コード例 #1
    public ChecksumFSInputChecker(ChecksumFileSystem fs, Path file, int bufferSize)
        throws IOException {
      super(file, fs.getFileStatus(file).getReplication());
      this.datas = fs.getRawFileSystem().open(file, bufferSize);
      this.fs = fs;
      Path sumFile = fs.getChecksumFile(file);
      try {
        int sumBufferSize = fs.getSumBufferSize(fs.getBytesPerSum(), bufferSize);
        sums = fs.getRawFileSystem().open(sumFile, sumBufferSize);

        byte[] version = new byte[CHECKSUM_VERSION.length];
        if (!Arrays.equals(version, CHECKSUM_VERSION))
          throw new IOException("Not a checksum file: " + sumFile);
        this.bytesPerSum = sums.readInt();
        set(fs.verifyChecksum, new CRC32(), bytesPerSum, 4);
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // quietly ignore
        set(fs.verifyChecksum, null, 1, 0);
      } catch (IOException e) { // loudly ignore
            "Problem opening checksum file: "
                + file
                + ".  Ignoring exception: "
                + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
        set(fs.verifyChecksum, null, 1, 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileDataGenNew.java プロジェクト: hwx293926/HiBench
  private InputStream OpenMultiplePartsWithOffset(FileSystem fs, Path pt, long offset)
      throws IOException {
    RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> rit = fs.listFiles(pt, false);
    Vector<FSDataInputStream> fileHandleList = new Vector<FSDataInputStream>();
    while (rit.hasNext()) {
      Path path = rit.next().getPath();
      String filename =
          path.toString().substring(path.getParent().toString().length(), path.toString().length());

      if (filename.startsWith("/part-")) {
        long filesize = fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen();
        if (offset < filesize) {
          FSDataInputStream handle = fs.open(path);
          if (offset > 0) {
        offset -= filesize;
    if (fileHandleList.size() == 1) return fileHandleList.get(0);
    else if (fileHandleList.size() > 1) {
      Enumeration<FSDataInputStream> enu = fileHandleList.elements();
      return new SequenceInputStream(enu);
    } else {
      System.err.println("Error, no source file loaded. run genSeedDataset.sh fisrt!");
      return null;
コード例 #3
 public void close() throws IOException {
   if (sums != null) {
   set(fs.verifyChecksum, null, 1, 0);
コード例 #4
 public boolean seekToNewSource(long targetPos) throws IOException {
   long sumsPos = getChecksumFilePos(targetPos);
   fs.reportChecksumFailure(file, datas, targetPos, sums, sumsPos);
   boolean newDataSource = datas.seekToNewSource(targetPos);
   return sums.seekToNewSource(sumsPos) || newDataSource;
コード例 #5
 protected int readChunk(long pos, byte[] buf, int offset, int len, byte[] checksum)
     throws IOException {
   boolean eof = false;
   if (needChecksum()) {
     try {
       long checksumPos = getChecksumFilePos(pos);
       if (checksumPos != sums.getPos()) {
     } catch (EOFException e) {
       eof = true;
     len = bytesPerSum;
   if (pos != datas.getPos()) {
   int nread = readFully(datas, buf, offset, len);
   if (eof && nread > 0) {
     throw new ChecksumException("Checksum error: " + file + " at " + pos, pos);
   return nread;
コード例 #6
    public void initialize(InputSplit genericSplit, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
      FileSplit split = (FileSplit) genericSplit;
      Configuration job = context.getConfiguration();
      m_Start = split.getStart();
      m_End = m_Start + split.getLength();
      final Path file = split.getPath();
      compressionCodecs = new CompressionCodecFactory(job);
      final CompressionCodec codec = compressionCodecs.getCodec(file);

