) * <pre> */ public String toCypher() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(start.toCypher()); for (NextRelationship relationship : stream) { builder.append(" -["); if (!relationship.getProperties().isEmpty()) { builder.append(relationship.getAlias()); } builder.append(":"); builder.append(relationship.getRelationshipType()); if (!relationship.getProperties().isEmpty()) { builder.append(" {"); boolean first = true; for (String property : relationship.getProperties().keySet()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { builder.append(", "); } escapeIdentifier(builder, property); builder.append(": {"); builder.append(relationship.getAlias()); builder.append("}."); escapeIdentifier(builder, property); } builder.append(" }"); } builder.append("]-> "); builder.append(relationship.getEnd().toCypher()); } return builder.toString(); }
/** Define a property on the last relationship of the chain. */ public RelationshipsChainForGraphAssertions property(String name, Object value) { NextRelationship relationship = stream.get(stream.size() - 1); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> properties = (Map<String, Object>) params.get(relationship.getAlias()); if (properties == null) { params.put(relationship.getAlias(), relationship.getProperties()); } relationship.addProperty(name, value); return this; }