コード例 #1
 public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
   Iterator e = fActions.values().iterator();
   while (e.hasNext()) {
     Object next = e.next();
     if (next instanceof MergeViewerAction) {
       MergeViewerAction action = (MergeViewerAction) next;
       if (action.isSelectionDependent()) action.update();
コード例 #2
 void updateContentDependantActions() {
   Iterator e = fActions.values().iterator();
   while (e.hasNext()) {
     Object next = e.next();
     if (next instanceof MergeViewerAction) {
       MergeViewerAction action = (MergeViewerAction) next;
       if (action.isContentDependent()) action.update();
コード例 #3
 /** update all actions independent of their type */
 public void updateActions() {
   Iterator e = fActions.values().iterator();
   while (e.hasNext()) {
     Object next = e.next();
     if (next instanceof MergeViewerAction) {
       MergeViewerAction action = (MergeViewerAction) next;
     } else if (next instanceof FindReplaceAction) {
       FindReplaceAction action = (FindReplaceAction) next;
     } else if (next instanceof ChangeEncodingAction) {
       ChangeEncodingAction action = (ChangeEncodingAction) next;
コード例 #4
  * Sets the dirty state of the right side of this viewer. If the new value differs from the old
  * all registered listener are notified with a <code>PropertyChangeEvent</code> with the property
  * name <code>CompareEditorInput.DIRTY_STATE</code>.
  * @param dirty the state of the right side dirty flag
 protected void setRightDirty(boolean dirty) {
   if (isRightDirty() != dirty) {
     // Only fire the event if the combined dirty state has changed
     if ((!isRightDirty() && !isLeftDirty()) || (isRightDirty() && !isLeftDirty()))
コード例 #5
  public IAction getAction(String actionId) {
    IAction action = (IAction) fActions.get(actionId);
    if (action == null) {
      action = createAction(actionId);
      if (action == null) return null;
      if (action instanceof MergeViewerAction) {
        MergeViewerAction mva = (MergeViewerAction) action;
        if (mva.isContentDependent()) getSourceViewer().addTextListener(this);
        if (mva.isSelectionDependent()) getSourceViewer().addSelectionChangedListener(this);

            action, fResourceBundle, "action." + actionId + "."); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
      addAction(actionId, action);
    if (action instanceof MergeViewerAction) {
      MergeViewerAction mva = (MergeViewerAction) action;
      if (mva.isEditableDependent() && !getSourceViewer().isEditable()) return null;
    return action;
コード例 #6
   * Creates a new content merge viewer and initializes with a resource bundle and a configuration.
   * @param style SWT style bits
   * @param bundle the resource bundle
   * @param cc the configuration object
  protected ContentMergeViewer(int style, ResourceBundle bundle, CompareConfiguration cc) {

    fStyles = style & ~(SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT | SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT); // remove
    // BIDI
    // direction
    // bits
    fBundle = bundle;

    fAncestorVisible =
        Utilities.getBoolean(cc, ICompareUIConstants.PROP_ANCESTOR_VISIBLE, fAncestorVisible);
    fConfirmSave = Utilities.getBoolean(cc, CompareEditor.CONFIRM_SAVE_PROPERTY, fConfirmSave);

    setContentProvider(new MergeViewerContentProvider(cc));

    fCompareInputChangeListener =
        new ICompareInputChangeListener() {
          public void compareInputChanged(ICompareInput input) {
            if (input == getInput()) {

    // Make sure the compare configuration is not null
    if (cc == null) fCompareConfiguration = new CompareConfiguration();
    else fCompareConfiguration = cc;
    fPropertyChangeListener =
        new IPropertyChangeListener() {
          public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {

    fLeftSaveAction = new SaveAction(true);
    fRightSaveAction = new SaveAction(false);

    // this is used to update the dirty status,if we use
    // org.eclipse.php.internal.ui.compare.ContentMergeViewer,we will get a
    // ClassCastException
    cmv =
        new org.eclipse.compare.contentmergeviewer.ContentMergeViewer(
            fStyles, fBundle, fCompareConfiguration) {

          protected void createControls(Composite composite) {}

          protected void handleResizeAncestor(int x, int y, int width, int height) {}

          protected void handleResizeLeftRight(
              int x, int y, int leftWidth, int centerWidth, int rightWidth, int height) {}

          protected void updateContent(Object ancestor, Object left, Object right) {}

          protected void copy(boolean leftToRight) {}

          protected byte[] getContents(boolean left) {
            return null;

          public boolean internalIsLeftDirty() {
            return ContentMergeViewer.this.isLeftDirty();

          public boolean internalIsRightDirty() {
            return ContentMergeViewer.this.isRightDirty();
コード例 #7
  * Return the dirty state of the left side of this viewer.
  * @return the dirty state of the left side of this viewer
  * @since 3.3
 protected boolean isLeftDirty() {
   return fLeftSaveAction.isEnabled();
コード例 #8
  * Return the dirty state of the right side of this viewer.
  * @return the dirty state of the right side of this viewer
  * @since 3.3
 protected boolean isRightDirty() {
   return fRightSaveAction.isEnabled();