コード例 #1
ファイル: HHAlgorithm.java プロジェクト: biafra23/mapsforge
  * Adds edges along shortest path to the two buffers. Edges in buffFwd are sorted starting at
  * source to target. Edges in buffBwd are sorted starting at target to source.
  * @param graph to be searched
  * @param sourceId vertexId of target, not checked if valid.
  * @param targetId vertexId of target, not checked if valid.
  * @param dt can be null.
  * @param buffFwd must be empty.
  * @param buffBwd must be empty.
  * @param buffSearchSpace all relaxed edges.
  * @return sum of edge costs along shortest path.
 public int shortestPath(
     HHStaticGraph graph,
     int sourceId,
     int targetId,
     DistanceTable dt,
     LinkedList<HHStaticEdge> buffFwd,
     LinkedList<HHStaticEdge> buffBwd,
     LinkedList<HHStaticEdge> buffSearchSpace) {
   if (dt != null) {
     if (graph.getGraphPropterties().downgradedEdges) {
       return shortestPathDtYesDowngradedYes(
           graph, sourceId, targetId, dt, buffFwd, buffBwd, buffSearchSpace);
     return shortestPathDtYesDowngradedNo(
         graph, sourceId, targetId, dt, buffFwd, buffBwd, buffSearchSpace);
   if (graph.getGraphPropterties().downgradedEdges) {
     return shortestPathDtNoDowngradedYes(
         graph, sourceId, targetId, buffFwd, buffBwd, buffSearchSpace);
   return shortestPathDtNoDowngradedNo(
       graph, sourceId, targetId, buffFwd, buffBwd, buffSearchSpace);