/** This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopInit() { ColorImage image; try { image = camera.getImage(); image.write("unedited.jpg"); BinaryImage bImage = image.thresholdRGB(160, 255, 160, 255, 160, 255); bImage.write("whitemask.jpg"); MonoImage mImage = image.getLuminancePlane(); mImage.write("luminancePlane.jpg"); image.free(); bImage.free(); } catch (NIVisionException e) { System.out.println("Error retrieving image: NIVisionException"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (AxisCameraException e) { System.out.println("Error retrieving image: AxisCameraException"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean processImage() { boolean debugWriteImages = true; boolean success = cam.freshImage(); if (success) { try { System.out.println("In Try loop"); ColorImage im = cam.getImage(); System.out.println("Got image"); if (debugWriteImages) { im.write("image1.jpg"); System.out.println("Wrote color image"); } BinaryImage thresholdIm = im.thresholdRGB(redLow, redHigh, greenLow, greenHigh, blueLow, blueHigh); if (debugWriteImages) { thresholdIm.write("image2.jpg"); System.err.println("Wrote Threshold Image"); } BinaryImage filteredBoxIm = thresholdIm.particleFilter(boxCriteria); ParticleAnalysisReport[] xparticles = filteredBoxIm.getOrderedParticleAnalysisReports(); System.out.println(xparticles.length + " particles at " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); BinaryImage filteredInertiaIm = filteredBoxIm.particleFilter(inertiaCriteria); ParticleAnalysisReport[] particles = filteredInertiaIm.getOrderedParticleAnalysisReports(); System.out.println(particles.length + " particles at " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); // Loop through targets, find highest one. // Targets aren't found yet. highTarget = Target.NullTarget; target1 = Target.NullTarget; target2 = Target.NullTarget; target3 = Target.NullTarget; target4 = Target.NullTarget; System.out.println("Targets created"); double minY = IMAGE_HEIGHT; // Minimum y <-> higher in image. for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { Target t = new Target(i, particles[i]); if (t.ratio > ratioMin && t.ratio < ratioMax) { addTarget(t); if (t.centerY <= minY) { highTarget = t; } } System.out.println( "Target " + i + ": (" + t.centerX + "," + t.centerY + ") Distance: " + getDistance(t)); } System.out.println("Best target: " + highTarget.index); System.out.println("Distance to the target: " + getDistance(highTarget)); if (debugWriteImages) { filteredBoxIm.write("image3.jpg"); filteredInertiaIm.write("image4.jpg"); System.out.println("Wrote Images"); } // Free memory from images. im.free(); thresholdIm.free(); filteredBoxIm.free(); filteredInertiaIm.free(); } catch (AxisCameraException ex) { System.out.println("Axis Camera Exception Gotten" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (NIVisionException ex) { System.out.println("NIVision Exception Gotten - " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } return success; }