private String exec(final String... cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException { assert cmd != null; ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Log.trace("Running: ", cmd); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); InputStream in = null; InputStream err = null; OutputStream out = null; try { int c; in = p.getInputStream(); while ((c = != -1) { bout.write(c); } err = p.getErrorStream(); while ((c = != -1) { bout.write(c); } out = p.getOutputStream(); p.waitFor(); } finally { close(in, out, err); } String result = bout.toString(); Log.trace("Result: ", result); return result; }
/** Filters input HTML using specified policy as white list of allowed tags. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String filter(String inputHtml, String policyFileName) { String filteredHtml = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(inputHtml)) { if (policyFileName == null) { LOG.warn("Provided policy file name is null."); policyFileName = DEFAULT_ANTISAMY_POLICY_FILE; } AntiSamy htmlScanner = getHtmlScannerByPolicyFileName(policyFileName); if (htmlScanner != null) { CleanResults scanResults; try { scanResults = htmlScanner.scan(inputHtml); filteredHtml = scanResults.getCleanHTML(); ArrayList<String> scannerErrors = scanResults.getErrorMessages(); if (!CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(scannerErrors)) { LOG.trace("HTML input contains erorrs (" + scannerErrors.size() + "):"); int i = 1; for (String error : scannerErrors) { LOG.trace(" " + i + ") " + error); i++; } } } catch (ScanException ex) { throw new HtmlScannerException(ex); } catch (PolicyException ex) { throw new HtmlScannerException(ex); } } } return filteredHtml; }
private void writeNumber(Number obj, Buffer buf) { long value = obj.longValue(); if (value >= -32 && value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { // Integer if (T) Log.trace("writing Integer value: " + value); buf.writeI8((byte) value); } else if (value >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && value < -32) { if (T) Log.trace("writing I8 value: " + value); buf.writeI8(TYPE_I8); buf.writeI8((byte) value); } else if (value >= Short.MIN_VALUE && value <= Short.MAX_VALUE) { // I16 if (T) Log.trace("writing I16 value: " + value); buf.writeI8(TYPE_I16); buf.writeI16((short) value); } else if (value >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // I32 if (T) Log.trace("writing I32 value: " + value); buf.writeI8(TYPE_I32); buf.writeI32((int) value); } else { // I64 if (T) Log.trace("writing I64 value: " + value); buf.writeI8(TYPE_I64); buf.writeI64(value); } }
public void testLoggingWithNullParameters() { Log log = this.getLogObject(); assertNotNull(log); log.debug(null); log.debug(null, null); log.debug(log.getClass().getName() + ": debug statement"); log.debug( log.getClass().getName() + ": debug statement w/ null exception", new RuntimeException()); log.error(null); log.error(null, null); log.error(log.getClass().getName() + ": error statement"); log.error( log.getClass().getName() + ": error statement w/ null exception", new RuntimeException()); log.fatal(null); log.fatal(null, null); log.fatal(log.getClass().getName() + ": fatal statement"); log.fatal( log.getClass().getName() + ": fatal statement w/ null exception", new RuntimeException());;, null); + ": info statement"); log.getClass().getName() + ": info statement w/ null exception", new RuntimeException()); log.trace(null); log.trace(null, null); log.trace(log.getClass().getName() + ": trace statement"); log.trace( log.getClass().getName() + ": trace statement w/ null exception", new RuntimeException()); log.warn(null); log.warn(null, null); log.warn(log.getClass().getName() + ": warn statement"); log.warn( log.getClass().getName() + ": warn statement w/ null exception", new RuntimeException()); }
private void writeBoolean(Boolean obj, Buffer buf) { if (obj.booleanValue()) { // true if (T) Log.trace("writing true"); buf.writeI8(TYPE_TRUE); } else { // false if (T) Log.trace("writing false"); buf.writeI8(TYPE_FALSE); } }
