コード例 #1
ファイル: ipcTest1.java プロジェクト: yida/IPC-MacOSX
 public void handle(IPC.MSG_INSTANCE msgInstance, Object callData) {
       "msg1Handler: Receiving message "
           + IPC.msgInstanceName(msgInstance)
           + " of "
           + IPC.dataLength(msgInstance)
           + " bytes");
   System.out.println("   Java data: " + callData + " [" + clientData + "]");
コード例 #2
ファイル: ipcTest1.java プロジェクト: yida/IPC-MacOSX
 public void handle(IPC.MSG_INSTANCE msgInstance, Object callData) {
       "query2Handler: Receiving message "
           + IPC.msgInstanceName(msgInstance)
           + " ("
           + callData
           + ")");
   float[][] matrix = ((matrix_list) callData).matrix;
   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) matrix[i][j]++;
   System.out.println("IPC.respondData(" + RESPONSE2_MSG + ", " + matrixString(matrix) + ")");
   IPC.respondData(msgInstance, RESPONSE2_MSG, matrix);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ipcTest1.java プロジェクト: yida/IPC-MacOSX
    public void handle(IPC.MSG_INSTANCE msgInstance, Object callData) {
      String publishStr = "Published";
      String responseStr = "Responded";

          "queryHandler: Receiving message "
              + IPC.msgInstanceName(msgInstance)
              + " of "
              + IPC.dataLength(msgInstance)
              + " bytes");
      System.out.println("   Java data: " + callData);
      // Publish this message -- all subscribers get it
      System.out.println("\n  IPC.publishData(" + MSG2 + ", '" + publishStr + "')");
      IPC.publishData(MSG2, publishStr);
      // Respond with this message -- only the query handler gets it
      IPC.respondData(msgInstance, MSG2, responseStr);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ipcTest1.java プロジェクト: yida/IPC-MacOSX
    public void handle(int fd) {
      try {
        int in = System.in.read();
        System.out.println("[" + clientData + "] Received: " + (char) in);

        if (in == 'q') {
        } else if (in == 'm') {
          IPC.publishData(MSG2, "Forwarding");
        } else if (in == 'u') {
        // Read in any extra bytes
        while (System.in.available() > 0) System.in.read();
      } catch (Exception e) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: ipcTest1.java プロジェクト: yida/IPC-MacOSX
 public void handle(IPC.MSG_INSTANCE msgInstance, Object callData) {
       "replyHandler: Receiving message "
           + IPC.msgInstanceName(msgInstance)
           + " ("
           + callData
           + ") ["
           + clientData
           + "]");
コード例 #6
ファイル: ipcTest1.java プロジェクト: yida/IPC-MacOSX
   * ************************************************************** TESTS OF THE BASIC IPC INTERFACE
   * **************************************************************
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    // Connect to the central server
    System.out.println("\nIPC.connect(" + TASK_NAME + ")");

    // Just for kicks -- make sure it works

    // Default is to exit on error; Override default, because some of the
    // tests in this file explicitly induce errors.

    /* Test out the timers */
    long now = IPC.timeInMillis();
        "\nIPC_addTimer(1000, TRIGGER_FOREVER, " + " new timerHandler(\"timer1\", " + now + "))");
    IPC.addTimer(1000, IPC.TRIGGER_FOREVER, new timerHandler("timer1", now));

    // Does not make sense to define a fixed-length Java message
    // Define a variable length message (simple format string)
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + MSG1 + ", " + STRING_FORMAT + ")");
    IPC.defineMsg(MSG1, STRING_FORMAT);
    // Define a variable length message (simple format string)
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + MSG2 + ", " + STRING_FORMAT + ")");
    IPC.defineMsg(MSG2, STRING_FORMAT);

    System.out.println("\nIPC.isMsgDefined(" + MSG1 + ") => " + IPC.isMsgDefined(MSG1));
    System.out.println("\nIPC.isMsgDefined(" + MSG3 + ") => " + IPC.isMsgDefined(MSG3));

    // Subscribe to the first message, with client data
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + MSG1 + ", new msg1Handler(client1a))");
    msg1Handler msgHandler1 = new msg1Handler("client1a");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG1, msgHandler1, String.class);

    // Subscribe to the second message, with client data
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + MSG2 + ", new msg1Handler(client2a))");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG2, new msg1Handler("client2a"), String.class);

    // Publish the first message and listen for it (in this simple
    //   example program, both publisher and subscriber are in the same process
    String msgData = "abcde";
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG1 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    if (IPC.publishData(MSG1, msgData) == IPC.IPC_OK) IPC.listenClear(1000);

    msgData = "abcde";
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG2 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    if (IPC.publishData(MSG2, msgData) == IPC.IPC_OK) IPC.listenClear(1000);

