コード例 #1
   * This method is invoked when a round finishes
   * @see gridsim.auction.OneSidedAuction#onClose(int)
  public void onClose(int round) {

    // our implementation of the first price sealed auction has
    // a single round. So, since we are using a reverse auction, the
    // lowest bid is the best one
    MessageBid best = getFirstBid(-1);

    if (best != null) {
      double price = best.getPrice();

      // if the price of the bid is below the reserve price, it means
      // that the broker will accept the offer and will send the job
      // to be executed by the resource provider
      if (price <= super.getReservePrice()) {
      } else {
    } else {
      // there is no best bid, what means that no resource provider
      // has bidden to execute the job
コード例 #2
  * @param round
  * @param excBidder the bids done by excBidder will be excluded from the response
  * @return
 private synchronized LinkedList getBids(int round, int excBidder) {
   LinkedList aux = new LinkedList();
   synchronized (this) {
     Iterator iter = bids.iterator();
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
       MessageBid bid = (MessageBid) iter.next();
       if (bid.getRound() == round && bid.getBidder() != excBidder) {
   return aux;