@Test @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void testOurLogLogging() { final Log logger = new Log(); logger.trace("Foobar TRACE"); AppenderForTests.hasNoLastEvent("at Trace level"); assertFalse(logger.isTraceEnabled()); logger.debug("Foobar DEBUG"); AppenderForTests.hasNoLastEvent("at Debug level"); assertFalse(logger.isDebugEnabled());"Foobar INFO"); AppenderForTests.hasNoLastEvent("at Info level"); assertFalse(logger.isInfoEnabled()); logger.warn("Foobar WARN"); AppenderForTests.hasLastEvent("at Warn level"); assertTrue(logger.isWarnEnabled()); logger.error("Foobar ERROR"); AppenderForTests.hasLastEvent("at Error level"); assertTrue(logger.isErrorEnabled()); }
private void servletEnv() { if (!log.isDebugEnabled()) return; try { url = servletContext.getResource("/"); log.trace("Joseki base directory: " + url); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (servletConfig != null) { String tmp = servletConfig.getServletName(); log.trace("Servlet = " + (tmp != null ? tmp : "<null>")); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> en = servletConfig.getInitParameterNames(); for (; en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String s = en.nextElement(); log.trace("Servlet parameter: " + s + " = " + servletConfig.getInitParameter(s)); } } if (servletContext != null) { // Name of webapp String tmp = servletContext.getServletContextName(); // msg(Level.FINE, "Webapp = " + (tmp != null ? tmp : "<null>")); log.debug("Webapp = " + (tmp != null ? tmp : "<null>")); // NB This servlet may not have been loaded as part of a web app @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> en = servletContext.getInitParameterNames(); for (; en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String s = en.nextElement(); log.debug("Webapp parameter: " + s + " = " + servletContext.getInitParameter(s)); } } /* for ( Enumeration enum = servletContext.getAttributeNames() ; enum.hasMoreElements() ; ) { String s = (String)enum.nextElement() ; logger.log(LEVEL, "Webapp attribute: "+s+" = "+context.getAttribute(s)) ; } */ }
private void writeList(List obj, Buffer buf) { if (T) Log.trace("writing List value: " + obj); int num = obj.size(); if (num < MASK_LENGTH_1) { buf.writeI8(TYPE_LIST | (byte) num); } else { buf.writeI8(TYPE_LIST | MASK_LENGTH_1); buf.writeI32(num); } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { write(obj.get(i), buf); } }
private void writeMap(Map obj, Buffer buf) { if (T) Log.trace("writing Map value: " + obj); int num = obj.size(); if (num < MASK_LENGTH_2) { buf.writeI8(TYPE_MAP | (byte) num); } else { buf.writeI8(TYPE_MAP | MASK_LENGTH_2); buf.writeI32(num); } for (Iterator iter = obj.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Object k =; write(k, buf); write(obj.get(k), buf); } }
private void writeString(String obj, Buffer buf) { try { if (T) Log.trace("writing String value: " + obj); byte[] str = obj.getBytes("UTF8"); int strlen = str.length; if (strlen < MASK_LENGTH_1) { // length is encoded with type. buf.writeI8(TYPE_STRING | (byte) str.length); } else { buf.writeI8(TYPE_STRING | MASK_LENGTH_1); buf.writeI32(strlen); } buf.writeBytes(str, 0, str.length); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RemoteException("utf8 not supported"); } }
public static String rndUserID() { String nextUser = getNextUserIDFromDeck(); if (Log.doTrace()) Log.trace("TradeConfig:rndUserID -- new trader = " + nextUser); return nextUser; }
private void writeDouble(Double obj, Buffer buf) { if (T) Log.trace("writing F64 value: " + obj); buf.writeI8(TYPE_F64); buf.writeF64(obj.doubleValue()); }
private void writeFloat(Float obj, Buffer buf) { if (T) Log.trace("writing F32 value: " + obj); buf.writeI8(TYPE_F32); buf.writeF32(obj.floatValue()); }