      // open the file and seek to the m_Start of the split
      FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(job);
      //  getFileStatus fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(split.getPath());
      //noinspection deprecation
      @SuppressWarnings(value = "deprecated")
      long length = fs.getLength(file);
      FSDataInputStream fileIn = fs.open(split.getPath());
      if (m_Start > 0) fileIn.seek(m_Start);
      if (codec != null) {
        CompressionInputStream inputStream = codec.createInputStream(fileIn);
        m_Input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
        m_End = length;
      } else {
        m_Input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileIn));
      m_Current = m_Start;
      m_Key = split.getPath().getName();
コード例 #7
ファイル: Fetcher.java プロジェクト: bilal1976/splout-db
   * Fetch a file that is in a Hadoop file system. Return a local File.
   * Interruptible.
  private File hdfsFetch(Path fromPath, Reporter reporter)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    UUID uniqueId = UUID.randomUUID();
    File toFile = new File(tempDir, uniqueId.toString() + "/" + fromPath.getName());
    File toDir = new File(toFile.getParent());
    if (toDir.exists()) {
    Path toPath = new Path(toFile.getCanonicalPath());

    FileSystem fS = fromPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf);
    FileSystem tofS = FileSystem.getLocal(hadoopConf);

    Throttler throttler = new Throttler((double) bytesPerSecThrottle);
    try {
      for (FileStatus fStatus : fS.globStatus(fromPath)) {
        log.info("Copying " + fStatus.getPath() + " to " + toPath);
        long bytesSoFar = 0;

        FSDataInputStream iS = fS.open(fStatus.getPath());
        FSDataOutputStream oS = tofS.create(toPath);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[downloadBufferSize];

        int nRead;
        while ((nRead = iS.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) {
          // Needed to being able to be interrupted at any moment.
          if (Thread.interrupted()) {
            throw new InterruptedException();
          bytesSoFar += nRead;
          oS.write(buffer, 0, nRead);
          if (bytesSoFar >= bytesToReportProgress) {
            bytesSoFar = 0l;

        if (reporter != null) {


      return toDir;
    } catch (ClosedByInterruptException e) {
      // This can be thrown by the method read.
      throw new InterruptedIOException();
コード例 #8
ファイル: PersistHdfs.java プロジェクト: jayfans3/h2o
 private static void addFolder(FileSystem fs, Path p, JsonArray succeeded, JsonArray failed) {
   try {
     if (fs == null) return;
     for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
       Path pfs = file.getPath();
       if (file.isDir()) {
         addFolder(fs, pfs, succeeded, failed);
       } else {
         Key k = Key.make(pfs.toString());
         long size = file.getLen();
         Value val = null;
         if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
           JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
           JsonObject json = parser.parse(new InputStreamReader(fs.open(pfs))).getAsJsonObject();
           JsonElement v = json.get(Constants.VERSION);
           if (v == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing version");
           JsonElement type = json.get(Constants.TYPE);
           if (type == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type");
           Class c = Class.forName(type.getAsString());
           OldModel model = (OldModel) c.newInstance();
         } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
           FSDataInputStream s = fs.open(pfs);
           int sz = (int) Math.min(1L << 20, size); // Read up to the 1st meg
           byte[] mem = MemoryManager.malloc1(sz);
           // Convert to a ValueArray (hope it fits in 1Meg!)
           ValueArray ary = new ValueArray(k, 0).read(new AutoBuffer(mem));
           val = new Value(k, ary, Value.HDFS);
         } else if (size >= 2 * ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ) {
           val =
               new Value(
                   new ValueArray(k, size),
                   Value.HDFS); // ValueArray byte wrapper over a large file
         } else {
           val = new Value(k, (int) size, Value.HDFS); // Plain Value
         DKV.put(k, val);
         Log.info("PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
         JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
         o.addProperty(Constants.KEY, k.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, pfs.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.VALUE_SIZE, file.getLen());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
     o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, p.toString());
     o.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, e.getMessage());
コード例 #9
 public static int readInt(Path path, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
   FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(path.toUri(), conf);
   //FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
   FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(path);
   try {
     return in.readInt();
   } finally {
コード例 #10
    protected int readChunk(long pos, byte[] buf, int offset, int len, byte[] checksum)
        throws IOException {

      boolean eof = false;
      if (needChecksum()) {
        assert checksum != null; // we have a checksum buffer
        assert checksum.length % CHECKSUM_SIZE == 0; // it is sane length
        assert len >= bytesPerSum; // we must read at least one chunk

