private synchronized void reTryFailedMove(PollTableEntry entry, FileObject fileObject) throws AxisFault { try { String moveToDirectoryURI = entry.getMoveAfterMoveFailure(); FileObject moveToDirectory = fsManager.resolveFile(moveToDirectoryURI); if (!moveToDirectory.exists()) { moveToDirectory.createFolder(); } String prefix; if (entry.getMoveTimestampFormat() != null) { prefix = entry.getMoveTimestampFormat().format(new Date()); } else { prefix = ""; } FileObject dest = moveToDirectory.resolveFile(prefix + fileObject.getName().getBaseName()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The failed file is moving to :" + dest.getName().getURI()); } try { fileObject.moveTo( dest); // FIXME - when an exception occurs here it causes the in folder to vanish } catch (FileSystemException e) { handleException( "Error moving the failed file : " + fileObject + " to " + moveToDirectoryURI, e); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { handleException("Cloud not move the failed file object '" + fileObject + "'", e); } catch (IOException e) { handleException("Cloud not create the folder", e); } }
/** * Take specified action to either move or delete the processed file, depending on the outcome * * @param entry the PollTableEntry for the file that has been processed * @param fileObject the FileObject representing the file to be moved or deleted */ private void moveOrDeleteAfterProcessing(final PollTableEntry entry, FileObject fileObject) throws AxisFault { String moveToDirectoryURI = null; try { switch (entry.getLastPollState()) { case PollTableEntry.SUCCSESSFUL: if (entry.getActionAfterProcess() == PollTableEntry.MOVE) { moveToDirectoryURI = entry.getMoveAfterProcess(); } break; case PollTableEntry.FAILED: if (entry.getActionAfterFailure() == PollTableEntry.MOVE) { moveToDirectoryURI = entry.getMoveAfterFailure(); } break; default: return; } if (moveToDirectoryURI != null) { FileObject moveToDirectory = fsManager.resolveFile(moveToDirectoryURI); String prefix; if (entry.getMoveTimestampFormat() != null) { prefix = entry.getMoveTimestampFormat().format(new Date()); } else { prefix = ""; } FileObject dest = moveToDirectory.resolveFile(prefix + fileObject.getName().getBaseName()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Moving to file :" + dest.getName().getURI()); } try { fileObject.moveTo(dest); } catch (FileSystemException e) { handleException("Error moving file : " + fileObject + " to " + moveToDirectoryURI, e); } } else { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deleting file :" + fileObject); } fileObject.close(); if (!fileObject.delete()) { String msg = "Cannot delete file : " + fileObject; log.error(msg); throw new AxisFault(msg); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { log.error("Error deleting file : " + fileObject, e); } } } catch (FileSystemException e) { handleException( "Error resolving directory to move after processing : " + moveToDirectoryURI, e); } }
public void setSelectedFile(FileObject selectedFile) { this.selectedFile = selectedFile; if (selectedFile != null) { this.openFileCombo.setText(selectedFile.getName().getURI()); resolveVfsBrowser(); } }
public void testJarFileObjectDirEnd() throws IOException { FileSystemManager fs = new FileSystemManager(); String pathDir = "org/apache/commons/lang/"; URL urlDir = loader.getResource(pathDir); FileObject parent = fs.resolveFile(urlDir); assertTrue(parent.exists()); assertTrue(parent.getURL().toString().endsWith("/")); FileObject childDir = parent.getChild("math"); FileObject childDir2 = parent.getChild("math/"); assertTrue(childDir.exists()); assertTrue(childDir.getURL().toString().endsWith("/")); assertSame(childDir, childDir2); assertEquals("math/", parent.getName().getRelativeName(childDir.getName())); assertEquals("math/", parent.getName().getRelativeName(childDir2.getName())); }
private synchronized void addFailedRecord( PollTableEntry pollTableEntry, FileObject failedObject, String timeString) { try { String record = failedObject.getName().getBaseName() + VFSConstants.FAILED_RECORD_DELIMITER + timeString; String recordFile = pollTableEntry.getFailedRecordFileDestination() + pollTableEntry.getFailedRecordFileName(); File failedRecordFile = new File(recordFile); if (!failedRecordFile.exists()) { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(failedRecordFile, record); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added fail record '" + record + "' into the record file '" + recordFile + "'"); } } else { List<String> content = FileUtils.readLines(failedRecordFile); if (!content.contains(record)) { content.add(record); } FileUtils.writeLines(failedRecordFile, content); } } catch (IOException e) { log.fatal("Failure while writing the failed records!", e); } }
