コード例 #1
  /** Tests that testConnection gives error if pvalue is invalid. */
  public void testPvalueNotInInterval() throws Exception {
    MockedCertificateSamplerCustomPublisher publisher;
    Properties config;

    // Profile pvalue=-0.5 (illegal)
    config = new Properties();
    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_ALL");
    config.setProperty("profileid." + PROFILE_A + ".samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_PROBABILISTIC");
    config.setProperty("profileid." + PROFILE_A + ".pvalue", "-0.5");

    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as pvalue is not in the [0, 1] range");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD

    // Default pvalue=-0.5 (illegal)
    config = new Properties();
    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_PROBABILISTIC");
    config.setProperty("default.pvalue", "-0.5");

    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as pvalue is not in the [0, 1] range");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
コード例 #2
   * Tests that testConnection and storeCertificate gives error if there is an invalid sampling
   * method.
  public void testInvalidSamplingMethod() throws Exception {
    MockedCertificateSamplerCustomPublisher publisher;
    Properties config;

    // Default sampling method: INVALID
    config = new Properties();
    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "_INVALID_");

    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as '_INVALID_' is not an existing sampling method");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      storeCertificate(publisher, SecConst.CERT_ACTIVE, ANY_PROFILEID);
      fail("Should have failed as '_INVALID_' is not an existing sampling method");
    } catch (PublisherException expected) {
    } // NOPMD

    // Profile sampling method: INVALID
    config = new Properties();
    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_ALL");
    config.setProperty("profileid." + PROFILE_A + ".samplingmethod", "_INVALID_");

    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as '_INVALID_' is not an existing sampling method");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      storeCertificate(publisher, SecConst.CERT_ACTIVE, PROFILE_A);
      fail("Should have failed as '_INVALID_' is not an existing sampling method");
    } catch (PublisherException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
コード例 #3
  /** Tests that testConnection gives error if there is an invalid profile key. */
  public void testInvalidProfileKey() throws Exception {
    MockedCertificateSamplerCustomPublisher publisher;
    Properties config;

    // Profile pvalue=-0.5 (illegal)
    config = new Properties();
    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_ALL");
    config.setProperty("profileid.INVALID.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_ALL");

    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as 'INVALID' is not an legal profile id");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
コード例 #4
   * Tests that storeCertificate and testConnection throws Exception as the property for the default
   * sampling method is missing.
  public void testNoDefaultSamplingMethod() throws Exception {
    MockedCertificateSamplerCustomPublisher publisher;
    Properties config = new Properties();

    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());

    // Test storeCertificate
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      storeCertificate(publisher, SecConst.CERT_ACTIVE, ANY_PROFILEID);
      fail("Should have failed as property outputfolder was missing");
    } catch (PublisherException expected) {
    } // NOPMD

    // Test testConnection
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as property outputfolder was missing");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
コード例 #5
   * Tests that storeCertificate and testConnection throws Exception as the property output folder
   * is missing.
  public void testNoOutputFolder() throws Exception {
    MockedCertificateSamplerCustomPublisher publisher;
    Properties config = new Properties();

    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_ALL");

    // Test storeCertificate
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      storeCertificate(publisher, SecConst.CERT_ACTIVE, ANY_PROFILEID);
      fail("Should have failed as property outputfolder was missing");
    } catch (PublisherException expected) {
    } // NOPMD

    // Test testConnection
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as property outputfolder was missing");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD
コード例 #6
   * Tests that storeCertificate and testConnection throws Exception as the pvalue for a profile is
   * missing.
  public void testNoPValueForProfileSamplingMethod() throws Exception {
    MockedCertificateSamplerCustomPublisher publisher;
    Properties config = new Properties();

    config.setProperty("outputfolder", TEMP_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
    config.setProperty("default.samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_ALL");
    config.setProperty("profileid." + PROFILE_A + ".samplingmethod", "SAMPLE_PROBABILISTIC");

    // Test storeCertificate
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      storeCertificate(publisher, SecConst.CERT_ACTIVE, PROFILE_A);
      fail("Should have failed as no default pvalue for profile A specified");
    } catch (PublisherException expected) {
    } // NOPMD

    // Test testConnection
    publisher = createMockedPublisher(config);
    try {
      fail("Should have failed as no pvalue for a profile specified");
    } catch (PublisherConnectionException expected) {
    } // NOPMD