コード例 #1
  /** Call this to build the {@link Notification}. */
  public void buildNotification(
      final String albumName,
      final String artistName,
      final String trackName,
      final Long albumId,
      final Bitmap albumArt,
      final boolean isPlaying) {

    // Default notification layout
    mNotificationTemplate =
        new RemoteViews(mService.getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_template_base);

    // Set up the content view
    initCollapsedLayout(trackName, artistName, albumArt);

    //  Save this for debugging
    PendingIntent pendingintent = getPendingIntent();

    // Notification Builder
    Notification aNotification =
        new NotificationCompat.Builder(mService)
            .setPriority(0) // (Notification.PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
    // Control playback from the notification

    // Expanded notification style
    mExpandedView =
        new RemoteViews(mService.getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_template_expanded_base);

    aNotification.bigContentView = mExpandedView;

    // Control playback from the notification
    // Set up the expanded content view
    initExpandedLayout(trackName, albumName, artistName, albumArt);

    mNotification = aNotification;
    mService.startForeground(APOLLO_MUSIC_SERVICE, mNotification);