コード例 #1
 * This pass walks the AST to create a Collection of 'new' nodes and 'goog.require' nodes. It
 * reconciles these Collections, creating a warning for each discrepancy.
 * <p>The rules on when a warning is reported are:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Type is referenced in code -> goog.require is required (missingRequires check fails if it's
 *       not there)
 *   <li>Type is referenced in an @extends or @implements -> goog.require is required
 *       (missingRequires check fails if it's not there)
 *   <li>Type is referenced in other JsDoc (@type etc) -> goog.require is optional (don't warn,
 *       regardless of if it is there)
 *   <li>Type is not referenced at all -> goog.require is forbidden (extraRequires check fails if it
 *       is there)
 * </ul>
class CheckRequiresForConstructors implements HotSwapCompilerPass, NodeTraversal.Callback {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final CodingConvention codingConvention;

  public static enum Mode {
    // Looking at a single file. Only a minimal set of externs are present.
    // Used during a normal compilation. The entire program + externs are available.

  private final Mode mode;

  private final Set<String> providedNames = new HashSet<>();
  private final Map<String, Node> requires = new HashMap<>();

  // Only used in single-file mode.
  private final Set<String> closurizedNamespaces = new HashSet<>();

  // Adding an entry to usages indicates that the name is used and should be required.
  private final Map<String, Node> usages = new HashMap<>();

  // Adding an entry to weakUsages indicates that the name is used, but in a way which may not
  // require a goog.require, such as in a @type annotation. If the only usages of a name are
  // in weakUsages, don't give a missingRequire warning, nor an extraRequire warning.
  private final Map<String, Node> weakUsages = new HashMap<>();

  static final DiagnosticType MISSING_REQUIRE_WARNING =
      DiagnosticType.disabled("JSC_MISSING_REQUIRE_WARNING", "missing require: ''{0}''");

  // Essentially the same as MISSING_REQUIRE_WARNING except that if the user calls foo.bar.baz()
  // then we don't know whether they should require it as goog.require('foo.bar.baz') or as
  // goog.require('foo.bar'). So, warn but don't provide a suggested fix.
  static final DiagnosticType MISSING_REQUIRE_CALL_WARNING =
          "JSC_MISSING_REQUIRE_CALL_WARNING", "No matching require found for ''{0}''");

  static final DiagnosticType EXTRA_REQUIRE_WARNING =
      DiagnosticType.disabled("JSC_EXTRA_REQUIRE_WARNING", "extra require: ''{0}''");

  static final DiagnosticType DUPLICATE_REQUIRE_WARNING =
      DiagnosticType.disabled("JSC_DUPLICATE_REQUIRE_WARNING", "''{0}'' required more than once.");

  private static final Set<String> DEFAULT_EXTRA_NAMESPACES =
      ImmutableSet.of("goog.testing.asserts", "goog.testing.jsunit");

  CheckRequiresForConstructors(AbstractCompiler compiler, Mode mode) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.mode = mode;
    this.codingConvention = compiler.getCodingConvention();

   * Uses Collections of new and goog.require nodes to create a compiler warning for each new class
   * name without a corresponding goog.require().
  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseRootsEs6(compiler, this, externs, root);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

  // Return true if the name is a class name (starts with an uppercase
  // character). This also matches for all-caps constants, which eliminates
  // some false positives (e.g. goog.LOCALE.replace()).
  private static boolean isClassName(String name) {
    return name != null && name.length() > 1 && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0));

  // Return the shortest prefix of the className that refers to a class,
  // or null if no part refers to a class.
  private static String getOutermostClassName(String className) {
    for (String part : Splitter.on('.').split(className)) {
      if (isClassName(part)) {
        return className.substring(0, className.indexOf(part) + part.length());

    return null;

  public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    return parent == null || !parent.isScript() || !t.getInput().isExtern();

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    maybeAddJsDocUsages(t, n);
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.ASSIGN:
      case Token.VAR:
      case Token.LET:
      case Token.CONST:
      case Token.FUNCTION:
        // Exclude function expressions.
        if (NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
      case Token.NAME:
        if (!NodeUtil.isLValue(n)) {
      case Token.GETPROP:
      case Token.CALL:
        visitCallNode(t, n, parent);
      case Token.SCRIPT:
      case Token.NEW:
        visitNewNode(t, n);
      case Token.CLASS:
        visitClassNode(t, n);
      case Token.IMPORT:

  private void reset() {

  private void visitScriptNode(NodeTraversal t) {
    if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE && requires.isEmpty()) {
      // Likely a file that isn't using Closure at all.