public void testSimpleFileObject() throws IOException { FileSystemManager fs = new FileSystemManager(); // String pathFile = "com/sinosoft/one/mvc/scanning/vfs/SimpleFileObject.class"; URL urlFile = loader.getResource(pathFile); assertNotNull(urlFile); FileObject fileObjectFile = fs.resolveFile(urlFile); assertEquals(SimpleFileObject.class, fileObjectFile.getClass()); // String pathDir = new File(urlFile.getPath()).getParent().replace('\\', '/'); pathDir = StringUtils.removeEnd(pathDir, "/"); URL urlDir = ResourceUtils.getURL(pathDir); assertNotNull(urlDir); File fileDir = new File(urlDir.getFile()); assertTrue(fileDir.exists()); FileObject fileObjectDir = fs.resolveFile(urlDir); assertEquals(SimpleFileObject.class, fileObjectDir.getClass()); File dirFile = ResourceUtils.getFile(urlDir); assertTrue(urlDir.toString().endsWith("/")); assertTrue(urlDir.getPath().endsWith("/")); assertFalse(dirFile.getPath().endsWith("/")); assertTrue(fileObjectDir.toString().endsWith("/")); // exists assertTrue(fileObjectFile.exists()); assertTrue(fileObjectDir.exists()); assertFalse(fileObjectDir.getChild("a_not_exists_file.txt").exists()); // getName assertEquals("vfs", fileObjectDir.getName().getBaseName()); assertEquals("SimpleFileObject.class", fileObjectFile.getName().getBaseName()); // getRelativeName assertEquals( "SimpleFileObject.class", fileObjectDir.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectFile.getName())); assertEquals("", fileObjectDir.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectDir.getName())); assertEquals("", fileObjectFile.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectFile.getName())); // getType assertSame(FileType.FOLDER, fileObjectDir.getType()); assertSame(FileType.FILE, fileObjectFile.getType()); // getChild, getParent, and equals, getChildren assertEquals(fileObjectFile, fileObjectDir.getChild("SimpleFileObject.class")); assertEquals(fileObjectDir, fileObjectFile.getParent()); assertSame(fileObjectFile, fileObjectDir.getChild("SimpleFileObject.class")); assertSame(fileObjectDir, fileObjectFile.getParent()); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(fileObjectDir.getChildren(), fileObjectFile)); // getURL assertEquals(urlDir, fileObjectDir.getURL()); assertEquals(urlFile, fileObjectFile.getURL()); }
/** * Utility function to extract information about files on the user's file systems. * * @param context current call Context * @param paths the list of files for which to return information * @return list column-oriented table of file information * @throws FileSystemException */ @Internal("") public static ListVector fileInfo(@Current Context context, StringVector paths) throws FileSystemException { DoubleArrayVector.Builder size = new DoubleArrayVector.Builder(); LogicalArrayVector.Builder isdir = new LogicalArrayVector.Builder(); IntArrayVector.Builder mode = (IntArrayVector.Builder) new IntArrayVector.Builder() .setAttribute(Symbols.CLASS, StringVector.valueOf("octmode")); DoubleArrayVector.Builder mtime = new DoubleArrayVector.Builder(); StringVector.Builder exe = new StringVector.Builder(); for (String path : paths) { if (StringVector.isNA(path)) { throw new EvalException("invalid filename argument"); } FileObject file = context.resolveFile(path); if (file.exists()) { if (file.getType() == FileType.FILE) { size.add((int) file.getContent().getSize()); } else { size.add(0); } isdir.add(file.getType() == FileType.FOLDER); mode.add(mode(file)); try { mtime.add(file.getContent().getLastModifiedTime()); } catch (Exception e) { mtime.add(0); } exe.add(file.getName().getBaseName().endsWith(".exe") ? "yes" : "no"); } else { size.addNA(); isdir.addNA(); mode.addNA(); mtime.addNA(); exe.addNA(); } } return ListVector.newNamedBuilder() .add("size", size) .add("isdir", isdir) .add("mode", mode) .add("mtime", mtime) .add("ctime", mtime) .add("atime", mtime) .add("exe", exe) .build(); }
