コード例 #1
   * Creates new encrypted credentials
   * <p>Encrypts the message '<code>login</code>:<code>password</code>' using the public key <code>
   * pubKey</code> and <code>cipher</code> and store it in a new Credentials object.
   * @see KeyPairUtil#encrypt(String, String, String, byte[])
   * @param login the login to encrypt
   * @param password the corresponding password to encrypt
   * @param pubKey public key used for encryption
   * @param cipher cipher parameters: combination of transformations
   * @return the Credentials object containing the encrypted data
   * @throws KeyException key generation or encryption failed
  public static Credentials createCredentials(
      String login, String password, byte[] datakey, PublicKey pubKey, String cipher)
      throws KeyException {

    CredData cc = new CredData();

    // serialize clear credentials to byte array
    byte[] clearCred = null;
    try {
      clearCred = ObjectToByteConverter.ObjectStream.convert(cc);
    } catch (IOException e1) {
      throw new KeyException(e1.getMessage());

    int size = -1;
    if (pubKey instanceof java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey) {
      size = ((RSAPublicKey) pubKey).getModulus().bitLength();
    } else if (pubKey instanceof java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey) {
      size = ((DSAPublicKey) pubKey).getParams().getP().bitLength();
    } else if (pubKey instanceof javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey) {
      size = ((DHPublicKey) pubKey).getParams().getP().bitLength();

    // generate symmetric key
    SecretKey aesKey = KeyUtil.generateKey(AES_ALGO, AES_KEYSIZE);

    byte[] encData = null;
    byte[] encAes = null;

    // encrypt AES key with public RSA key
    try {
      encAes = KeyPairUtil.encrypt(pubKey, size, cipher, aesKey.getEncoded());
    } catch (KeyException e) {
      throw new KeyException("Symmetric key encryption failed", e);

    // encrypt clear credentials with AES key
    try {
      encData = KeyUtil.encrypt(aesKey, AES_CIPHER, clearCred);
    } catch (KeyException e) {
      throw new KeyException("Message encryption failed", e);

    Credentials cred = new Credentials(pubKey.getAlgorithm(), size, cipher, encAes, encData);
    return cred;
コード例 #2
   * Decrypts the encapsulated credentials
   * @see org.ow2.proactive.authentication.crypto.KeyPairUtil#decrypt(String, String, String,
   *     byte[])
   * @param privKey the private key
   * @return the credential data containing the clear data:login, password and key
   * @throws KeyException decryption failure, malformed data
  public CredData decrypt(PrivateKey privKey) throws KeyException {
    byte[] data = null;
    byte[] aesClear = null;

    // recover clear AES key using the private key
    try {
      aesClear = KeyPairUtil.decrypt(this.algorithm, privKey, this.cipher, this.aes);
    } catch (KeyException e) {
      throw new KeyException("Could not decrypt symmetric key", e);

    // recover clear credentials using the AES key
    try {
      data = KeyUtil.decrypt(new SecretKeySpec(aesClear, AES_ALGO), AES_CIPHER, this.data);
    } catch (KeyException e) {
      throw new KeyException("Could not decrypt data", e);

    // deserialize clear credentials and obtain login & password
    try {
      return (CredData) ByteToObjectConverter.ObjectStream.convert(data);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new KeyException(e.getMessage());
コード例 #3
 public ContentVerifierProvider getContentVerifierProvider(final PublicKey publicKey)
     throws InvalidKeyException {
   try {
     return KeyUtil.getContentVerifierProvider(publicKey);
   } catch (OperatorCreationException e) {
     throw new InvalidKeyException(e.getMessage(), e);
コード例 #4
 public PublicKey generatePublicKey(final SubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo)
     throws InvalidKeyException {
   try {
     return KeyUtil.generatePublicKey(subjectPublicKeyInfo);
   } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
     throw new InvalidKeyException(e.getMessage(), e);
コード例 #5
  * Tries to open a URL in the Browser
  * @param url The URL
  * @param shiftUrl The URL to open when Shift is held
 public static void openBrowser(String url, String shiftUrl) {
   try {
     if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
       if (shiftUrl.equals(url) || KeyUtil.isShiftPressed()) {
         Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(shiftUrl));
       } else {
         Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(url));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     ModUtil.LOGGER.error("Something bad happened when trying to open a URL!", e);
コード例 #6
 public void onPressed() {
   if (this.assignedEntry != null) {
     if (KeyUtil.isShiftPressed()) {
       this.assignedEntry = null;
       this.assignedChapter = null;
       this.assignedPage = null;
       this.assignedPageInIndex = 1;
     } else {
       openIndexEntry(this.booklet, this.assignedEntry, this.assignedPageInIndex, true);
       openChapter(this.booklet, this.assignedChapter, this.assignedPage);
   } else {
     if (this.booklet.currentIndexEntry != null) {
       this.assignedEntry = this.booklet.currentIndexEntry;
       this.assignedChapter = this.booklet.currentChapter;
       this.assignedPage = this.booklet.currentPage;
       this.assignedPageInIndex = this.booklet.pageOpenInIndex;
コード例 #7
ファイル: KeyUtilTest.java プロジェクト: bulain/common
 public void testGetSessionKey() {
   String sessionKey = KeyUtil.getSessionKey(KeyUtilTest.class, KeyUtilTest.class);
   assertEquals("KeyUtilTest_KeyUtilTest", sessionKey);
コード例 #8
ファイル: KeyUtilTest.java プロジェクト: bulain/common
 public void testGetShortClassName() {
   String shortClassName = KeyUtil.getShortClassName(KeyUtilTest.class);
   assertEquals("KeyUtilTest", shortClassName);
コード例 #9
ファイル: KeyUtilTest.java プロジェクト: bulain/common
 public void testGetCacheKey() {
   String cacheKey = KeyUtil.getCacheKey(KeyUtilTest.class);
   assertEquals("KeyUtilTest", cacheKey);