    Set<String> namespaces = new HashSet<>();

    // For every usage, check that there is a goog.require, and warn if not.
    for (Map.Entry<String, Node> entry : usages.entrySet()) {
      String namespace = entry.getKey();
      if (namespace.endsWith(".call") || namespace.endsWith(".apply")) {
        namespace = namespace.substring(0, namespace.lastIndexOf('.'));
      if (namespace.startsWith("goog.global.")) {

      Node node = entry.getValue();
      JSDocInfo info = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(NodeUtil.getEnclosingStatement(node));
      if (info != null && info.getSuppressions().contains("missingRequire")) {

      String outermostClassName = getOutermostClassName(namespace);
      // The parent namespace is also checked as part of the requires so that classes
      // used by goog.module are still checked properly. This may cause missing requires
      // to be missed but in practice that should happen rarely.
      String nonNullClassName = outermostClassName != null ? outermostClassName : namespace;
      String parentNamespace = null;
      int separatorIndex = nonNullClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (separatorIndex > 0) {
        parentNamespace = nonNullClassName.substring(0, separatorIndex);
      boolean notProvidedByConstructors =
              && !providedNames.contains(outermostClassName)
              && !providedNames.contains(parentNamespace);
      boolean notProvidedByRequires =
              && !requires.containsKey(outermostClassName)
              && !requires.containsKey(parentNamespace);
      if (notProvidedByConstructors
          && notProvidedByRequires
          && !namespaces.contains(namespace)
          && !"goog".equals(parentNamespace)) {
        // TODO(mknichel): If the symbol is not explicitly provided, find the next best
        // symbol from the provides in the same file.
        String rootName = Splitter.on('.').split(namespace).iterator().next();
        if (mode != Mode.SINGLE_FILE || closurizedNamespaces.contains(rootName)) {
          if (node.isCall()) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(node, MISSING_REQUIRE_CALL_WARNING, namespace));
          } else {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(node, MISSING_REQUIRE_WARNING, namespace));

    // For every goog.require, check that there is a usage (in either usages or weakUsages)
    // and warn if there is not.
    for (Map.Entry<String, Node> entry : requires.entrySet()) {
      String require = entry.getKey();
      Node call = entry.getValue();
      Node parent = call.getParent();
      if (parent.isAssign()) {
        // var baz = goog.require('foo.bar.baz');
        // Assume that the var 'baz' is used somewhere, and don't warn.
      if (!usages.containsKey(require) && !weakUsages.containsKey(require)) {
        reportExtraRequireWarning(call, require);

  private void reportExtraRequireWarning(Node call, String require) {
    if (DEFAULT_EXTRA_NAMESPACES.contains(require)) {
    JSDocInfo jsDoc = call.getJSDocInfo();
    if (jsDoc != null && jsDoc.getSuppressions().contains("extraRequire")) {
      // There is a @suppress {extraRequire} on the call node. Even though the compiler generally
      // doesn't understand @suppress in that position, respect it in this case,
      // since lots of people put it there to suppress the closure-linter's extraRequire check.
    compiler.report(JSError.make(call, EXTRA_REQUIRE_WARNING, require));

  private void reportDuplicateRequireWarning(Node call, String require) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(call, DUPLICATE_REQUIRE_WARNING, require));

  private void visitRequire(String requiredName, Node node) {
    if (requires.containsKey(requiredName)) {
      reportDuplicateRequireWarning(node, requiredName);
    } else {
      requires.put(requiredName, node);
      if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE) {
        String rootName = Splitter.on('.').split(requiredName).iterator().next();

  private void visitImportNode(Node importNode) {
    Node defaultImport = importNode.getFirstChild();
    if (defaultImport.isName()) {
      visitRequire(defaultImport.getString(), importNode);
    Node namedImports = defaultImport.getNext();
    if (namedImports.getType() == Token.IMPORT_SPECS) {
      for (Node importSpec : namedImports.children()) {
        visitRequire(importSpec.getLastChild().getString(), importNode);

  private void visitCallNode(NodeTraversal t, Node call, Node parent) {
    String required = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfRequire(call, parent);
    if (required != null) {
      visitRequire(required, call);
    String provided = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfProvide(call, parent);
    if (provided != null) {

    if (codingConvention.isClassFactoryCall(call)) {
      if (parent.isName()) {
      } else if (parent.isAssign()) {

