コード例 #1
  * Finds the next {@link ForEachExecution} in the collection iterated by <code>
  * foreachContextIterator</code> that is for the same {@link DelayedReference#getQueryElement()
  * property init} as the <code>reference</code> and that is for the same {@link
  * ForEachExecution#getSourceModelElement() source element} as the <code>reference</code>. If no
  * such element is found, <code>null</code> is returned
  * <p>Postcondition: if a non-<code>null</code> result is returned, the <code>
  * foreachContextIterator</code> is at that element so that calling {@link Iterator#remove()}
  * removes the element just returned
  * @param foreachContextIterator must not be <code>null</code>
 private ForEachExecution getNextForeachContext(
     Iterator<ForEachExecution> foreachContextIterator, DelayedReference reference) {
   ForEachExecution result = null;
   while (foreachContextIterator.hasNext() && result == null) {
     ForEachExecution fec = foreachContextIterator.next();
     if (fec.getForeachPedicatePropertyInit().equals(reference.getQueryElement())
         && reference.getModelElement().equals(fec.getSourceModelElement())) {
       result = fec;
   return result;
コード例 #2
 private ForEachExecution produceNewForEachContext(
     DelayedReference reference, ForeachProductionResult producedResult) {
   ForEachExecution newContext = TextblocksFactory.eINSTANCE.createForEachExecution();
       (ForeachPredicatePropertyInit) reference.getQueryElement());
   newContext.setSourceModelElement((EObject) reference.getModelElement());
       (EObject) producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced());
   newContext.setResultModelElement((EObject) reference.getRealValue());
   return newContext;
コード例 #3
 private void setReference(
     DelayedReference reference,
     Object singleForeachResult,
     IModelAdapter modelAdapter,
     ModelElementProxy foreachTargetElement,
     IModelInjector injector,
     int position)
     throws ModelElementCreationException, ModelAdapterException {
   // add the parsed part to the object first try to resolve if there is a model element that
   // already
   // exists and can be reused
   reference.setRealValue(injector.createOrResolve(foreachTargetElement, null, null));
   // by default use partition of reference.getModelElement
   if (reference.getModelElement() instanceof EObject
       && reference.getRealValue() instanceof EObject) {
     ((EObject) reference.getModelElement())
         .add((EObject) reference.getRealValue());
コード例 #4
  * If the <tt>reference</tt>'s {@link DelayedReference#getModelElement() model element} is a
  * proxy, resolve it first.
 private void resolveModelElementProxy(DelayedReference reference, IModelAdapter modelAdapter)
     throws ModelAdapterException, ModelElementCreationException {
   if (reference.getModelElement() instanceof ModelElementProxy) {
     ModelElementProxy proxy = (ModelElementProxy) reference.getModelElement();
     if (proxy.getRealObject() == null) {
       Object result;
       result =
               proxy.getType(), proxy.getAttributeMap(), null, null, false, true);
       if (result instanceof EObject) {
     } else {
コード例 #5
   * Tries to find a {@link DelayedReference#getQueryElement() foreach property init} on the delayed
   * reference <code>ref</code>. Assuming that <code>ref</code> is a {@link
   * DelayedReference.ReferenceType#TYPE_FOREACH_PREDICATE} reference, its {@link
   * DelayedReference#getPredicateActionList() predicate list} (the list of when/as/mode clauses} is
   * used to find the position/index of <code>activePredicateSemantic</code>. At this position, the
   * {@link com.sap.furcas.metamodel.FURCAS.TCS.PredicateSemantic#getAs() template} to be used for
   * production is looked up.
   * <p>If either the reference doesn't have the property init set in its {@link
   * DelayedReference#getQueryElement()}, <code>null</code> is returned. This will in particular be
   * the case if the parser is not configured to produce text blocks.
  private Template getTemplateFromPredicateSemantic(
      PredicateSemantic activePredicateSemantic, DelayedReference ref) {
    int index = ref.getPredicateActionList().indexOf(activePredicateSemantic);
    if (index >= 0 && ((ForeachPredicatePropertyInit) ref.getQueryElement()) != null) {
      int i = 0;

      for (com.sap.furcas.metamodel.FURCAS.TCS.PredicateSemantic predSem :
          ((ForeachPredicatePropertyInit) ref.getQueryElement()).getPredicateSemantic()) {
        if (i++ == index) {
          return predSem.getAs();
      return null;
    } else {
      return null;
コード例 #6
  * Sets the delayed reference.
