コード例 #1
ファイル: ServiceMiseAJour.java プロジェクト: blobule/seboid
  // onHandleIntent tourne dans un autre thread....
  public void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onHandle!");

    if (!NetUtil.networkOK(this.getApplicationContext())) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              Toast.makeText(ServiceMiseAJour.this, "Pas d'accès au réseau", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

    // commence par demander un "busy" si l'app ecoute ce signal...
    Intent in = new Intent("com.seboid.udem.BUSY");
    in.putExtra("busy", true);

    // extract period info..
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long start = intent.getLongExtra("start", now);
    long stop = intent.getLongExtra("stop", now + 6 * 24 * 3600 * 1000);

    String startDay = TempsUtil.aujourdhui(start, 0);
    String stopDay = TempsUtil.aujourdhui(stop, 0);

    NotificationManager mNM;
    mNM = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

    SharedPreferences preferences =

    // long past = (long)(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 -
    // Long.parseLong(preferences.getString("savetime","365"))*24*3600);

    // load all event summaries
    EventsAPI events = new EventsAPI("evenements", null, startDay, stopDay);
    if (events == null || events.erreur != null) {
      Log.d(TAG, "events null");
      // enlever le BUSY
      in = new Intent("com.seboid.udem.BUSY");
      in.putExtra("busy", false);


    DBHelper dbH = new DBHelper(this);
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbH.getWritableDatabase();

    int nb = 0;

    HashMap<String, String> hm;
    ContentValues val = new ContentValues();
    for (int i = 0; i < events.hmList.size(); i++) {
      hm = events.hmList.get(i);

      // passer en determinate
      in = new Intent("com.seboid.udem.BUSY");
      in.putExtra("progress", (i * 10000) / (events.hmList.size() - 1));

      // if( (Integer)hm.get("time") < past ) { }

      int id = Integer.parseInt(hm.get("id"));
      long modif = Long.parseLong(hm.get("epoch_modif"));

      // ajouter a la base de donnee
      val.put(DBHelper.C_ID, id);
      val.put(DBHelper.C_TITRE, hm.get("titre"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_DESCRIPTION, hm.get("description"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_NOM, hm.get("contact_nom"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_COURRIEL, hm.get("contact_courriel"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_TEL, hm.get("contact_tel"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_URL, hm.get("contact_url"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_SERIE, hm.get("serie"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_COUT, hm.get("cout"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_DATE, hm.get("date"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_HEURE_DEBUT, hm.get("heure_debut"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_HEURE_FIN, hm.get("heure_fin"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_DATE_MODIF, hm.get("date_modif"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_TYPE_HORAIRE, hm.get("type_horaire"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_VIGNETTE, hm.get("vignette"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IMAGE, hm.get("image"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_EPOCH_DEBUT, Long.parseLong(hm.get("epoch_debut")));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_EPOCH_FIN, Long.parseLong(hm.get("epoch_fin")));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_EPOCH_MODIF, modif);
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_LIEUX, hm.get("ids_lieux"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_GROUPES, hm.get("ids_groupes"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_CATEGORIES, hm.get("ids_categories"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_SOUSCATEGORIES, hm.get("ids_souscategories"));

      //			try {
      //				Uri u=getContentResolver().insert(UdeMContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, val);
      //				if( u!=null ) nb++;
      //			} catch( SQLiteConstraintException e ) {
      //				Log.d(TAG,"already inserted");
      //			}
      try {
        db.insertOrThrow(DBHelper.TABLE_E, null, val);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        // deja dans la base de donnee...
        // on va verifier le epoch_modif de la bd et comparer au notre...
        // si ce cursor est vide, c'est que la date de modif n'a pas changee
        Cursor c =
                new String[] {DBHelper.C_ID, DBHelper.C_EPOCH_MODIF},
                "_id=" + id + " and " + DBHelper.C_EPOCH_MODIF + "<" + modif,
        if (c == null) continue;
        int count = c.getCount();
        if (count == 0) continue;
        // on a trouve quelque chose... on doit donc faire un update sur cet event.

