private void introspectInheritance(Class type, EntityType entityType, EntityType parentType) throws SQLException { // Inheritance annotation/configuration is specified // on the entity class that is the root of the entity // class hierarachy. InheritanceConfig inheritanceConfig; Inheritance inheritanceAnn; getInternalInheritanceConfig(type, _annotationCfg); inheritanceAnn = (Inheritance) _annotationCfg.getAnnotation(); inheritanceConfig = _annotationCfg.getInheritanceConfig(); boolean hasInheritance = !_annotationCfg.isNull(); if (!hasInheritance && (parentType == null || !parentType.isEntity())) return; introspectDiscriminatorValue(type, entityType); if (parentType != null) { if (hasInheritance) throw new ConfigException( L.l( "'{0}' cannot have @Inheritance. It must be specified on the entity class that is the root of the entity class hierarchy.", type)); EntityType rootType = entityType.getRootType(); rootType.addSubClass(entityType); getInternalPrimaryKeyJoinColumnConfig(type, _annotationCfg); PrimaryKeyJoinColumn joinAnn = (PrimaryKeyJoinColumn) _annotationCfg.getAnnotation(); PrimaryKeyJoinColumnConfig primaryKeyJoinColumnConfig = _annotationCfg.getPrimaryKeyJoinColumnConfig(); if (rootType.isJoinedSubClass()) { linkInheritanceTable( rootType.getTable(), entityType.getTable(), joinAnn, primaryKeyJoinColumnConfig); entityType.setId(new SubId(entityType, rootType)); } return; } if (!hasInheritance) return; if ((inheritanceAnn != null) || (inheritanceConfig != null)) introspectInheritance(_persistenceUnit, entityType, type, inheritanceAnn, inheritanceConfig); }
private void introspectTable(Class type, EntityType entityType, EntityType parentType) { // XXX: need better test boolean isEntity = !(entityType instanceof MappedSuperclassType); AmberTable table = null; getInternalTableConfig(type, _annotationCfg); Table tableAnn = (Table) _annotationCfg.getAnnotation(); TableConfig tableConfig = _annotationCfg.getTableConfig(); String tableName = null; if (tableAnn != null) tableName =; else if (tableConfig != null) tableName = tableConfig.getName(); // jpa/0gg0, jpa/0gg2 if (isEntity) { // && ! type.isAbstract()) { boolean hasTableConfig = true; if (tableName == null || tableName.equals("")) { hasTableConfig = false; tableName = toSqlName(entityType.getName()); } /* InheritanceType strategy = null; if (parentType != null) strategy = parentType.getInheritanceStrategy(); if (inheritanceAnn != null) strategy = (InheritanceType) inheritanceAnn.get("strategy"); else if (inheritanceConfig != null) strategy = inheritanceConfig.getStrategy(); */ // jpa/0gg2 if (!entityType.isEntity()) return; /* if (type.isAbstract() && strategy != InheritanceType.JOINED && ! hasTableConfig) { // jpa/0gg0 } */ else if (parentType == null || parentType.getTable() == null) { entityType.setTable(_persistenceUnit.createTable(tableName)); } else if (parentType.isJoinedSubClass()) { entityType.setTable(_persistenceUnit.createTable(tableName)); EntityType rootType = parentType.getRootType(); Class rootClass = rootType.getBeanClass(); getInternalTableConfig(rootClass, _annotationCfg); Table rootTableAnn = (Table) _annotationCfg.getAnnotation(); TableConfig rootTableConfig = _annotationCfg.getTableConfig(); String rootTableName = null; if (rootTableAnn != null) rootTableName =; else if (rootTableConfig != null) rootTableName = rootTableConfig.getName(); if (rootTableName == null || rootTableName.equals("")) { String rootEntityName = rootType.getName(); rootTableName = toSqlName(rootEntityName); } entityType.setRootTableName(rootTableName); } else entityType.setTable(parentType.getTable()); } }