コード例 #1
  private static void loadPropertyNamesValues(
      Class clazz, Object instance, List names, List values) {
    PropertyDescriptor pd;
    BeanInfo info = null;
    try {
      info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz);
    } catch (IntrospectionException ex) {

    PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
    for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; ++i) {
      pd = propertyDescriptors[i];

      Object value = SelfReferenceUtils.invokeReadProperty(info, pd, instance, pd.getName());
      if (value == null) { // Err.pr( "No property set for " + pd.getName() + " in " + clazz);
      } else {
    if (names.isEmpty()) {
      Err.error("Strange that there are no properties with values in " + clazz);
コード例 #2
ファイル: DebugList.java プロジェクト: chrismurrph/strandz
 private void init() {
   id = constructedTimes;
   Err.pr("####### Have created DebugList " + id);
   if (id == 0) {
コード例 #3
 private boolean dealiCareCheckResult(Err err) {
   // 如果crs是“TRUE”,则为iCare自核保通过,否则为核保不通过。
   if (err.getErr().contains("TRUE")) {
     return true;
   return false;
コード例 #4
 /** Should not be used directly by Strandz. See package org.strandz.core.info.convert */
 public static String _getText(Object comp) {
   String result = null;
   Err.pr(SdzNote.DONT_USE_FROM_STRANDZ, "Don't use");
   if (comp instanceof JComponent) {
     if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) {
       result = ((JTextComponent) comp).getText();
     } else if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
       result = ((JLabel) comp).getText();
     } else {
           "ComponentUtils.getText(), not yet support JComponent of type " + comp.getClass());
   } else {
     Err.error("ComponentUtils.getText(), not yet support " + comp.getClass());
   return result;
コード例 #5
 private boolean isOnSale(String contplancode, Err err) {
   String sql =
       "select count(1) from ledcode where codetype = 'JDSale' and code = '" + contplancode + "'";
   if ("1".equals(new ExeSQL().getOneValue(sql))) {
     return true;
   return false;
コード例 #6
  * Should not be used directly by Strandz. See package org.strandz.core.info.convert This must
  * come out as Strandz needs control over assignment
  * @param comp
  * @param txt
 public static void _setText(Object comp, Object txt) {
   Err.pr(SdzNote.DONT_USE_FROM_STRANDZ, "Don't use");
   if (comp instanceof JComponent) {
     String s = null;
     if (txt != null) {
       s = txt.toString();
     if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) {
       ((JTextComponent) comp).setText(s);
     } else if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
       ((JLabel) comp).setText(s);
     } else {
           "ComponentUtils.setText(), not yet support JComponent of type " + comp.getClass());
   } else {
     Err.error("ComponentUtils.setText(), not yet support " + comp.getClass());
コード例 #7
 public static boolean hasEditableMethod(Object comp) {
   boolean result = true;
   String methodName = "isEditable";
   Class controlClass = comp.getClass();
   try {
     controlClass.getMethod(methodName, (Class[]) null);
   } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex1) {
     result = false;
   } catch (Exception ex2) {
     Err.error("Missing method " + methodName + " from " + controlClass + ", ex: " + ex2);
   return result;
コード例 #8
 public static String getName(Object comp) {
   String result;
   Method getNameControlMethod = null;
   String methodName = "getName";
   Class controlClass = comp.getClass();
   try {
     getNameControlMethod = controlClass.getMethod(methodName, (Class[]) null);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     Err.error("Missing method " + methodName + " from " + controlClass);
   result = (String) SelfReferenceUtils.invoke(comp, getNameControlMethod);
   return result;
コード例 #9
 public static void setEditable(Object comp, boolean b) {
   Class[] args1 = new Class[1];
   args1[0] = Boolean.TYPE;
   Method setEditableControlMethod = null;
   String methodName = "setEditable";
   Class controlClass = comp.getClass();
   try {
     setEditableControlMethod = controlClass.getMethod(methodName, args1);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     Err.error("Missing method " + methodName + " from " + controlClass);
   SelfReferenceUtils.invoke(comp, setEditableControlMethod, Boolean.valueOf(b));
コード例 #10
  public static boolean controlNameIsUniqueIn(String name, List controls) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (name == null) {
      Err.error("controlNameIsUniqueIn() cannot be called with a null name");