    Node callee = call.getFirstChild();
    if (callee.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(callee.getString(), callee);
    } else if (callee.isQualifiedName()) {
      Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(callee);
      if (root.isName()) {
        Var var = t.getScope().getVar(root.getString());
        if (var == null || (!var.isExtern() && !var.isLocal())) {
          String name = getOutermostClassName(callee.getQualifiedName());
          if (name == null) {
            name = callee.getQualifiedName();
          usages.put(name, call);

  private void visitQualifiedName(Node getprop) {
    // For "foo.bar.baz.qux" add weak usages for "foo.bar.baz.qux", "foo.bar.baz",
    // "foo.bar", and "foo" because those might all be goog.provide'd in different files,
    // so it doesn't make sense to require the user to goog.require all of them.
    for (; getprop != null; getprop = getprop.getFirstChild()) {
      weakUsages.put(getprop.getQualifiedName(), getprop);

  private void visitNewNode(NodeTraversal t, Node newNode) {
    Node qNameNode = newNode.getFirstChild();

    // Single names are likely external, but if this is running in single-file mode, they
    // will not be in the externs, so add a weak usage.
    if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE && qNameNode.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(qNameNode.getString(), qNameNode);

    // If the ctor is something other than a qualified name, ignore it.
    if (!qNameNode.isQualifiedName()) {

    // Grab the root ctor namespace.
    Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(qNameNode);

    // We only consider programmer-defined constructors that are
    // global variables, or are defined on global variables.
    if (!root.isName()) {

    String name = root.getString();
    Var var = t.getScope().getVar(name);
    if (var != null && (var.isExtern() || var.getSourceFile() == newNode.getStaticSourceFile())) {
    usages.put(qNameNode.getQualifiedName(), newNode);

    // for "new foo.bar.Baz.Qux" add weak usages for "foo.bar.Baz", "foo.bar", and "foo"
    // because those might be goog.provide'd from a different file than foo.bar.Baz.Qux,
    // so it doesn't make sense to require the user to goog.require all of them.
    for (; qNameNode != null; qNameNode = qNameNode.getFirstChild()) {
      weakUsages.put(qNameNode.getQualifiedName(), qNameNode);

  private void visitClassNode(NodeTraversal t, Node classNode) {
    String name = NodeUtil.getName(classNode);
    if (name != null) {

    Node extendClass = classNode.getSecondChild();

    // If the superclass is something other than a qualified name, ignore it.
    if (!extendClass.isQualifiedName()) {

    // Single names are likely external, but if this is running in single-file mode, they
    // will not be in the externs, so add a weak usage.
    if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE && extendClass.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(extendClass.getString(), extendClass);

    Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(extendClass);

    // It should always be a name. Extending this.something or
    // super.something is unlikely.
    // We only consider programmer-defined superclasses that are
    // global variables, or are defined on global variables.
    if (root.isName()) {
      String rootName = root.getString();
      Var var = t.getScope().getVar(rootName);
      if (var != null && (var.isLocal() || var.isExtern())) {
        // "require" not needed for these
      } else {
        usages.put(extendClass.getQualifiedName(), extendClass);

  private void maybeAddProvidedName(Node n) {
    Node name = n.getFirstChild();
    if (name.isQualifiedName()) {