        final int checksumsToRead =
                len / bytesPerSum, // number of checksums based on len to read
                checksum.length / CHECKSUM_SIZE); // size of checksum buffer
        long checksumPos = getChecksumFilePos(pos);
        if (checksumPos != sums.getPos()) {

        int sumLenRead = sums.read(checksum, 0, CHECKSUM_SIZE * checksumsToRead);
        if (sumLenRead >= 0 && sumLenRead % CHECKSUM_SIZE != 0) {
          throw new ChecksumException(
              "Checksum file not a length multiple of checksum size "
                  + "in "
                  + file
                  + " at "
                  + pos
                  + " checksumpos: "
                  + checksumPos
                  + " sumLenread: "
                  + sumLenRead,
        if (sumLenRead <= 0) { // we're at the end of the file
          eof = true;
        } else {
          // Adjust amount of data to read based on how many checksum chunks we read
          len = Math.min(len, bytesPerSum * (sumLenRead / CHECKSUM_SIZE));
      if (pos != datas.getPos()) {
      int nread = readFully(datas, buf, offset, len);
      if (eof && nread > 0) {
        throw new ChecksumException("Checksum error: " + file + " at " + pos, pos);
      return nread;
コード例 #11
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 /** position readable again. */
 public void readFully(long pos, byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
   if (start + length + pos > end) {
     throw new IOException("Not enough bytes to read.");
   underLyingStream.readFully(pos + start, b, offset, length);
コード例 #12
  * Seek to the given position in the stream. The next read() will be from that position.
  * <p>This method does not allow seek past the end of the file. This produces IOException.
  * @param pos the postion to seek to.
  * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs or seeks after EOF ChecksumException if the
  *     chunk to seek to is corrupted
 public synchronized void seek(long pos) throws IOException {
   if (pos > getFileLength()) {
     throw new IOException("Cannot seek after EOF");
コード例 #13
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 public synchronized int available() throws IOException {
   long remaining = end - underLyingStream.getPos();
   if (remaining > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
     return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   return (int) remaining;
コード例 #14
    public void map(
        Text key, LongWritable value, OutputCollector<K, LongWritable> collector, Reporter reporter)
        throws IOException {
      String name = key.toString();
      long size = value.get();
      long seed = Long.parseLong(name);

      if (size == 0) return;

      reporter.setStatus("opening " + name);

      FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(new Path(DATA_DIR, name));

      try {
        for (int i = 0; i < SEEKS_PER_FILE; i++) {
          // generate a random position
          long position = Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % size;

          // seek file to that position
          reporter.setStatus("seeking " + name);
          byte b = in.readByte();

          // check that byte matches
          byte checkByte = 0;
          // advance random state to that position
          for (int p = 0; p <= position; p += check.length) {
            reporter.setStatus("generating data for " + name);
            if (fastCheck) {
              checkByte = (byte) random.nextInt(Byte.MAX_VALUE);
            } else {
              checkByte = check[(int) (position % check.length)];
          assertEquals(b, checkByte);
      } finally {
コード例 #15
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 public synchronized int read(byte[] b, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
   int newlen = len;
   int ret = -1;
   if (position + len > end) {
     newlen = (int) (end - position);
   // end case
   if (newlen == 0) return ret;
   ret = underLyingStream.read(b, offset, newlen);
   position += ret;
   return ret;
コード例 #16
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 /** implementing position readable. */
 public int read(long pos, byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
   int nlength = length;
   if (start + nlength + pos > end) {
     // length corrected to the real remaining length:
     nlength = (int) (end - start - pos);
   if (nlength <= 0) {
     // EOS:
     return -1;
   return underLyingStream.read(pos + start, b, offset, nlength);
コード例 #17
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 HarFsInputStream(FileSystem fs, Path path, long start, long length, int bufferSize)
     throws IOException {
   if (length < 0) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative length [" + length + "]");
   underLyingStream = fs.open(path, bufferSize);
   // the start of this file in the part file
   this.start = start;
   // the position pointer in the part file
   this.position = start;
   // the end pointer in the part file
   this.end = start + length;
コード例 #18
ファイル: FileDataGenNew.java プロジェクト: hwx293926/HiBench
  public BufferedReader loadDataFromFile(String filepath, long offset) {
    try {
      Path pt = new Path(filepath);
      FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(fsConf);
      InputStreamReader isr;
      if (fs.isDirectory(pt)) { // multiple parts
        isr = new InputStreamReader(OpenMultiplePartsWithOffset(fs, pt, offset));
      } else { // single file
        FSDataInputStream fileHandler = fs.open(pt);
        if (offset > 0) fileHandler.seek(offset);
        isr = new InputStreamReader(fileHandler);