@Override public void onReceiveLocation(BDLocation location) { if (null == location) return; if (isFirstLoc) { isFirstLoc = false; return; } int locType = location.getLocType(); final double latitude = location.getLatitude(); final double longitude = location.getLongitude(); float radius = location.getRadius(); String city = location.getCity(); mCity = city; String strMsg = "error code is " + locType; strMsg += ", latitude is " + latitude; strMsg += ", longitude is " + longitude; strMsg += ", radius is " + radius; strMsg += ", city is " + city; boolean isStop; if (locType == BDLocation.TypeGpsLocation) { float speed = location.getSpeed(); int statelliteNumber = location.getSatelliteNumber(); strMsg += ", speed is " + speed; strMsg += ", statelliteNumber is " + statelliteNumber; isStop = true; } else if (locType == BDLocation.TypeNetWorkLocation) { String strAddrStr = location.getAddrStr(); strMsg += ", strAddrStr is " + strAddrStr; isStop = true; } else { Log.trace(TAG, "异常:error code is " + locType + " 具体参数错误结果"); isStop = false; } strMsg = "获取的位置是-->" + strMsg; Log.trace(TAG, strMsg); // 定位成功了,去停止定位服务 stopLocation(); if (isStop) { tran(latitude, longitude); } else { // 获取error code: // 61 : GPS定位结果 // 62 : 扫描整合定位依据失败。此时定位结果无效。 // 63 : 网络异常,没有成功向服务器发起请求。此时定位结果无效。 // 65 : 定位缓存的结果。 // 66 : 离线定位结果。通过requestOfflineLocaiton调用时对应的返回结果 // 67 : 离线定位失败。通过requestOfflineLocaiton调用时对应的返回结果 // 68 : 网络连接失败时,查找本地离线定位时对应的返回结果 // 161: 表示网络定位结果 // 162~167: 服务端定位失败 // 502:key参数错误 // 505:key不存在或者非法 // 601:key服务被开发者自己禁用 // 602:key mcode不匹配 // 501~700:key验证失败 if (null != mCallbackListener) { String msg = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.cn_get_location_failed); mCallbackListener.onFailed(msg); } } }
/** * Main service method for TradeScenarioServlet * * @param request Object that encapsulates the request to the servlet * @param response Object that encapsulates the response from the servlet */ public void performTask(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { // Scenario generator for Trade2 char action = ' '; String userID = null; // String to create full dispatch path to TradeAppServlet w/ request Parameters String dispPath = null; // Dispatch Path to TradeAppServlet String scenarioAction = (String) req.getParameter("action"); if ((scenarioAction != null) && (scenarioAction.length() >= 1)) { action = scenarioAction.charAt(0); if (action == 'n') { // null; try { resp.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(resp.getOutputStream()); out.println("<HTML><HEAD>TradeScenarioServlet</HEAD><BODY>Hello</BODY></HTML>"); out.close(); return; } catch (Exception e) { Log.error( "trade_client.TradeScenarioServlet.service(...)" + "error creating printwriter from responce.getOutputStream", e); resp.sendError( 500, "trade_client.TradeScenarioServlet.service(...): erorr creating and writing to PrintStream created from response.getOutputStream()"); } // end of catch } // end of action=='n' } ServletContext ctx = null; HttpSession session = null; try { ctx = getServletConfig().getServletContext(); // These operations require the user to be logged in. Verify the user and if not logged in // change the operation to a login session = req.getSession(true); userID = (String) session.getAttribute("uidBean"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error( "trade_client.TradeScenarioServlet.service(...): performing " + scenarioAction + "error getting ServletContext,HttpSession, or UserID from session" + "will make scenarioAction a login and try to recover from there", e); userID = null; action = 'l'; } if (userID == null) { action = 'l'; // change to login TradeConfig.incrementScenarioCount(); } else if (action == ' ') { // action is not specified perform a random operation according to current mix // Tell getScenarioAction if we are an original user or a registered user // -- sellDeficits should only be compensated for with original users. action = TradeConfig.getScenarioAction(userID.startsWith(TradeConfig.newUserPrefix)); } switch (action) { case 'q': // quote dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "quotes&symbols=" + TradeConfig.rndSymbols(); ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 'a': // account dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "account"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 'u': // update account profile dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "account"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); String fullName = "rnd" + System.currentTimeMillis(); String address = "rndAddress"; String password = "******"; String email = "rndEmail"; String creditcard = "rndCC"; dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "update_profile&fullname=" + fullName + "&password="******"&cpassword="******"&address=" + address + "&email=" + email + "&creditcard=" + creditcard; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 'h': // home dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "home"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 'l': // login userID = TradeConfig.getUserID(); String password2 = "xxx"; dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "login&inScenario=true&uid=" + userID + "&passwd=" + password2; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); // login is successful if the userID is written to the HTTP session if (session.getAttribute("uidBean") == null) { System.out.println("TradeScenario login failed. Reset DB between runs"); } break; case 'o': // logout dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "logout"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 'p': // portfolio dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "portfolio"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 'r': // register // Logout the current user to become a new user // see note in TradeServletAction req.setAttribute("TSS-RecreateSessionInLogout", Boolean.TRUE); dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "logout"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); userID = TradeConfig.rndNewUserID(); String passwd = "yyy"; fullName = TradeConfig.rndFullName(); creditcard = TradeConfig.rndCreditCard(); String money = TradeConfig.rndBalance(); email = TradeConfig.rndEmail(userID); String smail = TradeConfig.rndAddress(); dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "register&Full Name=" + fullName + "&snail mail=" + smail + "&email=" + email + "&user id=" + userID + "&passwd=" + passwd + "&confirm passwd=" + passwd + "&money=" + money + "&Credit Card Number=" + creditcard; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; case 's': // sell dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "portfolioNoEdge"; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); Collection holdings = (Collection) req.getAttribute("holdingDataBeans"); int numHoldings = holdings.size(); if (numHoldings > 0) { // sell first available security out of holding Iterator it = holdings.iterator(); boolean foundHoldingToSell = false; while (it.hasNext()) { HoldingDataBean holdingData = (HoldingDataBean); if (!(holdingData.getPurchaseDate().equals(new java.util.Date(0)))) { Integer holdingID = holdingData.getHoldingID(); dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "sell&holdingID=" + holdingID; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); foundHoldingToSell = true; break; } } if (foundHoldingToSell) break; if (Log.doTrace()) Log.trace( "TradeScenario: No holding to sell -switch to buy -- userID = " + userID + " Collection count = " + numHoldings); } // At this point: A TradeScenario Sell was requested with No Stocks in Portfolio // This can happen when a new registered user happens to request a sell before a buy // In this case, fall through and perform a buy instead /* Trade 2.037: Added sell_deficit counter to maintain correct buy/sell mix. * When a users portfolio is reduced to 0 holdings, a buy is requested instead of a sell. * This throws off the buy/sell mix by 1. This results in unwanted holding table growth * To fix this we increment a sell deficit counter to maintain the correct ratio in getScenarioAction * The 'z' action from getScenario denotes that this is a sell action that was switched from a buy * to reduce a sellDeficit */ if (userID.startsWith(TradeConfig.newUserPrefix) == false) { TradeConfig.incrementSellDeficit(); } case 'b': // buy String symbol = TradeConfig.rndSymbol(); String amount = TradeConfig.rndQuantity() + ""; dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "quotes&symbols=" + symbol; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); dispPath = tasPathPrefix + "buy&quantity=" + amount + "&symbol=" + symbol; ctx.getRequestDispatcher(dispPath).include(req, resp); break; } // end of switch statement }