コード例 #1
   * Makes a rest request of any type at the specified urlSuffix. The urlSuffix should be of the
   * form /userService/users. If CS throws an exception it handled and transalated to a Openfire
   * exception if possible. This is done using the check fault method that tries to throw the best
   * maching exception.
   * @param type Must be GET or DELETE
   * @param urlSuffix The url suffix of the rest request
   * @param xmlParams The xml with the request params, must be null if type is GET or DELETE only
   * @return The response as a xml doc.
   * @throws ConnectionException Thrown if there are issues perfoming the request.
   * @throws Exception Thrown if the response from Clearspace contains an exception.
  public Element executeRequest(HttpType type, String urlSuffix, String xmlParams)
      throws ConnectionException, Exception {
    if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      Log.debug("Outgoing REST call [" + type + "] to " + urlSuffix + ": " + xmlParams);

    String wsUrl = getConnectionURI() + WEBSERVICES_PATH + urlSuffix;

    String secret = getSharedSecret();

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    HttpMethod method;

    // Configures the authentication
    Credentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(OPENFIRE_USERNAME, secret);
    AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(host, port, AuthScope.ANY_REALM);
    client.getState().setCredentials(scope, credentials);

    // Creates the method
    switch (type) {
      case GET:
        method = new GetMethod(wsUrl);
      case POST:
        PostMethod pm = new PostMethod(wsUrl);
        StringRequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(xmlParams);
        method = pm;
      case PUT:
        PutMethod pm1 = new PutMethod(wsUrl);
        StringRequestEntity requestEntity1 = new StringRequestEntity(xmlParams);
        method = pm1;
      case DELETE:
        method = new DeleteMethod(wsUrl);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    method.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/xml");

    try {
      // Executes the request

      // Parses the result
      String body = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
      if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        Log.debug("Outgoing REST call results: " + body);

      // Checks the http status
      if (method.getStatusCode() != 200) {
        if (method.getStatusCode() == 401) {
          throw new ConnectionException(
              "Invalid password to connect to Clearspace.",
        } else if (method.getStatusCode() == 404) {
          throw new ConnectionException(
              "Web service not found in Clearspace.", ConnectionException.ErrorType.PAGE_NOT_FOUND);
        } else if (method.getStatusCode() == 503) {
          throw new ConnectionException(
              "Web service not avaible in Clearspace.",
        } else {
          throw new ConnectionException(
              "Error connecting to Clearspace, http status code: " + method.getStatusCode(),
              new HTTPConnectionException(method.getStatusCode()),
      } else if (body.contains("Clearspace Upgrade Console")) {
        // TODO Change CS to send a more standard error message
        throw new ConnectionException(
            "Clearspace is in an update state.", ConnectionException.ErrorType.UPDATE_STATE);

      Element response = localParser.get().parseDocument(body).getRootElement();

      // Check for exceptions

      // Since there is no exception, returns the response
      return response;
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
      throw new ConnectionException(
          "Error parsing the response of Clearspace.", e, ConnectionException.ErrorType.OTHER);
    } catch (HttpException e) {
      throw new ConnectionException(
          "Error performing http request to Clearspace", e, ConnectionException.ErrorType.OTHER);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      throw new ConnectionException(
          "Unknown Host " + getConnectionURI() + " trying to connect to Clearspace",
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ConnectionException(
          "Error peforming http request to Clearspace.", e, ConnectionException.ErrorType.OTHER);
    } finally {