      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
      if (offset > 0) reader.readLine(); // skip first line in case of seek
      return reader;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    assert false : "Should not reach here!";
    return null;
コード例 #19
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 public synchronized long skip(long n) throws IOException {
   long tmpN = n;
   if (tmpN > 0) {
     final long actualRemaining = end - position;
     if (tmpN > actualRemaining) {
       tmpN = actualRemaining;
     underLyingStream.seek(tmpN + position);
     position += tmpN;
     return tmpN;
   // NB: the contract is described in java.io.InputStream.skip(long):
   // this method returns the number of bytes actually skipped, so,
   // the return value should never be negative.
   return 0;
コード例 #20
ファイル: AvroFSInput.java プロジェクト: FloodDragon/hadoop
 public void seek(long p) throws IOException {
コード例 #21
ファイル: AvroFSInput.java プロジェクト: FloodDragon/hadoop
 public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
   return stream.read(b, off, len);
コード例 #22
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
    private void parseMetaData() throws IOException {
      Text line = new Text();
      long read;
      FSDataInputStream in = null;
      LineReader lin = null;

      try {
        in = fs.open(masterIndexPath);
        FileStatus masterStat = fs.getFileStatus(masterIndexPath);
        masterIndexTimestamp = masterStat.getModificationTime();
        lin = new LineReader(in, getConf());
        read = lin.readLine(line);

        // the first line contains the version of the index file
        String versionLine = line.toString();
        String[] arr = versionLine.split(" ");
        version = Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
        // make it always backwards-compatible
        if (this.version > HarFileSystem.VERSION) {
          throw new IOException(
              "Invalid version " + this.version + " expected " + HarFileSystem.VERSION);

        // each line contains a hashcode range and the index file name
        String[] readStr;
        while (read < masterStat.getLen()) {
          int b = lin.readLine(line);
          read += b;
          readStr = line.toString().split(" ");
          int startHash = Integer.parseInt(readStr[0]);
          int endHash = Integer.parseInt(readStr[1]);
              new Store(
                  Long.parseLong(readStr[2]), Long.parseLong(readStr[3]), startHash, endHash));
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        LOG.warn("Encountered exception ", ioe);
        throw ioe;
      } finally {
        IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, lin, in);

      FSDataInputStream aIn = fs.open(archiveIndexPath);
      try {
        FileStatus archiveStat = fs.getFileStatus(archiveIndexPath);
        archiveIndexTimestamp = archiveStat.getModificationTime();
        LineReader aLin;

        // now start reading the real index file
        for (Store s : stores) {
          read = 0;
          aLin = new LineReader(aIn, getConf());
          while (read + s.begin < s.end) {
            int tmp = aLin.readLine(line);
            read += tmp;
            String lineFeed = line.toString();
            String[] parsed = lineFeed.split(" ");
            parsed[0] = decodeFileName(parsed[0]);
            archive.put(new Path(parsed[0]), new HarStatus(lineFeed));
      } finally {
        IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, aIn);
コード例 #23
    public void map(Text key, Text value, Context context)
        throws InterruptedException, IOException {

      String filename = key.toString();
      String json = value.toString();

      // Make sure the input is valid
      if (!(filename.isEmpty() || json.isEmpty())) {

        // Change the json-type feature to Mat-type feature
        Mat descriptor = json2mat(json);
        if (descriptor != null) {
          // Read the query feature from the cache in Hadoop
          Mat query_features;
          String pathStr = context.getConfiguration().get("featureFilePath");
          FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration());
          FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream = fs.open(new Path(pathStr));
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

