public void testUnpack() throws Exception { byte[] raw = "1234".getBytes(); IFA_BINARY packager = new IFA_BINARY(2, "Should be 1234"); ISOBinaryField field = new ISOBinaryField(12); packager.unpack(field, raw, 0); TestUtils.assertEquals(new byte[] {0x12, 0x34}, (byte[]) field.getValue()); }
public void testReversability() throws Exception { byte[] origin = new byte[] {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78}; ISOBinaryField f = new ISOBinaryField(12, origin); IFA_BINARY packager = new IFA_BINARY(4, "Should be 12345678"); ISOBinaryField unpack = new ISOBinaryField(12); packager.unpack(unpack, packager.pack(f), 0); TestUtils.assertEquals(origin, (byte[]) unpack.getValue()); }
public void testPackWrongLength() throws Exception { try { ISOBinaryField field = new ISOBinaryField(12, new byte[] {0x12, 0x34}); IFA_BINARY packager = new IFA_BINARY(3, "Should be 1234"); packager.pack(field); fail("Packing 2 bytes into 3 should throw an exception"); } catch (Exception ignored) { // Exception expected - correct behaviour } }
public void testPack() throws Exception { ISOBinaryField field = new ISOBinaryField(12, new byte[] {0x12, 0x34}); IFA_BINARY packager = new IFA_BINARY(2, "Should be 1234"); TestUtils.assertEquals("1234".getBytes(), packager.pack(field)); }