public void testJarFileObject() throws IOException { FileSystemManager fs = new FileSystemManager(); URL urlFile = loader.getResource("org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtils.class"); assertTrue(urlFile.toString().startsWith("jar:")); FileObject fileObjectFile = fs.resolveFile(urlFile); assertEquals(JarFileObject.class, fileObjectFile.getClass()); // URL urlDir = new URL(urlFile.toString().substring(0, urlFile.toString().lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); assertNotNull(urlDir); FileObject fileObjectDir = fs.resolveFile(urlDir); assertEquals(JarFileObject.class, fileObjectDir.getClass()); // exists assertTrue(fileObjectFile.exists()); assertTrue(fileObjectDir.exists()); assertFalse(fileObjectDir.getChild("a_not_exists_file.txt").exists()); // getName assertEquals("lang", fileObjectDir.getName().getBaseName()); assertEquals("StringUtils.class", fileObjectFile.getName().getBaseName()); // getRelativeName assertEquals( "StringUtils.class", fileObjectDir.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectFile.getName())); assertEquals("", fileObjectDir.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectDir.getName())); assertEquals("", fileObjectFile.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectFile.getName())); // getType assertSame(FileType.FOLDER, fileObjectDir.getType()); assertSame(FileType.FILE, fileObjectFile.getType()); // getChild, getParent, and equals assertEquals(fileObjectFile, fileObjectDir.getChild("StringUtils.class")); assertEquals(fileObjectDir, fileObjectFile.getParent()); assertSame(fileObjectFile, fileObjectDir.getChild("StringUtils.class")); assertSame(fileObjectDir, fileObjectFile.getParent()); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(fileObjectDir.getChildren(), fileObjectFile)); // getURL assertEquals(urlDir, fileObjectDir.getURL()); assertEquals(urlFile, fileObjectFile.getURL()); }
private boolean isFailedRecord(FileObject fileObject, PollTableEntry entry) { String failedFile = entry.getFailedRecordFileDestination() + entry.getFailedRecordFileName(); File file = new File(failedFile); if (file.exists()) { try { List list = FileUtils.readLines(file); for (Object aList : list) { String str = (String) aList; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, VFSConstants.FAILED_RECORD_DELIMITER); String fileName = st.nextToken(); if (fileName != null && fileName.equals(fileObject.getName().getBaseName())) { return true; } } } catch (IOException e) { log.fatal("Error while reading the file '" + failedFile + "'", e); } } return false; }
/** Helper function to extract a zip entry to the given folder. */ private static void unzipExtract( ZipInputStream zin, ZipEntry entry, FileObject exdir, boolean junkpaths, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { if (junkpaths) { throw new EvalException("unzip(junpaths=false) not yet implemented"); } FileObject exfile = exdir.resolveFile(entry.getName()); if (exfile.exists() && !overwrite) { throw new EvalException( "file to be extracted '%s' already exists", exfile.getName().getURI()); } OutputStream out = exfile.getContent().getOutputStream(); try { byte buffer[] = new byte[64 * 1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } finally { out.close(); } }
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent se) { if (se.widget == openFileCombo) { // String filePath = parentFoldersCombo.getItem(parentFoldersCombo.getSelectionIndex()); // vfsBrowser.selectTreeItemByName(filePath, true); try { // resolve the selected folder (without displaying access/secret keys in plain text) // FileObject newRoot = // rootFile.getFileSystem().getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(folderURL.getFolderURL(openFileCombo.getText())); FileObject newRoot = currentPanel.resolveFile(getSelectedFile().getName().getURI()); vfsBrowser.resetVfsRoot(newRoot); } catch (FileSystemException e) { } } else if (se.widget == okButton) { okPressed(); } else if (se.widget == folderUpButton) { try { FileObject newRoot = vfsBrowser.getSelectedFileObject().getParent(); if (newRoot != null) { vfsBrowser.resetVfsRoot(newRoot); vfsBrowser.setSelectedFileObject(newRoot); // make sure access/secret keys not displayed in plain text // String str = folderURL.setFolderURL(newRoot.getName().getURI()); openFileCombo.setText(newRoot.getName().getURI()); } } catch (Exception e) { // top of root } } else if (se.widget == newFolderButton) { promptForNewFolder(); } else if (se.widget == deleteFileButton) { MessageBox messageDialog = new MessageBox(se.widget.getDisplay().getActiveShell(), SWT.YES | SWT.NO); messageDialog.setText(Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.confirm")); // $NON-NLS-1$ messageDialog.setMessage( Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.deleteFile")); // $NON-NLS-1$ int status =; if (status == SWT.YES) { try { vfsBrowser.deleteSelectedItem(); } catch (FileSystemException e) { MessageBox errorDialog = new MessageBox(se.widget.getDisplay().getActiveShell(), SWT.OK); errorDialog.setText(Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.error")); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorDialog.setMessage(e.getMessage());; } } // } else if (se.widget == changeRootButton) { // promptForNewVfsRoot(); } else if (se.widget == fileFilterCombo) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { String filter = fileFilters[fileFilterCombo.getSelectionIndex()]; vfsBrowser.setFilter(filter); try { vfsBrowser.applyFilter(); } catch (FileSystemException e) { MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(newFolderButton.getShell(), SWT.OK); mb.setText( Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.errorApplyFilter")); // $NON-NLS-1$ mb.setMessage(e.getMessage());; } } }; BusyIndicator.showWhile(fileFilterCombo.getDisplay(), r); } else { okPressed = false; hideCustomPanelChildren(); dialog.dispose(); } }
