コード例 #1
 public void testByteArrayAllocation() {
   GemFireCacheImpl gfc = createCache();
   try {
     MemoryAllocator ma = gfc.getOffHeapStore();
     final long offHeapSize = ma.getFreeMemory();
     assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
     byte[] data = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
     MemoryChunk mc1 = (MemoryChunk) ma.allocateAndInitialize(data, false, false, null);
     assertEquals(data.length + perObjectOverhead(), ma.getUsedMemory());
     assertEquals(offHeapSize - (data.length + perObjectOverhead()), ma.getFreeMemory());
     byte[] data2 = new byte[data.length];
     mc1.readBytes(0, data2);
     assertTrue(Arrays.equals(data, data2));
     assertEquals(offHeapSize, ma.getFreeMemory());
     assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
     // try some small byte[] that don't need to be stored off heap.
     data = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
     StoredObject so1 = ma.allocateAndInitialize(data, false, false, null);
     assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
     assertEquals(offHeapSize, ma.getFreeMemory());
     data2 = new byte[data.length];
     data2 = (byte[]) so1.getDeserializedForReading();
     assertTrue(Arrays.equals(data, data2));
   } finally {
     closeCache(gfc, false);
コード例 #2
 public void testSizeAllocation() {
   // prevent cache from closing in reaction to ooom
   System.setProperty(OffHeapStorage.STAY_CONNECTED_ON_OUTOFOFFHEAPMEMORY_PROPERTY, "true");
   GemFireCacheImpl gfc = createCache();
   try {
     MemoryAllocator ma = gfc.getOffHeapStore();
     final long offHeapSize = ma.getFreeMemory();
     assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
     MemoryChunk mc1 = ma.allocate(64, null);
     assertEquals(64 + perObjectOverhead(), ma.getUsedMemory());
     assertEquals(offHeapSize - (64 + perObjectOverhead()), ma.getFreeMemory());
     assertEquals(offHeapSize, ma.getFreeMemory());
     assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
     // do an allocation larger than the slab size
     // TODO: currently the compact will product slabs bigger than the max slab size
     // (see the todo comment on compact() in SimpleMemoryAllocator).
     // So we request 20m here since that it the total size.
     try {
       ma.allocate(1024 * 1024 * 20, null);
       fail("Expected an out of heap exception");
     } catch (OutOfOffHeapMemoryException expected) {
     assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
   } finally {
     closeCache(gfc, false);
コード例 #3
  public void keep_testOutOfOffHeapMemoryErrorClosesCache() {
    // this test is redundant but may be useful
    final GemFireCacheImpl gfc = createCache();
    try {
      MemoryAllocator ma = gfc.getOffHeapStore();
      final long offHeapSize = ma.getFreeMemory();
      assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
      MemoryChunk mc1 = ma.allocate(64, null);
      assertEquals(64 + perObjectOverhead(), ma.getUsedMemory());
      assertEquals(offHeapSize - (64 + perObjectOverhead()), ma.getFreeMemory());
      assertEquals(offHeapSize, ma.getFreeMemory());
      assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());
      // do an allocation larger than the slab size
      try {
        ma.allocate(1024 * 1024 * 10, null);
        fail("Expected an out of heap exception");
      } catch (OutOfOffHeapMemoryException expected) {
        // passed
      assertEquals(0, ma.getUsedMemory());

      final WaitCriterion waitForDisconnect =
          new WaitCriterion() {
            public boolean done() {
              return gfc.isClosed();

            public String description() {
              return "Waiting for disconnect to complete";
      dunit.DistributedTestCase.waitForCriterion(waitForDisconnect, 10 * 1000, 100, true);

    } finally {
      closeCache(gfc, false);