          // Use a buffer to read the query_feature
          int remain = fsDataInputStream.available();
          while (remain > 0) {
            int read;
            byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE];
            read = fsDataInputStream.read(buf, fsDataInputStream.available() - remain, BUF_SIZE);
            sb.append(new String(buf, 0, read, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            remain = remain - read;
            System.out.println("remain:" + remain + "\tread:" + read + "\tsb.size:" + sb.length());

          // Read the query_feature line by line
          //                    Scanner sc = new Scanner(fsDataInputStream, "UTF-8");
          //                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          //                    while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
          //                        sb.append(sc.nextLine());
          //                    }
          //                    String query_json = sb.toString();
          //                    String query_json = new String(buf, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

          String query_json = sb.toString();
          query_features = json2mat(query_json);

          // Get the similarity of the current database image against the query image
          DescriptorMatcher matcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcher.FLANNBASED);
          MatOfDMatch matches = new MatOfDMatch();

          // Ensure the two features have same length of cols (the feature extracted are all 128
          // cols(at least in this case))
          if (query_features.cols() == descriptor.cols()) {

            matcher.match(query_features, descriptor, matches);
            DMatch[] dMatches = matches.toArray();

            // Calculate the max/min distances
            //                    double max_dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            //                    double min_dist = Double.MIN_VALUE;
            double max_dist = 0;
            double min_dist = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < dMatches.length; i++) {
              double dist = dMatches[i].distance;
              if (min_dist > dist) min_dist = dist;
              if (max_dist < dist) max_dist = dist;
            // Only distances ≤ threshold are good matches
            double threshold = max_dist * THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
            //                    double threshold = min_dist * 2;
            LinkedList<DMatch> goodMatches = new LinkedList<DMatch>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dMatches.length; i++) {
              if (dMatches[i].distance <= threshold) {

            // Get the ratio of good_matches to all_matches
            double ratio = (double) goodMatches.size() / (double) dMatches.length;

            System.out.println("*** current_record_filename:" + filename + " ***");
            System.out.println("feature:" + descriptor + "\nquery_feature:" + query_features);
                "min_dist of keypoints:" + min_dist + "  max_dist of keypoints:" + max_dist);
                "total_matches:" + dMatches.length + "\tgood_matches:" + goodMatches.size());
            //                    System.out.println("type:" + descriptor.type() + " channels:" +
            // descriptor.channels() + " rows:" + descriptor.rows() + " cols:" + descriptor.cols());
            //                    System.out.println("qtype:" + query_features.type() + "
            // qchannels:" + query_features.channels() + " qrows:" + query_features.rows() + "
            // qcols:" + query_features.cols());

            if (ratio > PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD) {
              // Key:1        Value:filename|ratio
              context.write(ONE, new Text(filename + "|" + ratio));
              //                        context.write(ONE, new Text(filename + "|" +
              // String.valueOf(goodMatches.size())));
          } else {
            System.out.println("The size of the features are not equal");
        } else {
          // a null pointer, do nothing
          System.out.println("A broken/null feature:" + filename);
コード例 #24
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
コード例 #25
 public int available() throws IOException {
   return datas.available() + super.available();
コード例 #26
ファイル: HarFileSystem.java プロジェクト: aixuebo/had2.6.0
 public synchronized void seek(final long pos) throws IOException {
   position = start + pos;
コード例 #27
ファイル: DistCp.java プロジェクト: neutronsharc/hdfsbackup
     * Copy a file to a destination.
     * @param srcstat src path and metadata
     * @param dstpath dst path
     * @param reporter
    private void copy(
        FileStatus srcstat,
        Path relativedst,
        OutputCollector<WritableComparable<?>, Text> outc,
        Reporter reporter)
        throws IOException {
      Path absdst = new Path(destPath, relativedst);
      int totfiles = job.getInt(SRC_COUNT_LABEL, -1);
      assert totfiles >= 0 : "Invalid file count " + totfiles;

