// write identical to other version, but take field values from hashmap (because of annoying // putField/getField feature) private void writeCompatibleObjectFields( Object toWrite, Map fields, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo[] fieldInfo) throws IOException { int booleanMask = 0; int boolcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfo.length; i++) { try { FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo subInfo = fieldInfo[i]; boolean isarr = subInfo.isArray(); Class subInfType = subInfo.getType(); if (subInfType != boolean.class || isarr) { if (boolcount > 0) { codec.writeFByte(booleanMask << (8 - boolcount)); boolcount = 0; booleanMask = 0; } } if (subInfo.isIntegral() && !isarr) { if (subInfType == boolean.class) { if (boolcount == 8) { codec.writeFByte(booleanMask << (8 - boolcount)); boolcount = 0; booleanMask = 0; } boolean booleanValue = ((Boolean) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).booleanValue(); booleanMask = booleanMask << 1; booleanMask = (booleanMask | (booleanValue ? 1 : 0)); boolcount++; } else if (subInfType == int.class) { codec.writeFInt(((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).intValue()); } else if (subInfType == long.class) { codec.writeFLong(((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).longValue()); } else if (subInfType == byte.class) { codec.writeFByte(((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).byteValue()); } else if (subInfType == char.class) { codec.writeFChar((char) ((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).intValue()); } else if (subInfType == short.class) { codec.writeFShort(((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).shortValue()); } else if (subInfType == float.class) { codec.writeFFloat(((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).floatValue()); } else if (subInfType == double.class) { codec.writeFDouble(((Number) fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName())).doubleValue()); } } else { // object Object subObject = fields.get(subInfo.getField().getName()); writeObjectWithContext(subInfo, subObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw FSTUtil.rethrow(ex); } } if (boolcount > 0) { codec.writeFByte(booleanMask << (8 - boolcount)); } }
// splitting this slows down ... protected void writeObjectWithContext(FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, Object toWrite) throws IOException { int startPosition = codec.getWritten(); boolean dontShare = objects.disabled; objectWillBeWritten(toWrite, startPosition); try { if (toWrite == null) { codec.writeTag(NULL, null, 0, toWrite); return; } final Class clazz = toWrite.getClass(); if (clazz == String.class) { String[] oneOf = referencee.getOneOf(); if (oneOf != null) { for (int i = 0; i < oneOf.length; i++) { String s = oneOf[i]; if (s.equals(toWrite)) { codec.writeTag(ONE_OF, oneOf, i, toWrite); codec.writeFByte(i); return; } } } if (dontShare) { codec.writeTag(STRING, toWrite, 0, toWrite); codec.writeStringUTF((String) toWrite); return; } } else if (clazz == Integer.class) { codec.writeTag(BIG_INT, null, 0, toWrite); codec.writeFInt(((Integer) toWrite).intValue()); return; } else if (clazz == Long.class) { codec.writeTag(BIG_LONG, null, 0, toWrite); codec.writeFLong(((Long) toWrite).longValue()); return; } else if (clazz == Boolean.class) { codec.writeTag( ((Boolean) toWrite).booleanValue() ? BIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE : BIG_BOOLEAN_FALSE, null, 0, toWrite); return; } else if ((referencee.getType() != null && referencee.getType().isEnum()) || toWrite instanceof Enum) { if (!codec.writeTag(ENUM, toWrite, 0, toWrite)) { boolean isEnumClass = toWrite.getClass().isEnum(); if (!isEnumClass) { // weird stuff .. Class c = toWrite.getClass(); while (c != null && !c.isEnum()) { c = toWrite.getClass().getEnclosingClass(); } if (c == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't handle this enum: " + toWrite.getClass()); } codec.writeClass(c); } else { codec.writeClass(getFstClazzInfo(referencee, toWrite.getClass())); } codec.writeFInt(((Enum) toWrite).ordinal()); } return; } FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo = getFstClazzInfo(referencee, clazz); // check for identical / equal objects FSTObjectSerializer ser = serializationInfo.getSer(); if (!dontShare && !referencee.isFlat() && !serializationInfo.isFlat() && (ser == null || !ser.alwaysCopy())) { int handle = objects.registerObjectForWrite(toWrite, codec.getWritten(), serializationInfo, tmp); // determine class header if (handle >= 0) { final boolean isIdentical = tmp[0] == 0; // objects.getReadRegisteredObject(handle) == toWrite; if (isIdentical) { // System.out.println("POK writeHandle"+handle+" // "+toWrite.getClass().getName()); if (!codec.writeTag(HANDLE, null, handle, toWrite)) codec.writeFInt(handle); return; } } } if (clazz.isArray()) { if (codec.writeTag(ARRAY, toWrite, 0, toWrite)) return; // some codecs handle primitive arrays like an primitive type writeArray(referencee, toWrite); } else if (ser == null) { // default write object wihtout custom serializer // handle write replace if (!dontShare) { if (serializationInfo.getWriteReplaceMethod() != null) { Object replaced = null; try { replaced = serializationInfo.getWriteReplaceMethod().invoke(toWrite); } catch (Exception e) { throw FSTUtil.rethrow(e); } if (replaced != toWrite) { toWrite = replaced; serializationInfo = getClassInfoRegistry().getCLInfo(toWrite.getClass()); // fixme: update object map ? } } // clazz uses some JDK special stuff (frequently slow) if (serializationInfo.useCompatibleMode() && !serializationInfo.isExternalizable()) { writeObjectCompatible(referencee, toWrite, serializationInfo); return; } } if (!writeObjectHeader( serializationInfo, referencee, toWrite)) { // skip in case codec can write object as primitive defaultWriteObject(toWrite, serializationInfo); if (serializationInfo.isExternalizable()) codec.externalEnd(serializationInfo); } } else { // object has custom serializer // Object header (nothing written till here) int pos = codec.getWritten(); if (!writeObjectHeader( serializationInfo, referencee, toWrite)) { // skip in case code can write object as primitive // write object depending on type (custom, externalizable, serializable/java, default) ser.writeObject(this, toWrite, serializationInfo, referencee, pos); codec.externalEnd(serializationInfo); } } } finally { objectHasBeenWritten(toWrite, startPosition, codec.getWritten()); } }
private void writeObjectFields( Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo[] fieldInfo, int startIndex, int version) throws IOException { try { int booleanMask = 0; int boolcount = 0; final int length = fieldInfo.length; int j = startIndex; if (!codec.isWritingAttributes()) { for (; ; j++) { if (j == length || fieldInfo[j].getVersion() != version) { if (boolcount > 0) { codec.writeFByte(booleanMask << (8 - boolcount)); } break; } final FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo subInfo = fieldInfo[j]; if (subInfo.getIntegralType() != subInfo.BOOL) { if (boolcount > 0) { codec.writeFByte(booleanMask << (8 - boolcount)); } break; } else { if (boolcount == 8) { codec.writeFByte(booleanMask << (8 - boolcount)); boolcount = 0; booleanMask = 0; } boolean booleanValue = subInfo.getBooleanValue(toWrite); booleanMask = booleanMask << 1; booleanMask = (booleanMask | (booleanValue ? 1 : 0)); boolcount++; } } } for (int i = j; i < length; i++) { final FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo subInfo = fieldInfo[i]; if (subInfo.getVersion() != version) { codec.writeVersionTag(subInfo.getVersion()); writeObjectFields(toWrite, serializationInfo, fieldInfo, i, subInfo.getVersion()); return; } codec.writeAttributeName(subInfo); if (subInfo.isPrimitive()) { // speed safe int integralType = subInfo.getIntegralType(); switch (integralType) { case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.BOOL: codec.writeFByte(subInfo.getBooleanValue(toWrite) ? 1 : 0); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.BYTE: codec.writeFByte(subInfo.getByteValue(toWrite)); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.CHAR: codec.writeFChar((char) subInfo.getCharValue(toWrite)); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.SHORT: codec.writeFShort((short) subInfo.getShortValue(toWrite)); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.INT: codec.writeFInt(subInfo.getIntValue(toWrite)); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.LONG: codec.writeFLong(subInfo.getLongValue(toWrite)); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.FLOAT: codec.writeFFloat(subInfo.getFloatValue(toWrite)); break; case FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo.DOUBLE: codec.writeFDouble(subInfo.getDoubleValue(toWrite)); break; } } else if (subInfo.isConditional()) { final int conditional = codec.getWritten(); codec.skip(4); // object Object subObject = subInfo.getObjectValue(toWrite); if (subObject == null) { codec.writeTag(NULL, null, 0, toWrite); } else { writeObjectWithContext(subInfo, subObject); } int v = codec.getWritten(); codec.writeInt32At(conditional, v); } else { // object Object subObject = subInfo.getObjectValue(toWrite); if (subObject == null) { codec.writeTag(NULL, null, 0, toWrite); } else { writeObjectWithContext(subInfo, subObject); } } } codec.writeVersionTag((byte) 0); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw FSTUtil.rethrow(ex); } }
@Override public void writeLong(long v) throws IOException { codec.writeFLong(v); }