// 2. Get branch/commit hash for the source repo - the actual source code @Test public void existsInGit() throws IOException { final String repo = "binrepo-devex"; // final String repo = "search_raptor_binary"; String githubUrl = "https://github.scm.corp.ebay.com/api/v3/"; String accessToken = "1cf7d9792235b8592eda18bd7dcc2de37f99b3bc"; // String accessToken = "5d8e186b08062ca405ab25d489fca9823c2a7136"; GitHub gitHub = GitHub.connectUsingOAuth(githubUrl, accessToken); String login = gitHub.getMyself().getLogin(); System.out.println(login); GHRepository repository = gitHub.getMyself().getRepository(repo); if (repository != null) { System.out.println(repository.getDescription()); Map<String, GHBranch> branches = repository.getBranches(); for (String branch : branches.keySet()) { System.out.println(branch); GHBranch ghBranch = branches.get(branch); System.out.println( "Repository URL = " + repository.getUrl() + " Branch = " + ghBranch.getName() + " Commit Hash = " + ghBranch.getSHA1()); } PagedIterable<GHCommit> commits = repository.listCommits(); for (GHCommit commit : commits) { List<GHCommit.File> commitFiles = commit.getFiles(); for (GHCommit.File commitFile : commitFiles) { System.out.println(commitFile.getFileName() + commitFile.getRawUrl()); } System.out.println( commit.getSHA1() + " NumFiles = " + commit.getFiles().size() + " Committer = " + commit.getCommitter().getName()); // + commit.getLastStatus().getDescription()); } GHBranch test2 = branches.get("test2"); test2.getRoot(); } }
public GHCompare getCompare(GHCommit id1, GHCommit id2) throws IOException { return getCompare(id1.getSHA1(), id2.getSHA1()); }