public FileObject open( Shell applicationShell, String[] schemeRestrictions, String initialScheme, boolean showFileScheme, String fileName, String[] fileFilters, String[] fileFilterNames, boolean returnUserAuthenticatedFile, int fileDialogMode, boolean showLocation, boolean showCustomUI) { this.fileDialogMode = fileDialogMode; this.fileFilters = fileFilters; this.fileFilterNames = fileFilterNames; this.applicationShell = applicationShell; this.showFileScheme = showFileScheme; this.initialScheme = initialScheme; this.schemeRestrictions = schemeRestrictions; this.showLocation = showLocation; this.showCustomUI = showCustomUI; FileObject tmpInitialFile = initialFile; if (defaultInitialFile != null && rootFile == null) { try { rootFile = defaultInitialFile.getFileSystem().getRoot(); initialFile = defaultInitialFile; } catch (FileSystemException ignored) { // well we tried } } createDialog(applicationShell); if (!showLocation) { comboPanel.setParent(fakeShell); } else { comboPanel.setParent(customUIPanel); } if (!showCustomUI) { customUIPanel.setParent(fakeShell); } else { customUIPanel.setParent(dialog); } // create our file chooser tool bar, contains parent folder combo and various controls createToolbarPanel(dialog); // create our vfs browser component createVfsBrowser(dialog); populateCustomUIPanel(dialog); if (fileDialogMode == VFS_DIALOG_SAVEAS) { createFileNamePanel(dialog, fileName); } else { // create file filter panel createFileFilterPanel(dialog); } // create our ok/cancel buttons createButtonPanel(dialog); initialFile = tmpInitialFile; // set the initial file selection try { if (initialFile != null || rootFile != null) { vfsBrowser.selectTreeItemByFileObject(initialFile != null ? initialFile : rootFile, true); updateParentFileCombo(initialFile != null ? initialFile : rootFile); setSelectedFile(initialFile != null ? initialFile : rootFile); openFileCombo.setText( initialFile != null ? initialFile.getName().getURI() : rootFile.getName().getURI()); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { MessageBox box = new MessageBox(dialog.getShell()); box.setText(Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.error")); // $NON-NLS-1$ box.setMessage(e.getMessage());; } // set the size and show the dialog int height = 550; int width = 800; dialog.setSize(width, height); Rectangle bounds = dialog.getDisplay().getPrimaryMonitor().getClientArea(); int x = (bounds.width - width) / 2; int y = (bounds.height - height) / 2; dialog.setLocation(x, y);; if (rootFile != null && fileDialogMode == VFS_DIALOG_SAVEAS) { if (!rootFile.getFileSystem().hasCapability(Capability.WRITE_CONTENT)) { MessageBox messageDialog = new MessageBox(dialog.getShell(), SWT.OK); messageDialog.setText(Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.warning")); // $NON-NLS-1$ messageDialog.setMessage( Messages.getString("VfsFileChooserDialog.noWriteSupport")); // $NON-NLS-1$; } } vfsBrowser.fileSystemTree.forceFocus(); while (!dialog.isDisposed()) { if (!dialog.getDisplay().readAndDispatch()) dialog.getDisplay().sleep(); } // we just woke up, we are probably disposed already.. if (!dialog.isDisposed()) { hideCustomPanelChildren(); dialog.dispose(); } if (okPressed) { FileObject returnFile = vfsBrowser.getSelectedFileObject(); if (returnFile != null && fileDialogMode == VFS_DIALOG_SAVEAS) { try { if (returnFile.getType().equals(FileType.FILE)) { returnFile = returnFile.getParent(); } returnFile = returnFile.resolveFile(enteredFileName); } catch (FileSystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // put user/pass on the filename so it comes out in the getUri call. if (!returnUserAuthenticatedFile) { // make sure to put the user/pass on the url if it's not there if (returnFile != null && returnFile.getName() instanceof URLFileName) { URLFileName urlFileName = (URLFileName) returnFile.getName(); if (urlFileName.getUserName() == null || urlFileName.getPassword() == null) { // set it String user = ""; String pass = ""; UserAuthenticator userAuthenticator = DefaultFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance() .getUserAuthenticator(returnFile.getFileSystem().getFileSystemOptions()); if (userAuthenticator != null) { UserAuthenticationData data = userAuthenticator.requestAuthentication(AUTHENTICATOR_TYPES); user = String.valueOf(data.getData(UserAuthenticationData.USERNAME)); pass = String.valueOf(data.getData(UserAuthenticationData.PASSWORD)); try { user = URLEncoder.encode(user, "UTF-8"); pass = URLEncoder.encode(pass, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // ignore, just use the un encoded values } } // build up the url with user/pass on it int port = urlFileName.getPort(); String portString = (port < 1) ? "" : (":" + port); String urlWithUserPass = urlFileName.getScheme() + "://" + user + ":" + pass + "@" + urlFileName.getHostName() + portString + urlFileName.getPath(); try { returnFile = currentPanel.resolveFile(urlWithUserPass); } catch (FileSystemException e) { // couldn't resolve with user/pass on url??? interesting e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return returnFile; } else { return null; } }
public void fireFileObjectDoubleClicked(FileObject selectedItem) { if (fileDialogMode != VFS_DIALOG_SAVEAS) { // let's try drilling into the file as a new vfs root first String scheme = null; if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("jar")) { scheme = "jar:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("zip")) { scheme = "zip:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("gz")) { scheme = "gz:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("war")) { scheme = "war:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("ear")) { scheme = "ear:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("sar")) { scheme = "sar:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("tar")) { scheme = "tar:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("tbz2")) { scheme = "tbz2:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("tgz")) { scheme = "tgz:"; } else if (selectedItem.getName().getExtension().contains("bz2")) { scheme = "bz2:"; } if (scheme != null) { try { FileObject jarFileObject = selectedItem .getFileSystem() .getFileSystemManager() .resolveFile(scheme + selectedItem.getName().getURI()); vfsBrowser.resetVfsRoot(jarFileObject); updateParentFileCombo(jarFileObject); vfsBrowser.fileSystemTree.forceFocus(); } catch (FileSystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); okPressed = true; hideCustomPanelChildren(); dialog.dispose(); } } else { okPressed = true; hideCustomPanelChildren(); dialog.dispose(); } } else { // anything? } }
/** * Process a single file through Axis2 * * @param entry the PollTableEntry for the file (or its parent directory or archive) * @param file the file that contains the actual message pumped into Axis2 * @throws AxisFault on error */ private void processFile(PollTableEntry entry, FileObject file) throws AxisFault { try { FileContent content = file.getContent(); String fileName = file.getName().getBaseName(); String filePath = file.getName().getPath(); metrics.incrementBytesReceived(content.getSize()); Map<String, Object> transportHeaders = new HashMap<String, Object>(); transportHeaders.put(VFSConstants.FILE_PATH, filePath); transportHeaders.put(VFSConstants.FILE_NAME, fileName); try { transportHeaders.put(VFSConstants.FILE_LENGTH, content.getSize()); transportHeaders.put(VFSConstants.LAST_MODIFIED, content.getLastModifiedTime()); } catch (FileSystemException ignore) { } MessageContext msgContext = entry.createMessageContext(); String contentType = entry.getContentType(); if (BaseUtils.isBlank(contentType)) { if (file.getName().getExtension().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { contentType = "text/xml"; } else if (file.getName().getExtension().toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt")) { contentType = "text/plain"; } } else { // Extract the charset encoding from the configured content type and // set the CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING property as e.g. SOAPBuilder relies on this. String charSetEnc = null; try { if (contentType != null) { charSetEnc = new ContentType(contentType).getParameter("charset"); } } catch (ParseException ex) { // ignore } msgContext.