コード例 #1
   * @param radius radius of the sphere.
   * @param location center of the query circle.
   * @param distance radius of the query circle.
   * @param connection an SQL connection.
   * @return places within the specified distance from location.
  public static java.sql.ResultSet findPlacesWithinDistance(
      double radius, GeoLocation location, double distance, java.sql.Connection connection)
      throws java.sql.SQLException {

    GeoLocation[] boundingCoordinates = location.boundingCoordinates(distance, radius);
    boolean meridian180WithinDistance =
            > boundingCoordinates[1].getLongitudeInRadians();

    java.sql.PreparedStatement statement =
            "SELECT * FROM Places WHERE (Lat >= ? AND Lat <= ?) AND (Lon >= ? "
                + (meridian180WithinDistance ? "OR" : "AND")
                + " Lon <= ?) AND "
                + "acos(sin(?) * sin(Lat) + cos(?) * cos(Lat) * cos(Lon - ?)) <= ?");
    statement.setDouble(1, boundingCoordinates[0].getLatitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(2, boundingCoordinates[1].getLatitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(3, boundingCoordinates[0].getLongitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(4, boundingCoordinates[1].getLongitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(5, location.getLatitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(6, location.getLatitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(7, location.getLongitudeInRadians());
    statement.setDouble(8, distance / radius);
    return statement.executeQuery();