    int timesFound = 0;
    for (Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Component element = (Component) iter.next();
      String elementName = element.getName();
      if (elementName != null) {
        if (name.equals(elementName)) {
    if (timesFound == 1) {
      result = true;
    } else if (timesFound == 0) {
      Err.error("This method assumes that <" + name + "> exists at least once");
    return result;
コード例 #11
 private boolean CheckPrem(
     com.sinosoft.ec.webservices.jd.pojo.hebaoRequest.Package rp,
     com.sinosoft.ec.webservices.jd.pojo.hebaoResponse.Package rsp,
     Err err) {
   String fs = "M".equals(rp.getRequest().getOrder().getPaymentMethod()) ? "2" : "1";
   BigDecimal f = new BigDecimal(fs);
   BigDecimal icareprem = u.caculate(rp).multiply(f);
   BigDecimal jdprem = new BigDecimal(rp.getRequest().getOrder().getTotalPrice());
   System.out.println("JDPrem:" + jdprem);
   if (!icareprem.equals(jdprem)) {
     err.setErr("发布价格有误,正确的价格为" + (u.getYuanFromFen(String.valueOf(icareprem.intValue()))) + "元");
     u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
     return false;
   return true;
コード例 #12
  * TODO - Think about reason are not going to ControlSignatures for this. Pros for not -
  * ControlSignatures is part of strandz core, whereas this is lgpl Pros for having in
  * ControlSignatures - Controls inside a table should be treated in exactly the same way as other
  * field controls. (This would require changes to info package).
  * <p>Of course providing a service interface would be the answer, but changing info provides
  * inertia. Bugs because of differences will help the case for change.
 public static boolean isEditable(Object comp) {
   boolean result = false;
   Method isEditableControlMethod = null;
   String methodName = "isEditable";
   Class controlClass = comp.getClass();
   boolean noMethod = false;
   try {
     isEditableControlMethod = controlClass.getMethod(methodName, (Class[]) null);
   } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex1) {
     noMethod = true;
   } catch (Exception ex2) {
     Err.error("Missing method " + methodName + " from " + controlClass + ", ex: " + ex2);
   if (!noMethod) {
     result = ((Boolean) SelfReferenceUtils.invoke(comp, isEditableControlMethod)).booleanValue();
   return result;
コード例 #13
 public static void setText(Object comp, Object txt) {
   Class[] args1 = new Class[1];
   args1[0] = String.class;
   Method setTextControlMethod = null;
   String methodName = "setText";
   Class controlClass = comp.getClass();
   try {
     setTextControlMethod = controlClass.getMethod(methodName, args1);
   } catch (Exception ex1) {
     args1[0] = Object.class;
     try {
       setTextControlMethod = controlClass.getMethod(methodName, args1);
     } catch (Exception ex2) {
       Err.error("Missing method " + methodName + " from " + controlClass);
   String s = null;
   if (txt != null) {
     s = txt.toString();
   SelfReferenceUtils.invoke(comp, setTextControlMethod, s);
コード例 #14
ファイル: DebugList.java プロジェクト: chrismurrph/strandz
 public boolean add(Object o) {
   boolean result = super.add(o);
   Err.pr("$$$ DEBUG add[@2]: <" + o + "> to " + id);
   // Err.stack();
   return result;
コード例 #15
ファイル: DebugList.java プロジェクト: chrismurrph/strandz
 public boolean addAll(Collection c) {
   Err.pr("####### DEBUG addAll: <" + c + "> to " + id);
   return super.addAll(c);
コード例 #16
  public static boolean equalsByProperties(
      JComponent component1, JComponent component2, WidgetClassifierI widgetClassifier) {

    boolean result = true;
    List oneControls = getAllControls(component1);
    oneControls.add(0, component1);