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, charSetEnc); } // if the content type was not found, but the service defined it.. use it if (contentType == null) { if (entry.getContentType() != null) { contentType = entry.getContentType(); } else if (VFSUtils.getProperty(content, BaseConstants.CONTENT_TYPE) != null) { contentType = VFSUtils.getProperty(content, BaseConstants.CONTENT_TYPE); } } // does the service specify a default reply file URI ? String replyFileURI = entry.getReplyFileURI(); if (replyFileURI != null) { msgContext.setProperty( Constants.OUT_TRANSPORT_INFO, new VFSOutTransportInfo(replyFileURI, entry.isFileLockingEnabled())); } // Determine the message builder to use Builder builder; if (contentType == null) { log.debug("No content type specified. Using SOAP builder."); builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } else { int index = contentType.indexOf(';'); String type = index > 0 ? contentType.substring(0, index) : contentType; builder = BuilderUtil.getBuilderFromSelector(type, msgContext); if (builder == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No message builder found for type '" + type + "'. Falling back to SOAP."); } builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } } // set the message payload to the message context InputStream in; ManagedDataSource dataSource; if (builder instanceof DataSourceMessageBuilder && entry.isStreaming()) { in = null; dataSource = ManagedDataSourceFactory.create(new FileObjectDataSource(file, contentType)); } else { in = new AutoCloseInputStream(content.getInputStream()); dataSource = null; } try { OMElement documentElement; if (in != null) { documentElement = builder.processDocument(in, contentType, msgContext); } else { documentElement = ((DataSourceMessageBuilder) builder) .processDocument(dataSource, contentType, msgContext); } msgContext.setEnvelope(TransportUtils.createSOAPEnvelope(documentElement)); handleIncomingMessage( msgContext, transportHeaders, null, // * SOAP Action - not applicable *// contentType); } finally { if (dataSource != null) { dataSource.destroy(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Processed file : " + file + " of Content-type : " + contentType); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { handleException("Error reading file content or attributes : " + file, e); } finally { try { file.close(); } catch (FileSystemException warn) { // log.warn("Cannot close file after processing : " + file.getName().getPath(), warn); // ignore the warning, since we handed over the stream close job to AutocloseInputstream.. } } }
/** * Search for files that match the given regex pattern and create a list Then process each of * these files and update the status of the scan on the poll table * * @param entry the poll table entry for the scan * @param fileURI the file or directory to be scanned */ private void scanFileOrDirectory(final PollTableEntry entry, String fileURI) { FileObject fileObject = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Scanning directory or file : " + VFSUtils.maskURLPassword(fileURI)); } boolean wasError = true; int retryCount = 0; int maxRetryCount = entry.getMaxRetryCount(); long reconnectionTimeout = entry.getReconnectTimeout(); while (wasError) { try { retryCount++; fileObject = fsManager.resolveFile(fileURI); if (fileObject == null) { log.error("fileObject is null"); throw new FileSystemException("fileObject is null"); } wasError = false; } catch (FileSystemException e) { if (retryCount >= maxRetryCount) { processFailure( "Repeatedly failed to resolve the file URI: " + VFSUtils.maskURLPassword(fileURI), e, entry); return; } else { log.warn( "Failed to resolve the file URI: " + VFSUtils.maskURLPassword(fileURI) + ", in attempt " + retryCount + ", " + e.getMessage() + " Retrying in " + reconnectionTimeout + " milliseconds."); } } if (wasError) { try { Thread.sleep(reconnectionTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { log.error("Thread was interrupted while waiting to reconnect.", e2); } } } try { if (fileObject.exists() && fileObject.isReadable()) { entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.NONE); FileObject[] children = null; try { children = fileObject.getChildren(); } catch (FileSystemException ignore) { } // if this is a file that would translate to a single message if (children == null || children.length == 0) { boolean isFailedRecord = false; if (entry.getMoveAfterMoveFailure() != null) { isFailedRecord = isFailedRecord(fileObject, entry); } if (fileObject.getType() == FileType.FILE && !isFailedRecord) { if (!entry.isFileLockingEnabled() || (entry.isFileLockingEnabled() && VFSUtils.acquireLock(fsManager, fileObject))) { try { processFile(entry, fileObject); entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.SUCCSESSFUL); metrics.incrementMessagesReceived(); } catch (AxisFault e) { logException("Error processing File URI : " + fileObject.getName(), e); entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.FAILED); metrics.incrementFaultsReceiving(); } try { moveOrDeleteAfterProcessing(entry, fileObject); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { logException( "File object '" + fileObject.getURL().toString() + "' " + "cloud not be moved", axisFault); entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.FAILED); String timeStamp = VFSUtils.getSystemTime(entry.getFailedRecordTimestampFormat()); addFailedRecord(entry, fileObject, timeStamp); } if (entry.isFileLockingEnabled()) { VFSUtils.releaseLock(fsManager, fileObject); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Removed the lock file '" + fileObject.toString() + ".lock' of the file '" + fileObject.toString()); } } } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Couldn't get the lock for processing the file : " + fileObject.getName()); } else if (isFailedRecord) { if (entry.isFileLockingEnabled()) { VFSUtils.releaseLock(fsManager, fileObject); } // schedule a cleanup task if the file is there if (fsManager.resolveFile(fileObject.getURL().toString()) != null && removeTaskState == STATE_STOPPED && entry.getMoveAfterMoveFailure() != null) { workerPool.execute(new FileRemoveTask(entry, fileObject)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "File '" + fileObject.getURL() + "' has been marked as a failed" + " record, it will not process"); } } } } else { int failCount = 0; int successCount = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("File name pattern : " + entry.getFileNamePattern()); } for (FileObject child : children) { boolean isFailedRecord = false; if (entry.getMoveAfterMoveFailure() != null) { isFailedRecord = isFailedRecord(child, entry); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Matching file : " + child.getName().getBaseName()); } if ((entry.getFileNamePattern() != null) && (child.getName().getBaseName().matches(entry.getFileNamePattern())) && (!entry.isFileLockingEnabled() || (entry.isFileLockingEnabled() && VFSUtils.acquireLock(fsManager, child))) && !isFailedRecord) { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Processing file :" + child); } processFile(entry, child); successCount++; // tell moveOrDeleteAfterProcessing() file was success entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.SUCCSESSFUL); metrics.incrementMessagesReceived(); } catch (Exception e) { logException("Error processing File URI : " + child.getName(), e); failCount++; // tell moveOrDeleteAfterProcessing() file failed entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.FAILED); metrics.incrementFaultsReceiving(); } try { moveOrDeleteAfterProcessing(entry, child); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { logException( "File object '" + child.getURL().toString() + "'cloud not be moved", axisFault); failCount++; entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.FAILED); String timeStamp = VFSUtils.getSystemTime(entry.getFailedRecordTimestampFormat()); addFailedRecord(entry, child, timeStamp); } // if there is a failure or not we'll try to release the lock if (entry.isFileLockingEnabled()) { VFSUtils.releaseLock(fsManager, child); } } else if (!(!entry.isFileLockingEnabled() || (entry.isFileLockingEnabled() && VFSUtils.acquireLock(fsManager, fileObject))) && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Couldn't get the lock for processing the file : " + child.getName()); } else if (isFailedRecord) { if (entry.isFileLockingEnabled()) { VFSUtils.releaseLock(fsManager, child); VFSUtils.releaseLock(fsManager, fileObject); } if (fsManager.resolveFile(child.getURL().toString()) != null && removeTaskState == STATE_STOPPED && entry.getMoveAfterMoveFailure() != null) { workerPool.execute(new FileRemoveTask(entry, child)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "File '" + fileObject.getURL() + "' has been marked as a failed record, it will not " + "process"); } } } if (failCount == 0 && successCount > 0) { entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.SUCCSESSFUL); } else if (successCount == 0 && failCount > 0) { entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.FAILED); } else { entry.setLastPollState(PollTableEntry.WITH_ERRORS); } } // processing of this poll table entry is complete long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); entry.setLastPollTime(now); entry.setNextPollTime(now + entry.getPollInterval()); } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Unable to access or read file or directory : " + VFSUtils.maskURLPassword(fileURI) + "." + " Reason: " + (fileObject.exists() ? (fileObject.isReadable() ? "Unknown reason" : "The file can not be read!") : "The file does not exists!")); } onPollCompletion(entry); } catch (FileSystemException e) { processFailure( "Error checking for existence and readability : " + VFSUtils.maskURLPassword(fileURI), e, entry); } }