   * If this returns true, check for @extends and @implements annotations on this node. Otherwise,
   * it's probably an alias for an existing class, so skip those annotations.
   * @return Whether the given node declares a function. True for the following forms:
   *     <li>
   *         <pre>function foo() {}</pre>
   *     <li>
   *         <pre>var foo = function() {};</pre>
   *     <li>
   *         <pre>foo.bar = function() {};</pre>
  private boolean declaresFunction(Node n) {
    if (n.isFunction()) {
      return true;

    if (n.isAssign() && n.getLastChild().isFunction()) {
      return true;

    if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(n)
        && n.getFirstChild().hasChildren()
        && n.getFirstFirstChild().isFunction()) {
      return true;

    return false;

  private void maybeAddJsDocUsages(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
    if (info == null) {

    if (declaresFunction(n)) {
      for (JSTypeExpression expr : info.getImplementedInterfaces()) {
        maybeAddUsage(t, n, expr);
      if (info.getBaseType() != null) {
        maybeAddUsage(t, n, info.getBaseType());
      for (JSTypeExpression extendedInterface : info.getExtendedInterfaces()) {
        maybeAddUsage(t, n, extendedInterface);

    for (Node typeNode : info.getTypeNodes()) {
      maybeAddWeakUsage(t, n, typeNode);

   * Adds a weak usage for the given type expression (unless it references a variable that is
   * defined in the externs, in which case no goog.require() is needed). When a "weak usage" is
   * added, it means that a goog.require for that type is optional: No warning is given whether the
   * require is there or not.
  private void maybeAddWeakUsage(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node typeNode) {
    maybeAddUsage(t, n, typeNode, this.weakUsages, Predicates.<Node>alwaysTrue());

   * Adds a usage for the given type expression (unless it references a variable that is defined in
   * the externs, in which case no goog.require() is needed). When a usage is added, it means that
   * there should be a goog.require for that type.
  private void maybeAddUsage(NodeTraversal t, Node n, final JSTypeExpression expr) {
    // Just look at the root node, don't traverse.
    Predicate<Node> pred =
        new Predicate<Node>() {
          public boolean apply(Node n) {
            return n == expr.getRoot();
    maybeAddUsage(t, n, expr.getRoot(), this.usages, pred);

  private void maybeAddUsage(
      final NodeTraversal t,
      final Node n,
      Node rootTypeNode,
      final Map<String, Node> usagesMap,
      Predicate<Node> pred) {
    Visitor visitor =
        new Visitor() {
          public void visit(Node typeNode) {
            if (typeNode.isString()) {
              String typeString = typeNode.getString();
              if (mode == Mode.SINGLE_FILE && !typeString.contains(".")) {
                // If using a single-name type, it's probably something like Error, which we
                // don't have externs for.
                weakUsages.put(typeString, n);
              String rootName = Splitter.on('.').split(typeString).iterator().next();
              Var var = t.getScope().getVar(rootName);
              if (var == null || !var.isExtern()) {
                usagesMap.put(typeString, n);

                // Regardless of whether we're adding a weak or strong usage here, add weak usages
                // for the prefixes of the namespace, like we do for GETPROP nodes. Otherwise we get
                // an extra require warning for cases like:
                //     goog.require('foo.bar.SomeService');
                //     /** @constructor @extends {foo.bar.SomeService.Handler} */
                //     var MyHandler = function() {};
                Node getprop = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, typeString);
              } else {
                // Even if the root namespace is in externs, add a weak usage because the full
                // namespace may still be goog.provided.
                weakUsages.put(typeString, n);

    NodeUtil.visitPreOrder(rootTypeNode, visitor, pred);
コード例 #2
 * Ensures string literals matching certain patterns are only used as goog.getCssName parameters.
 * @author [email protected] (Martin Kretzschmar)
class CheckMissingGetCssName extends AbstractPostOrderCallback implements CompilerPass {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final CheckLevel level;
  private final Matcher blacklist;

  static final String GET_CSS_NAME_FUNCTION = "goog.getCssName";
  static final String GET_UNIQUE_ID_FUNCTION = ".getUniqueId";

  static final DiagnosticType MISSING_GETCSSNAME =
          "JSC_MISSING_GETCSSNAME", "missing goog.getCssName around literal ''{0}''");

  CheckMissingGetCssName(AbstractCompiler compiler, CheckLevel level, String blacklistRegex) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.level = level;
    this.blacklist = Pattern.compile("\\b(?:" + blacklistRegex + ")").matcher("");

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, this);