      // va chercher chaque event individuel...
      EventAPI event = new EventAPI(id);
      if (events == null || events.erreur != null) {
        Log.d(TAG, "event " + id + " not loaded");
      // update a partir de l'evenement complet
      hm = event.base;

      // ajouter a la base de donnee
      val.put(DBHelper.C_ID, id);
      val.put(DBHelper.C_TITRE, hm.get("titre"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_DESCRIPTION, hm.get("description"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_NOM, hm.get("contact_nom"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_COURRIEL, hm.get("contact_courriel"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_TEL, hm.get("contact_tel"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_CONTACT_URL, hm.get("contact_url"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_SERIE, hm.get("serie"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_COUT, hm.get("cout"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_DATE, hm.get("date"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_HEURE_DEBUT, hm.get("heure_debut"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_HEURE_FIN, hm.get("heure_fin"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_DATE_MODIF, hm.get("date_modif"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_TYPE_HORAIRE, hm.get("type_horaire"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_VIGNETTE, hm.get("vignette"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IMAGE, hm.get("image"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_EPOCH_DEBUT, Long.parseLong(hm.get("epoch_debut")));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_EPOCH_FIN, Long.parseLong(hm.get("epoch_fin")));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_EPOCH_MODIF, Long.parseLong(hm.get("epoch_modif")));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_LIEUX, hm.get("ids_lieux"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_GROUPES, hm.get("ids_groupes"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_CATEGORIES, hm.get("ids_categories"));
      val.put(DBHelper.C_IDS_SOUSCATEGORIES, hm.get("ids_souscategories"));

      try {
        db.update(DBHelper.TABLE_E, val, "_id=" + id, null);
      } catch (SQLException e) {

      // categories
      for (i = 0; i < event.catList.size(); i++) {
        hm = event.catList.get(i);
        val.put(DBHelper.C_C_ID, hm.get("id_categorie"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_C_DESC, hm.get("categorie_nom"));
        try {
          db.insertOrThrow(DBHelper.TABLE_C, null, val);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

      // souscategories
      for (i = 0; i < event.souscatList.size(); i++) {
        hm = event.souscatList.get(i);
        val.put(DBHelper.C_SC_ID, hm.get("id_categorie"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_SC_DESC, hm.get("categorie_nom"));
        try {
          db.insertOrThrow(DBHelper.TABLE_SC, null, val);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

      // groupes
      for (i = 0; i < event.groupeList.size(); i++) {
        hm = event.groupeList.get(i);
        val.put(DBHelper.C_SC_ID, hm.get("id_groupe"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_SC_DESC, hm.get("groupe_nom"));
        try {
          db.insertOrThrow(DBHelper.TABLE_G, null, val);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

      // lieux
      for (i = 0; i < event.lieuList.size(); i++) {
        hm = event.lieuList.get(i);
        val.put(DBHelper.C_SC_ID, hm.get("id_lieu"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_SC_DESC, hm.get("lieu_nom"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_SALLE, hm.get("salle"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_ADRESSE, hm.get("adresse"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_ADRESSE2, hm.get("adresse2"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_VILLE, hm.get("ville"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_PROVINCE, hm.get("province"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_PAYS, hm.get("pays"));
        val.put(DBHelper.C_L_CODEPOSTAL, hm.get("code_postal"));
        try {
          val.put(DBHelper.C_L_LATITUDE, Double.parseDouble(hm.get("latitude")));
          val.put(DBHelper.C_L_LONGITUDE, Double.parseDouble(hm.get("longitude")));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        ; // un null probablement
        try {
          db.insertOrThrow(DBHelper.TABLE_L, null, val);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    Log.d(TAG, "added " + nb + " events");

    //				try {
    //					db.update(DBHelper.TABLE, val, DBHelper.C_ID+"="+id , null);
    //				} catch ( SQLException e ) {
    //					Log.d("service","probleme de update dans la DB :-(");
    //				}

    //// now remove everything that is too old...
    //		int k=getContentResolver().delete(UdeMContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, DBHelper.C_TIME+" <
    // "+past, null);

    // efface tout ce qui est trop vieux (dans le passe, par exemple
    //		int k=db.delete(DBHelper.TABLE, DBHelper.C_TIME+" < "+past, null);
    //		Log.d(TAG,"removed "+k+" old messages");

    // libere la memoire
    events = null;

    String info;
    if (nb == 0) info = "Aucun nouvel évenement.";
    else info = nb + (nb > 1 ? " nouveaux évenements." : " nouvel évenement.");

    //		// termine en enlevant le "busy" si l'app ecoute ce signal...
    in = new Intent("com.seboid.udem.BUSY");
    in.putExtra("busy", false);

    // Verifions si le broadcastreceiver BUSY est disponible.
    // Si c'est le cas, on va faire un toast plutot qu'une notification
    showNotification(mNM, info);

    // scheduleNextUpdate();