    List twoControls = getAllControls(component2);
    twoControls.add(0, component2);
    if (oneControls.size() != twoControls.size()) {
          "got lists of controls of different sizes: "
              + oneControls.size()
              + " and "
              + twoControls.size());
      Print.prList(oneControls, "oneControls");
      Print.prList(twoControls, "twoControls");
      result = false;
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < oneControls.size(); i++) {
        Container comp1 = (Container) oneControls.get(i);
        // Err.pr( "Observing a " + comp1.getClass());
        Container comp2 = (Container) twoControls.get(i);
        if (comp1.getClass() != comp2.getClass()) {
              "first component is of type "
                  + comp1.getClass()
                  + " while second is of type "
                  + comp2.getClass());
          result = false;
        } else if (!Utils.equals(comp1.getName(), comp2.getName())) {
              "first component has name "
                  + comp1.getName()
                  + " while second has name "
                  + comp2.getName());
          result = false;
        } else if (widgetClassifier != null
            && !widgetClassifier.isAWidget(
                comp1.getClass())) { // If a comp1/comp2 is not a widget then end up here and we
          // won't examine
          // its properties
          // Err.pr( comp1.getClass() + " is not a widget: " + widgetClassifier.getReason());
        } else {
          List propertyNamesOne = new ArrayList();
          List propertyNamesTwo = new ArrayList();
          List propertyValuesOne = new ArrayList();
          List propertyValuesTwo = new ArrayList();
          loadPropertyNamesValues(comp1.getClass(), comp1, propertyNamesOne, propertyValuesOne);
          loadPropertyNamesValues(comp2.getClass(), comp2, propertyNamesTwo, propertyValuesTwo);
          if (propertyNamesOne.size() != propertyValuesOne.size()) {
            Err.error("expect names and properties to be same size for " + comp1.getClass());
          } else if (propertyNamesTwo.size() != propertyValuesTwo.size()) {
            Err.error("expect names and properties to be same size for " + comp2.getClass());
          } else if (propertyNamesOne.size() != propertyNamesTwo.size()) {
                "there should be an equal number of properties in "
                    + comp1.getClass()
                    + " and "
                    + comp2.getClass());
            result = false;
          } else {
            // Err.pr( "Will be examining properties from a " + comp1.getClass() + " against " +
            // comp2.getClass());
            for (int j = 0; j < propertyNamesOne.size(); j++) {
              String onePropName = (String) propertyNamesOne.get(j);
              String twoPropName = (String) propertyNamesTwo.get(j);
              if (!onePropName.equals(twoPropName)) {
                // If they are of thge same type, how could they possibly have
                // different property names, thus make this an error
                String txt =
                    "expect property names to be equal, got " + onePropName + " and " + twoPropName;
                // ReasonNotEquals.addReason( txt);
                result = false;
              } else {
                Object onePropValue = propertyValuesOne.get(j);
                Object twoPropValue = propertyValuesTwo.get(j);
                boolean debug = false;
                if(onePropName.equals( "text"))
                debug = true;
                if (onePropValue.getClass() != twoPropValue.getClass()) {
                      "Property values to be examining should be of the same type, got "
                          + onePropValue.getClass().getName()
                          + " and "
                          + twoPropValue.getClass().getName());
                  result = false;
                } else if (!Utils.isSimple(onePropValue.getClass())) {
                  // We only want to do value comparisons for simple types
                  // Err.pr( "Not simple: <" + onePropValue + ">");
                  if (debug) {
                    Err.error("Only supposed to be debugging on a simple property value");
                } else {
                  if (debug) {
                        "Doing cf between <"
                            + onePropValue
                            + "> and <"
                            + twoPropValue
                            + "> for "
                            + onePropName
                            + " in a "
                            + comp1.getClass());
                    debug = false;
                  if (!onePropValue.equals(twoPropValue)) {
                        "expect property values to be equal, got <"
                            + onePropValue
                            + "> and <"
                            + twoPropValue
                            + ">");
                    result = false;
                  } else { // Err.pr( "\tconcordance, prop name " + onePropName + ", prop value " +
                    // onePropValue);
            if (result == false) {
              break; // so break out of outer loop too
    return result;
コード例 #17
   * 处理单一的请求package
   * @throws CloneNotSupportedException
  public com.sinosoft.ec.webservices.jd.pojo.hebaoResponse.Package DealPackage(
      com.sinosoft.ec.webservices.jd.pojo.hebaoRequest.Package rp) {
    com.sinosoft.ec.webservices.jd.pojo.hebaoResponse.Package rsp =
        new com.sinosoft.ec.webservices.jd.pojo.hebaoResponse.Package();
    /** iCare自核保 */
    /** 非空校验 */
    Err err = new Err();

    if (!checkNull(rp, err)) {
      u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
      return rsp;

    /** 确认此产品是否在本接口中可卖 */
    if (!isOnSale(rp.getHeader().getProductCode(), err)) {
      u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
      return rsp;

    /** 数据有效性校验 */
    String key = getiCareCheckModelKey(rp.getHeader().getProductCode());
    ICareCheckModelInterface checkModel =
        new ICareCheckModelFactory().getICareCheckModelInterface(key);
    checkModel = null;
    if (!dealiCareCheckResult(err)) {
      u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
      return rsp;

    /** 保费校验 */
    if (!CheckPrem(rp, rsp, err)) {
      return rsp;

    /** 初始化各个数据库对象 */
    MMap map = new MMap();
    HashMap<String, Object> hmap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    if (!initDBSchema(rp, err, map, hmap)) {
      u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
      return rsp;

    /** 调用MTS核保 */
    if (!u.checkWithMTS(hmap, err)) {
      u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
      return rsp;
    /** 保存数据 */
    if (!saveData(map)) {
      u.buildHeBaoEmptyRSP(rp, rsp, err);
      return rsp;

    map = null;
    /** 建立返回Package对象并返回 */
    u.buildHeBaoRSP(hmap, rp, rsp);
    hmap = null;
    return rsp;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Func.java プロジェクト: SlimerDude/f4
 public Err tooFewArgs(int given) {
   return Err.make("Too few arguments: " + given + " < " + type.params.length);
コード例 #19
ファイル: DebugList.java プロジェクト: chrismurrph/strandz
 public void add(int index, Object o) {
   Err.pr("####### DEBUG add[@1]: <" + o + "> to " + id);
   // Err.stack();
   super.add(index, o);
コード例 #20
ファイル: DebugList.java プロジェクト: chrismurrph/strandz
 public boolean remove(Object obj) {
   Err.pr("####### DEBUG rem: <" + obj + "> from " + id);
   return super.remove(obj);
コード例 #21
ファイル: TcpSocketPeer.java プロジェクト: SlimerDude/f4
 public void setOutBufferSize(TcpSocket fan, Long v) {
   if (in != null) throw Err.make("Must set outBufSize before connection");
   outBufSize = (v == null) ? 0 : v.intValue();
コード例 #22
ファイル: DebugList.java プロジェクト: chrismurrph/strandz
 public void clear() {
   Err.pr("####### DEBUG clear on " + id);