コード例 #1
 public String getQueryParameterFilter(MarrsQuery mq, String key) {
   String q = mq.getQueryText();
   Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{" + key + "(\\|([\\w-]+))?\\}");
   Matcher mat = pat.matcher(q);
   if (mat.find()) {
     return mat.group(2);
   } else return null;
コード例 #2
   * Gets a set of query substitution parameters. The resulting map contains the parameters as keys,
   * and the (optional) filters as values
  public Map<String, String> getQueryParameters(MarrsQuery mq) {
    Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();

    String q = mq.getQueryText();
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(\\w+)(\\|([\\w-]+))?\\}");
    Matcher mat = pat.matcher(q);
    while (mat.find()) {
      String key = mat.group(1);
      String filter = mat.group(3);
      result.put(key, filter);

    return result;
コード例 #3
  public void saveToFile(File dest) throws IOException {
    File temp = File.createTempFile(dest.getName(), ".tmp", dest.getParentFile());

    try {
      Element root = new Element("MarrsProject");
      root.setAttribute("title", title);
      root.setAttribute("schemaversion", "" + CURRENT_SCHEMAVERSION);

      for (MarrsQuery q : rows) {
        Element queryElt = new Element("Query");
        CDATA data = new CDATA(q.getQueryText());

        queryElt.setAttribute("title", q.getTitle());
        queryElt.setAttribute("type", "" + q.getQueryType());

        if (q.getAskBefore() != null) {
          Element askElt = new Element("AskBefore");
          askElt.setAttribute("key", q.getAskBefore());

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> context : q.getContext().entrySet()) {
          Element contextElt = new Element("Context");
              "key", context.getKey()); // for now, we only use "type" to filter context, so this is
          // hardcoded.
          contextElt.setAttribute("value", context.getValue());

        for (String var : q.getPostProcessingVars()) {
          Element processElt = new Element("PostProcessing");
              "var", var); // for now, we only use "type" to filter context, so this is hardcoded.
          processElt.setAttribute("operation", q.getPostProcessingOperation(var));


      for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : parameters.entrySet()) {
        Element paramElt = new Element("Param");
        paramElt.setAttribute("key", param.getKey());
        paramElt.setAttribute("val", param.getValue());

      for (NodeAttribute attr : nodeAttributes) {
        Element nodeAttr = new Element("NodeAttribute");
        nodeAttr.setAttribute("key", attr.key);
        nodeAttr.setAttribute("value", attr.value);

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : attr.vizprops.entrySet()) {
          Element vizprop = new Element("Vizmap");
          vizprop.setAttribute("prop", e.getKey());
          vizprop.setAttribute("value", e.getValue());

      Document doc = new Document(root);
      XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter();
      Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
      xout.output(doc, new FileOutputStream(temp));

      dirty = false;
    } finally {
コード例 #4
  public static MarrsProject createFromFile(InputSource in) throws JDOMException, IOException {
    List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>();

    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false); // no validation when reading the xml file
    // try to read the file; if an error occurs, catch the exception and print feedback

    // build JDOM tree
    Document doc = builder.build(in);

    // Copy the pathway information to a VPathway
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    if (!root.getName().equals("MarrsProject")) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a MarrsProject file");

    MarrsProject project = new MarrsProject();
    project.title = root.getAttributeValue("title");
    Double version = StringUtils.safeParseDouble(root.getAttributeValue("schemaversion"));
    if (version == null || version > CURRENT_SCHEMAVERSION) {
          "WARNING: project file version is higher than this plugin version. You'll have to upgrade the plugin to make full use of any new features.");

    // if missing, may be null. String values are allowed...
    project.pubVersion = root.getAttributeValue("pubversion");

    for (Object o : root.getChildren("Query")) {
      Element eQuery = (Element) o;
      String title = eQuery.getAttributeValue("title");
      String typeName = eQuery.getAttributeValue("type");
      QueryType found = findQueryType(typeName);
      if (found == null) {
        warnings.add("WARNING: Parse error, query type " + typeName + " unknown. Skipping query");

      String queryText = eQuery.getText();