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isString() && !parent.isGetProp() && !parent.isRegExp()) {
      String s = n.getString();

      for (blacklist.reset(s); blacklist.find(); ) {
        if (parent.isTemplateLit()) {
          if (parent.getChildCount() > 1) {
            // Ignore template string with substitutions
          } else {
            n = parent;
        if (insideGetCssNameCall(n)) {
        if (insideGetUniqueIdCall(n)) {
        if (insideAssignmentToIdConstant(n)) {
        compiler.report(t.makeError(n, level, MISSING_GETCSSNAME, blacklist.group()));

  /** Returns whether the node is an argument of a goog.getCssName call. */
  private static boolean insideGetCssNameCall(Node n) {
    Node parent = n.getParent();
    return parent.isCall() && parent.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName(GET_CSS_NAME_FUNCTION);

   * Returns whether the node is an argument of a function that returns a unique id (the last part
   * of the qualified name matches GET_UNIQUE_ID_FUNCTION).
  private static boolean insideGetUniqueIdCall(Node n) {
    Node parent = n.getParent();
    String name = parent.isCall() ? parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName() : null;

    return name != null && name.endsWith(GET_UNIQUE_ID_FUNCTION);

   * Returns whether the node is the right hand side of an assignment or initialization of a
   * variable named *_ID of *_ID_.
  private boolean insideAssignmentToIdConstant(Node n) {
    Node parent = n.getParent();
    if (parent.isAssign()) {
      String qname = parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
      return qname != null && isIdName(qname);
    } else if (parent.isName()) {
      Node grandParent = parent.getParent();
      if (grandParent != null && NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(grandParent)) {
        String name = parent.getString();
        return isIdName(name);
      } else {
        return false;
    } else {
      return false;

  private static boolean isIdName(String name) {
    return name.endsWith("ID") || name.endsWith("ID_");
コード例 #3
/** Insures '@constructor X' has a 'goog.provide("X")' . */
class CheckProvides implements HotSwapCompilerPass {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final CheckLevel checkLevel;
  private final CodingConvention codingConvention;

  static final DiagnosticType MISSING_PROVIDE_WARNING =
      DiagnosticType.disabled("JSC_MISSING_PROVIDE", "missing goog.provide(''{0}'')");

  CheckProvides(AbstractCompiler compiler, CheckLevel checkLevel) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.checkLevel = checkLevel;
    this.codingConvention = compiler.getCodingConvention();

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot) {
    CheckProvidesCallback callback = new CheckProvidesCallback(codingConvention);
    new NodeTraversal(compiler, callback).traverse(scriptRoot);

  private class CheckProvidesCallback extends AbstractShallowCallback {
    private final Map<String, Node> provides = Maps.newHashMap();
    private final Map<String, Node> ctors = Maps.newHashMap();
    private final CodingConvention convention;

    CheckProvidesCallback(CodingConvention convention) {
      this.convention = convention;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      switch (n.getType()) {
        case Token.CALL:
          String providedClassName = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfProvide(n, parent);
          if (providedClassName != null) {
            provides.put(providedClassName, n);
        case Token.FUNCTION:
          visitFunctionNode(n, parent);
        case Token.SCRIPT:
          visitScriptNode(t, n);

    private void visitFunctionNode(Node n, Node parent) {
      Node name = null;
      JSDocInfo info = parent.getJSDocInfo();
      if (info != null && info.isConstructor()) {
        name = parent.getFirstChild();
      } else {
        // look to the child, maybe it's a named function
        info = n.getJSDocInfo();
        if (info != null && info.isConstructor()) {
          name = n.getFirstChild();
      if (name != null && name.isQualifiedName()) {
        String qualifiedName = name.getQualifiedName();
        if (!this.convention.isPrivate(qualifiedName)) {
          Visibility visibility = info.getVisibility();
          if (!visibility.equals(JSDocInfo.Visibility.PRIVATE)) {
            ctors.put(qualifiedName, name);

    private void visitScriptNode(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
      for (String ctorName : ctors.keySet()) {
        if (!provides.containsKey(ctorName)) {
              t.makeError(ctors.get(ctorName), checkLevel, MISSING_PROVIDE_WARNING, ctorName));