    // Get notified when handlers subscribe/unsubscribe to "msg2"
    System.out.println("\n" + IPC.numHandlers(MSG2) + " handlers currently subscribed to " + MSG2);
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeHandlerChange(" + MSG2 + ", new handlerChangeHandler())");
    IPC.subscribeHandlerChange(MSG2, new handlerChangeHandler());

    // Subscribe a second message handler for "msg2"
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + MSG2 + ", new msg2Handler(client2b))");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG2, new msg2Handler("client2b"), String.class);
    // If doing direct broadcasts, need to listen to get the direct info update

    // Publish the message -- receive two messages (one for msg1Handler, one
    //   for msg2Handler).

    msgData = "abcdefg";
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG2 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    if (IPC.publishData(MSG2, msgData) == IPC.IPC_OK) {
      // Make sure all the subscribers get invoked before continuing on
      //  (keep listening until a second has passed without any msgs)
      while (IPC.listen(1000) != IPC.IPC_Timeout) {}

    // Remove this subscription.  You can unsubscribe either by passing
    //   the handler class, or the handler object itself (see below).
    System.out.println("\nIPC.unsubscribe(" + MSG2 + ", msg2Handler)");
    IPC.unsubscribe(MSG2, msg2Handler.class);
    // If doing direct broadcasts, need to listen to get the direct info update

    // No longer get notified when handlers are added/removed
    System.out.println("\nIPC.unsubscribeHandlerChange(" + MSG2 + ", handlerChangeHandler.class)");
    IPC.unsubscribeHandlerChange(MSG2, handlerChangeHandler.class);
    System.out.println("  IPC.subscribeData(" + MSG2 + ", new msg2Handler(client2c))");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG2, new msg2Handler("client2b"), String.class);
    System.out.println("  IPC.unsubscribe(" + MSG2 + ", msg2Handler)");
    IPC.unsubscribe(MSG2, msg2Handler.class);

    // Publish the message -- receive one message (for msg1Handler)
    msgData = "abcdefg";
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG2 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    if (IPC.publishData(MSG2, msgData) == IPC.IPC_OK) {

    // Java version of IPC differs from C version in how it handles client data
    // In Java, the client data is part of the handler class.
    System.out.println("\nReplacing client data for msg1Handler of " + MSG1 + " with 'client1b'");
    msgHandler1.clientData = "client1b";

    // Receive one message (for msg1Handler), but now with new client data.
    msgData = "abcde";
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG1 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    if (IPC.publishData(MSG1, msgData) == IPC.IPC_OK) {

    // Remove subscription to "msg1"
    System.out.println("\nIPC.unsubscribe(" + MSG1 + ", msg1Handler)");
    IPC.unsubscribe(MSG1, msgHandler1);
    // If doing direct broadcasts, need to listen to get the direct info update

    // Receive no messages -- IPC.listenClear times out
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG1 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    if (IPC.publishData(MSG1, msgData) == IPC.IPC_OK) {
      if (IPC.listen(1000) == IPC.IPC_Timeout) {
        System.out.println("Timed out");


    // The handler of QUERY_MSG does two things: It *publishes* a message of
    //  type MSG2, and it *responds* to the query with a message of type MSG2.
    //  The published message gets handled only by the subscriber (msg1Handler),
    //  and the response gets handled only be replyHandler, since a response
    //  is a directed message.
    // NOTE: It is perfectly OK to subscribe to a message before it is defined!
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + QUERY_MSG + ", new queryHandler('qtest'))");
    IPC.subscribeData(QUERY_MSG, new queryHandler("qtest"), String.class);
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + QUERY_MSG + ", " + STRING_FORMAT + ")");

    // This call allows IPC to send the process 2 messages at a time, rather
    // than queueing them in the central server.
    // This is needed in this example program because the sender and receiver
    // of the query are the same process.  If this is taken out, the only
    // difference is that the message that is published in queryHandler arrives
    // *after* the message responded to (even though it is sent first).  This
    // function should not be needed when we switch to using point-to-point
    // communications (rather than sending via the central server).

        "\nIPC.queryNotifyData(" + QUERY_MSG + ", 'abcdef', " + "new replyHandler('Notification')");
    IPC.queryNotifyData(QUERY_MSG, "abcdef", new replyHandler("Notification"), String.class);
    // Make sure all the messages spawned by this query get handled before
    //   continuing (keep listening until a second has passed without any msgs)
    while (IPC.listen(1000) != IPC.IPC_Timeout) {}

    // This essentially does the same thing as queryNotifyData above, except
    //  it is blocking, and sets the replyHandle to be the data responded to.
    //  Don't need to listen, since that is done within queryResponse, but
    //  could be dangerous to wait forever (if the response never comes ...)
    msgData = "abcdef";
            + QUERY_MSG
            + ", "
            + msgData
            + ", String.class, IPC.IPC_WAIT_FOREVER)");
    Object response = IPC.queryResponseData(QUERY_MSG, msgData, String.class, IPC.IPC_WAIT_FOREVER);
    if (response != null) {
      System.out.println("Blocking Response: " + response);