      MarrsQuery q = new MarrsQuery(title, queryText, found);

      for (Object context : eQuery.getChildren("Context")) {
        Element eContext = (Element) context;
        String key = eContext.getAttributeValue("key");
        String val = eContext.getAttributeValue("value");

        if (val != null) q.putContext(key, val);

      for (Object test : eQuery.getChildren("Test")) {
        Element eTest = (Element) test;
        String key = eTest.getAttributeValue("key");
        String val = eTest.getAttributeValue("value");

        if (val != null) {
          q.setTestParam(key, val);

      Object ask = eQuery.getChild("AskBefore");
      if (ask != null) {
        String key = ((Element) ask).getAttributeValue("key");

      for (Object pp : eQuery.getChildren("PostProcessing")) {
        String var = ((Element) pp).getAttributeValue("var");
        String operation = ((Element) pp).getAttributeValue("operation");
        q.setPostProcessing(var, operation);


    for (Object o : root.getChildren("Param")) {
      Element eParam = (Element) o;
      String key = eParam.getAttributeValue("key");
      String val = eParam.getAttributeValue("val");
      project.setQueryParameter(key, val);

    for (Object o : root.getChildren("NodeAttribute")) {
      NodeAttribute attr = new NodeAttribute();

      Element eNodeAttribute = (Element) o;
      attr.key = eNodeAttribute.getAttributeValue("key");
      attr.value = eNodeAttribute.getAttributeValue("value");

      for (Object vp : eNodeAttribute.getChildren("Vizmap")) {
        Element eVizmap = (Element) vp;

        String prop = eVizmap.getAttributeValue("prop");
        String propValue = eVizmap.getAttributeValue("value");

        attr.vizprops.put(prop, propValue);


    project.dirty = false;

    if (warnings.size() > 0) {
      // TODO: set dialog root
          null, "<html><ul><li>" + StringUtils.join("<br/><li>", warnings) + "</ul></html>");

    return project;
コード例 #5
  public String getSubstitutedQuery(MarrsQuery mq) throws MarrsException {
    String q = mq.getQueryText();
    Map<String, String> queryData = getQueryParameters(mq);

    for (String key : queryData.keySet()) {

      if (!parameters.containsKey(key)) {
        throw new MarrsException("Missing substitution parameter: " + key);

      String contents = parameters.get(key);
      String filter = queryData.get(key);
      if ("uri-list".equals(filter)) {
        Pattern pat =
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(contents);
        if (!mat.matches()) {
          throw new MarrsException(
                  + contents
                  + "' does not match pattern for parameter ${"
                  + key
                  + "|"
                  + filter
                  + "}");
      } else if ("uri-bracketed"
              filter)) /* difference between uri and uri-bracketed is the surrounding < and > characters */ {
        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("\\s*<[-~#_:/%.0-9a-zA-Z]+>\\s*");
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(contents);
        if (!mat.matches()) {
          throw new MarrsException(
                  + contents
                  + "' does not match pattern for parameter ${"
                  + key
                  + "|"
                  + filter
                  + "}");
      } else if ("uri".equals(filter)) {
        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("[-~#_:/%.0-9a-zA-Z]+");
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(contents);
        if (!mat.matches()) {
          throw new MarrsException(
                  + contents
                  + "' does not match pattern for parameter ${"
                  + key
                  + "|"
                  + filter
                  + "}");
      } else if ("literal".equals(filter)) {
        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("^[^\"\\n]*$");
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(contents);
        if (!mat.matches()) {
          throw new MarrsException(
                  + contents
                  + "' does not match pattern for parameter ${"
                  + key
                  + "|"
                  + filter
                  + "}");
      } else {
        /* most restrictive base pattern */
        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("[-~#_:/%.0-9a-zA-Z]+");
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(contents);
        if (!mat.matches()) {
          throw new MarrsException(
              "'" + contents + "' does not match pattern for parameter ${" + key + "}");

      // TODO: replace & appendReplace
      q = q.replaceAll("\\$\\{" + key + "(\\|([\\w-]+))?\\}", contents);
    return q;