コード例 #1
  /** Make sure we can actually fetch a MAC address. */
  public void verifyMac() {
    byte[] mac;
    try {
      mac = MacUtils.macAddress();
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
      // hmm... maybe we have no valid MAC's?
      System.setProperty(MacUtils.OVERRIDE_MAC_PROP, "00:DE:AD:BE:EF:00");
      mac = MacUtils.macAddress();

    Assert.assertNotNull("Could not retrieve MAC", mac);
    Assert.assertTrue("Invalid MAC address", mac.length == 6);
コード例 #2
   * The implementation that the other methods delegate to. This provides the caller with all
   * available options for customizing the <tt>JFileChooser</tt> instance. If a <tt>FileDialog</tt>
   * is displayed instead of a <tt>JFileChooser</tt> (on OS X, for example), most or all of these
   * options have no effect.
   * @param parent the <tt>Component</tt> that should be the dialog's parent
   * @param titleKey the key for the locale-specific string to use for the file dialog title
   * @param approveKey the key for the locale-specific string to use for the approve button text
   * @param directory the directory to open the dialog to
   * @param mode the "mode" to open the <tt>JFileChooser</tt> in from the <tt>JFileChooser</tt>
   *     class, such as <tt>JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY</tt>
   * @param option the option to look for in the return code, such as
   *     <tt>JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION</tt>
   * @param allowMultiSelect true if the chooser allows multiple files to be chosen
   * @param filter the <tt>FileFilter</tt> instance for customizing the files that are displayed --
   *     if this is null, no filter is used
   * @return the selected <tt>File</tt> instance, or <tt>null</tt> if a file was not selected
   *     correctly
  public static List<File> getInput(
      Component parent,
      String titleKey,
      String approveKey,
      File directory,
      int mode,
      int option,
      boolean allowMultiSelect,
      final FileFilter filter) {
    if (!OSUtils.isAnyMac()) {
      JFileChooser fileChooser = getDirectoryChooser(titleKey, approveKey, directory, mode, filter);
      try {
        if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(parent) != option) return null;
      } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        // ignore NPE.  can't do anything with it ...
        return null;

      if (allowMultiSelect) {
        File[] chosen = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles();
        if (chosen.length > 0) setLastInputDirectory(chosen[0]);
        return Arrays.asList(chosen);
      } else {
        File chosen = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
        return Collections.singletonList(chosen);

    } else {
      FileDialog dialog;
      if (mode == JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY) dialog = MacUtils.getFolderDialog();
      else dialog = new FileDialog(GUIMediator.getAppFrame(), "");

      if (filter != null) {
        FilenameFilter f =
            new FilenameFilter() {
              public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return filter.accept(new File(dir, name));

      String dirStr = dialog.getDirectory();
      String fileStr = dialog.getFile();
      if ((dirStr == null) || (fileStr == null)) return null;
      setLastInputDirectory(new File(dirStr));
      // if the filter didn't work, pretend that the person picked
      // nothing
      File f = new File(dirStr, fileStr);
      if (filter != null && !filter.accept(f)) return null;

      return Collections.singletonList(f);
コード例 #3
  public void slightlyBogusOverride() {
    System.setProperty(MacUtils.OVERRIDE_MAC_PROP, "00:DE:AD:BE:EF:QQ");

    byte[] mac = MacUtils.getOverride();

    Assert.assertNull("Retrieved a bogus MAC", mac);
コード例 #4
  public void bogusOverride() {
    System.setProperty(MacUtils.OVERRIDE_MAC_PROP, "totally not a MAC");

    byte[] mac = MacUtils.getOverride();

    Assert.assertNull("Retrieved a bogus MAC", mac);
コード例 #5
  public void verifyOverride() {
    System.setProperty(MacUtils.OVERRIDE_MAC_PROP, "00:DE:AD:BE:EF:11");

    byte[] mac = MacUtils.macAddress();

    Assert.assertNotNull("Could not retrieve MAC", mac);
    Assert.assertTrue("Invalid MAC address", mac.length == 6);
        "Unexpected MAC address", "[0, -34, -83, -66, -17, 17]", Arrays.toString(mac));