      // if a directory, ensure created even if empty
      if (srcstat.isDir()) {
        if (destFileSys.exists(absdst)) {
          if (!destFileSys.getFileStatus(absdst).isDir()) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to mkdirs: " + absdst + " is a file.");
        } else if (!destFileSys.mkdirs(absdst)) {
          throw new IOException("Failed to mkdirs " + absdst);
        // TODO: when modification times can be set, directories should be
        // emitted to reducers so they might be preserved. Also, mkdirs does
        // not currently return an error when the directory already exists;
        // if this changes, all directory work might as well be done in reduce

      if (destFileSys.exists(absdst) && !overwrite && !needsUpdate(srcstat, destFileSys, absdst)) {
        outc.collect(null, new Text("SKIP: " + srcstat.getPath()));
        reporter.incrCounter(Counter.SKIP, 1);

      Path tmpfile = new Path(job.get(TMP_DIR_LABEL), relativedst);
      long cbcopied = 0L;
      FSDataInputStream in = null;
      FSDataOutputStream out = null;
      try {
        // open src file
        try {
          in = srcstat.getPath().getFileSystem(job).open(srcstat.getPath());
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.error("Failed to open src file " + srcstat.getPath() + ", ignore and return");
          in = null;
        reporter.incrCounter(Counter.BYTESEXPECTED, srcstat.getLen());
        // open tmp file
        out = create(tmpfile, reporter, srcstat);
        // copy file
        for (int cbread; (cbread = in.read(buffer)) >= 0; ) {
          out.write(buffer, 0, cbread);
          cbcopied += cbread;
              String.format("%.2f ", cbcopied * 100.0 / srcstat.getLen())
                  + absdst
                  + " [ "
                  + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(cbcopied)
                  + " / "
                  + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(srcstat.getLen())
                  + " ]");
      } finally {

      if (cbcopied != srcstat.getLen()) {
        if (srcstat.getLen() == 0 && cbcopied > 0) {
          LOG.info("most likely see a WAL file corruption: " + srcstat.getPath());
        } else {
          throw new IOException(
              "File size not matched: copied "
                  + bytesString(cbcopied)
                  + " to tmpfile (="
                  + tmpfile
                  + ") but expected "
                  + bytesString(srcstat.getLen())
                  + " from "
                  + srcstat.getPath());
      } else {
        if (totfiles == 1) {
          // Copying a single file; use dst path provided by user as destination
          // rather than destination directory, if a file
          Path dstparent = absdst.getParent();
          if (!(destFileSys.exists(dstparent) && destFileSys.getFileStatus(dstparent).isDir())) {
            absdst = dstparent;
        if (destFileSys.exists(absdst) && destFileSys.getFileStatus(absdst).isDir()) {
          throw new IOException(absdst + " is a directory");
        if (!destFileSys.mkdirs(absdst.getParent())) {
          throw new IOException("Failed to craete parent dir: " + absdst.getParent());
        rename(tmpfile, absdst);

        FileStatus dststat = destFileSys.getFileStatus(absdst);
        if (dststat.getLen() != srcstat.getLen()) {
          destFileSys.delete(absdst, false);
          throw new IOException(
              "File size not matched: copied "
                  + bytesString(dststat.getLen())
                  + " to dst (="
                  + absdst
                  + ") but expected "
                  + bytesString(srcstat.getLen())
                  + " from "
                  + srcstat.getPath());
        updatePermissions(srcstat, dststat);

      // report at least once for each file
      reporter.incrCounter(Counter.BYTESCOPIED, cbcopied);
      reporter.incrCounter(Counter.COPY, 1);
コード例 #28
ファイル: AvroFSInput.java プロジェクト: FloodDragon/hadoop
 public long tell() throws IOException {
   return stream.getPos();
コード例 #29
ファイル: AvroFSInput.java プロジェクト: FloodDragon/hadoop
 public void close() throws IOException {
コード例 #30
ファイル: PersistHdfs.java プロジェクト: jayfans3/h2o
 protected InputStream open(long offset) throws IOException {
   FSDataInputStream is = _fs.open(_path);
   return is;