コード例 #1
  /** Test {@link tachyon.client.block.BufferedBlockInStream#read()}. */
  public void readTest1() throws IOException, TachyonException {
    String uniqPath = PathUtils.uniqPath();
    for (int k = MIN_LEN; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) {
      for (CreateFileOptions op : getOptionSet()) {
        TachyonURI path = new TachyonURI(uniqPath + "/file_" + k + "_" + op.hashCode());
        FileSystemTestUtils.createByteFile(sFileSystem, path, op, k);

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
          FileInStream is = sFileSystem.openFile(path, FileSystemTestUtils.toOpenFileOptions(op));
          byte[] ret = new byte[k];
          int value = is.read();
          int cnt = 0;
          while (value != -1) {
            Assert.assertTrue(value >= 0);
            Assert.assertTrue(value < 256);
            ret[cnt++] = (byte) value;
            value = is.read();
          Assert.assertEquals(cnt, k);
          Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret));
コード例 #2
  /** Test {@link tachyon.client.block.BufferedBlockInStream#read(byte[])}. */
  public void readTest2() throws IOException, TachyonException {
    for (int k = MIN_LEN; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) {
      for (CreateFileOptions op : getOptionSet()) {
        TachyonURI path = new TachyonURI(sTestPath + "/file_" + k + "_" + op.hashCode());

        FileInStream is = sFileSystem.openFile(path, FileSystemTestUtils.toOpenFileOptions(op));
        byte[] ret = new byte[k];
        Assert.assertEquals(k, is.read(ret));
        Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret));

        is = sFileSystem.openFile(path, FileSystemTestUtils.toOpenFileOptions(op));
        ret = new byte[k];
        Assert.assertEquals(k, is.read(ret));
        Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteArray(k, ret));
コード例 #3
  /** Test {@link tachyon.client.block.BufferedBlockInStream#skip(long)}. */
  public void skipTest() throws IOException, TachyonException {
    for (int k = MIN_LEN + DELTA; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) {
      for (CreateFileOptions op : getOptionSet()) {
        TachyonURI path = new TachyonURI(sTestPath + "/file_" + k + "_" + op.hashCode());

        FileInStream is = sFileSystem.openFile(path, FileSystemTestUtils.toOpenFileOptions(op));

        Assert.assertEquals(k / 2, is.skip(k / 2));
        Assert.assertEquals(k / 2, is.read());

        is = sFileSystem.openFile(path, FileSystemTestUtils.toOpenFileOptions(op));
        int t = k / 3;
        Assert.assertEquals(t, is.skip(t));
        Assert.assertEquals(t, is.read());
        Assert.assertEquals(t, is.skip(t));
        Assert.assertEquals(2 * t + 1, is.read());
コード例 #4
  public static final void beforeClass() throws Exception {
    sFileSystem = sLocalTachyonClusterResource.get().getClient();
    sTachyonConf = sLocalTachyonClusterResource.get().getMasterTachyonConf();
    sWriteBoth = StreamOptionUtils.getCreateFileOptionsCacheThrough(sTachyonConf);
    sWriteTachyon = StreamOptionUtils.getCreateFileOptionsMustCache(sTachyonConf);
    sWriteUnderStore = StreamOptionUtils.getCreateFileOptionsThrough(sTachyonConf);
    sTestPath = PathUtils.uniqPath();

    // Create files of varying size and write type to later read from
    for (int k = MIN_LEN; k <= MAX_LEN; k += DELTA) {
      for (CreateFileOptions op : getOptionSet()) {
        TachyonURI path = new TachyonURI(sTestPath + "/file_" + k + "_" + op.hashCode());
        FileSystemTestUtils.createByteFile(sFileSystem, path, op, k);