コード例 #1
  public void train(int startingIndex, ModelManager modelInfo, List data) {
    Assert.a(allFeatureTypes.size() > 0, "No features types have been assigned.");
    Assert.a(startIndexes == null, "FeatureManager has already been trained.");
    startIx = startingIndex;

    // Train each of the individual FeatureManagers and calculate offsets
    startIndexes = new int[allFeatureTypes.size()];
    totalFeatures = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < startIndexes.length; ++i) {
      startIndexes[i] = totalFeatures + startIx;
      FeatureManager fm = allFeatureTypes.get(i);
      List compData =
          fm.getInputComponent() == null ? data : new ComponentList(data, fm.getInputComponent());
      fm.train(totalFeatures, modelInfo, compData);
      totalFeatures += fm.getNumFeatures();