    // This one should time out before the response arrives
        "\nIPC.queryResponseData(" + QUERY_MSG + ", " + msgData + ", String.class, 0)");
    response = IPC.queryResponseData(QUERY_MSG, msgData, String.class, 0);
    if (response != null) {
      System.out.println("Blocking Response: " + response);
    } else {
      // NOTE: Since the function call times out before handling messages,
      // (a) The *response* to the query is lost (for good)
      // (b) The message *published* in queryHandler is waiting for the
      //     next time the module listens for messages (which actually
      //     occurs in IPC.msgFormatter, below).
      System.out.println("queryResponse timed out (response is null)");



    // Define a variable-length message whose format is simply an integer
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + MSG3 + ", " + INT_FORMAT + ")");
    IPC.defineMsg(MSG3, INT_FORMAT);
    // Define a variable-length message whose format is a string
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + MSG4 + ", " + STRING_FORMAT + ")");
    IPC.defineMsg(MSG4, STRING_FORMAT);
    // Define a variable-length message whose format is a complex structure
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + MSG5 + ", " + MATRIX_LIST_FORMAT + ")");

    // Subscribe to each of the above messages, all using the same handler
    //   Differentiated by the dataClass argument...
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + MSG3 + ", new msg3Handler())");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG3, new msg3Handler(), int.class);
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + MSG4 + ", new msg3Handler())");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG4, new msg3Handler(), String.class);
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + MSG5 + ", new msg3Handler())");
    IPC.subscribeData(MSG5, new msg3Handler(), matrix_list.class);

    // Publish integer data
    int ivalue = 42;
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG3 + ", " + ivalue + ")");
    IPC.publishData(MSG3, ivalue);

    // Publish string data
    msgData = "Hello, world";
    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG4 + ", " + msgData + ")");
    IPC.publishData(MSG4, msgData);

    // Set up a sample matrix_list structure
    matrix_list m1 = new matrix_list();
    m1.matrix = new float[][] {{0, 1}, {1, 2}};
    m1.matrixName = "TheFirst";
    m1.count = 1;
    m1.next = new matrix_list();
    m1.next.matrix = new float[][] {{1, 2}, {2, 3}};
    m1.next.matrixName = "TheSecond";
    m1.next.count = 2;
    m1.next.next = new matrix_list();
    m1.next.next.matrix = new float[][] {{2, 3}, {3, 4}};
    m1.next.next.matrixName = "TheThird";
    m1.next.next.count = 3;
    m1.next.next.next = null;

    System.out.println("\nIPC.publishData(" + MSG5 + ", " + m1 + ")");
    IPC.publishData(MSG5, m1);

    // Use of IPC.queryResponseData and IPC.respondData --
    //   Send out a message with a matrix_list format  The response is a
    //   message with the first matrix, but each element incremented by one.

    // Define the "query" message
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + QUERY2_MSG + ", " + MATRIX_LIST_FORMAT + ")");
    // Define the "response" message
    System.out.println("\nIPC.defineMsg(" + RESPONSE2_MSG + ", " + MATRIX_FORMAT + ")");

    // Subscribe to query message with automatic unmarshalling
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeData(" + QUERY2_MSG + ", new query2Handler())");
    IPC.subscribeData(QUERY2_MSG, new query2Handler(), matrix_list.class);

    // Set up a sample MATRIX_LIST structure
    m1 = new matrix_list();
    m1.matrix = new float[][] {{0, 1}, {1, 2}};
    m1.matrixName = "TheFirst";
    m1.count = 1;
    m1.next = null;

    // IPC.queryResponseData both marsalls and sends the data structure
        "\nIPC.queryResponseData(" + QUERY2_MSG + ", " + m1 + ", IPC.IPC_WAIT_FOREVER)");
    Object matrixReply =
        IPC.queryResponseData(QUERY2_MSG, m1, float[][].class, IPC.IPC_WAIT_FOREVER);
    if (matrixReply != null)
      System.out.println("response data: " + query2Handler.matrixString((float[][]) matrixReply));
    else System.out.println("IPC.queryResponseData failed");

    /* Subscribe a handler for tty input.  Now, typing at the terminal will
    echo the input.  Typing "q" will quit the program; typing "m" will
    send a message; typing "u" will unsubscribe the handler (the program
    will no longer listen to input). */
    System.out.println("\nIPC.subscribeFD(0, new stdinHnd(FD1))");
    IPC.subscribeFD(0, new stdinHnd("FD1"));
        "\nEntering dispatch loop (terminal input is echoed," + " type 'q' to quit,");
    System.out.println("  'm' to send a message," + " 'u' to stop listening to stdin).");

    // Shut down gracefully