コード例 #1
  // attempts to move toward a location
  // depending on the playstyle and unit type, it will avoid towers or other unit types
  public Boolean moveTo(Direction direction) throws GameActionException {

    if (!this.robot.robotController.canMove(direction)) return false;

    RobotType type = this.robot.type;
    Boolean moveAroundHQ =

    Boolean moveAroundTowers = !this.robot.canAttackInTowerRange();
    if (type == Missile.type()) moveAroundTowers = false;
    if (type == Launcher.type()) moveAroundTowers = true;

    Boolean moveAroundMilitary = false;
    if (UnitController.isUnitTypeMiner(type) && !this.robot.currentPlaystyle().shouldGoAllOut())
      moveAroundMilitary = true;
    else if (type == Drone.type()) moveAroundMilitary = true;
    else if (type == Launcher.type()) moveAroundMilitary = true;

    if (this.canMoveSafely(direction, moveAroundHQ, moveAroundTowers, moveAroundMilitary)) {

      return true;
    return false;
コード例 #2
  public Boolean canMoveSafely(
      Direction direction, Boolean moveAroundHQ, Boolean moveAroundTowers, Boolean moveAroundUnits)
      throws GameActionException {

    if (direction == null) return false;

    RobotController rc = this.robot.robotController;
    Boolean canMove = rc.canMove(direction);
    if (!canMove) return false;

    // run some initial checks
    MapLocation towerLocation = this.robot.locationController.enemyTowerInRange();
    if (towerLocation != null) moveAroundTowers = false;

    // start checking if we can move

    MapLocation currentLocation = this.robot.locationController.currentLocation();
    MapLocation moveLocation = currentLocation.add(direction);

    if (moveAroundHQ) {

      MapLocation[] towers = this.robot.unitController.enemyTowers();
      if (moveLocation.distanceSquaredTo(this.robot.locationController.enemyHQLocation())
          <= HQ.enemyAttackRadiusSquared(towers.length)) return false;

    if (moveAroundTowers) {

      MapLocation[] towers = this.robot.unitController.enemyTowers();
      for (MapLocation tower : towers) {

        if (moveLocation.distanceSquaredTo(tower) <= Tower.type().attackRadiusSquared) return false;

    if (moveAroundUnits) {

      double buffer = 0;
      if (this.robot.type == Launcher.type()) buffer = 10;

      RobotInfo[] enemies = this.robot.unitController.nearbyEnemies();
      for (RobotInfo enemy : enemies) {

        if (!UnitController.isUnitTypeDangerous(enemy.type)) continue;
        if (moveLocation.distanceSquaredTo(enemy.location)
            <= enemy.type.attackRadiusSquared + buffer) return false;

    return true;
コード例 #3
  public Boolean canMobilizeForClockNumber(int clockNumber) throws GameActionException {

    int totalLaunchers = this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(Launcher.type());
    if (totalLaunchers > 8) {

      return true;

    } else {

      if ((clockNumber > 1400 && clockNumber < 2000)) {

        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #4
  public Boolean canMobilizeForClockNumber(int clockNumber, int roundLimit)
      throws GameActionException {

    int totalLaunchers = this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(Launcher.type());
    if (this.broadcaster.hasSeenLaunchers()) {

      if (totalLaunchers > 6) return true;

    } else {

      if (clockNumber > roundLimit - 300) {

        return true;

      } else {

        if (totalLaunchers > 6) return true;
    return false;
コード例 #5
  // @param turns    the amount of turns that the budget was saved up for
  // @param progress the progress that we are in the build order
  public void updateBudgetingForBuildOrderProgress(int turns, int oreMined, int progress)
      throws GameActionException {

    int remainingOre = oreMined;

    // check if we need to take some for the supply depots
    if (progress >= this.civicRatios.length - 1) {

      if (this.broadcaster.budgetForType(RobotType.SUPPLYDEPOT) < 250) {

        this.broadcaster.incrementBudget(RobotType.SUPPLYDEPOT, (int) (remainingOre * 0.1));
        remainingOre *= 0.9;

    // firstly check the beavers
    final int beavers = this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(Beaver.type());
    int beaverOreAllocation = 0;
    if (beavers == 0) {

      beaverOreAllocation = 100;

    // miners
    final int minerFactories = this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(MinerFactory.type());
    int minerOreAllocation = 0;
    if (minerFactories > 0 && this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(Miner.type()) < 30) {

      minerOreAllocation = (60 / (20 / turns));
      if (this.broadcaster.budgetForType(Miner.type()) >= minerFactories * 60)
        minerOreAllocation = 0;

    // launchers
    final int aerospaceLabs = this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(AerospaceLab.type());
    int launcherOreAllocation = aerospaceLabs * (400 / (100 / turns));
    if (this.broadcaster.budgetForType(Launcher.type()) >= aerospaceLabs * 400)
      launcherOreAllocation = 0;

    // drones
    int droneOreAllocation = 0;
    if (Clock.getRoundNum() > 600 && this.broadcaster.robotCountFor(Drone.type()) == 0) {

      droneOreAllocation = 8;

    int total =
        beaverOreAllocation + minerOreAllocation + launcherOreAllocation + droneOreAllocation;
    double multiplier = (total > remainingOre) ? remainingOre / (float) total : 1.0;

    this.broadcaster.incrementBudget(Beaver.type(), (int) (beaverOreAllocation * multiplier));
    this.broadcaster.incrementBudget(Miner.type(), (int) (minerOreAllocation * multiplier));
    this.broadcaster.incrementBudget(Launcher.type(), (int) (launcherOreAllocation * multiplier));
    this.broadcaster.incrementBudget(Drone.type(), (int) (droneOreAllocation * multiplier));

    remainingOre -= total * multiplier;
    if (remainingOre > 40 && oreMined < 500 /* first turn */) {

      beaverOreAllocation = 10;
      this.broadcaster.incrementBudget(Beaver.type(), beaverOreAllocation);
      remainingOre -= beaverOreAllocation;