コード例 #1
  * Creates a new market for the specified word. Places a single sell offer at the price of 0.0,
  * since it just goes to the highest bidder when the station is free.
  * @param w
 private void addNewWordToWordMarket(Word w) {
   DoubleAuction<Word, WordStationAgent, WordOrderManager> new_market =
       new DoubleAuction<Word, WordStationAgent, WordOrderManager>();
   // add the new word at a free price... only give it to the highest paying wordstation when it's
   // free
   Economy economy = SimulationWorldMarketTaskAllocation.getSimulationWorld().economy;
   float revenue_for_word = economy.getRevenueForCompletingWord(w);
   new_market.addBid(this, w, revenue_for_word);
   setProfit(getProfit() + revenue_for_word);
   wordMarket.put(w, new_market);