  * @param reference the reference
  * @param modelAdapter the model handler
  * @param contextByElement the context by element
  * @return <code>true</code> if the reference was resolved successfully, <code>false</code> else.
  * @throws ModelAdapterException the model handler exception
  * @throws ModelElementCreationException
 public boolean setDelayedReference(
     DelayedReference reference,
     IModelAdapter modelAdapter,
     ContextManager contextManager,
     ObservableInjectingParser parser)
     throws ModelAdapterException, ModelElementCreationException {
   Object contextElement = reference.getContextElement();
   if (contextElement instanceof IModelElementProxy) {
     IModelElementProxy proxyContext = (IModelElementProxy) contextElement;
     contextElement = proxyContext.getRealObject();
   return setDelayedReferenceWithPredicate(
       reference, modelAdapter, contextManager, contextElement, parser);
コード例 #7
 private PredicateSemantic getActivePredicateFromWhenAsClauses(
     DelayedReference reference,
     IModelAdapter modelAdapter,
     Object contextElement,
     Object currentForeachElement)
     throws ModelAdapterException {
   for (PredicateSemantic nextPred : reference.getPredicateActionList()) {
     if (nextPred.getWhen() != null) {
       Collection<?> resultBool =
               currentForeachElement, reference.getKeyValue(), nextPred.getWhen(), contextElement);
       if (resultBool.size() == 1) {
         Iterator<?> resIt = resultBool.iterator();
         Object nextBool = resIt.next();
         if (nextBool instanceof Boolean && (Boolean) nextBool) {
           return nextPred;
     } else {
       return nextPred; // no when-clause means "handle always"
   return null;
コード例 #8
  private ModelElementProxy produceSingleForeachUsingParserRule(
      ObservableInjectingParser parser, DelayedReference reference, Object next, String ruleName)
      throws NoSuchMethodException, UnknownProductionRuleException, IllegalAccessException,
          InvocationTargetException, ModelElementCreationException {
    // invoke the parser to execute the template
    Method methodToCall = parser.getClass().getMethod(ruleName);
    // parser.reset();
    if (!Modifier.isFinal(methodToCall.getModifiers())) {
      throw new UnknownProductionRuleException(
          ruleName + " is not a production rule in generated Parser.");
    boolean originalResolveProxiesValue = parser.isResolveProxies();
    DelegationParsingObserver delegator = new DelegationParsingObserver();
    IParsingObserver originalObserver = parser.getObserver();
    if (originalObserver != null) {
    delegator.addParsingObserver(new ForeachParsingObserver((TextBlock) reference.getTextBlock()));

    IModelElementProxy proxyForContextElement = null;
    if (reference.getContextElement() instanceof IModelElementProxy) {
      proxyForContextElement = (IModelElementProxy) reference.getContextElement();
    } else {
      proxyForContextElement = new ResolvedModelElementProxy(reference.getContextElement());
    if (parser.getContextManager().getContextForElement(reference.getContextElement()) == null) {
      if (proxyForContextElement.getRealObject() != null
          && reference.getContextElement() instanceof EObject) {
                 * no creation context element needs to be provided here because the proxy has just been created and has not been
                 * added to any other context
    } else {
          .push(proxyForContextElement); // the Context object was already created elsewhere
    try {
      ModelElementProxy parseReturn = (ModelElementProxy) methodToCall.invoke(parser);
      if (parseReturn == null) {
        throw new ModelElementCreationException(
            "Unable to create model element using parse rule "
                + ruleName
                + ". Parse errors: "
                + parser.getInjector().getErrorList());
      return parseReturn;
    } finally {
コード例 #9
  * A <code>foreach</code> expression was (re-)evaluated, and for each result, based on any <code>
  * when</code>/ <code>as</code> {@link com.sap.furcas.metamodel.FURCAS.TCS.PredicateSemantic}
  * elements, the corresponding template's production rule was executed by the parser. This
  * produced a {@link ModelElementProxy} which has not yet been turned into a real {@link EObject}
  * yet nor has it been entered into the target feature.
  * <p>Prior executions of the same <code>foreach</code> predicate on the same source model element
  * may have happened. In this case, there will be {@link ForEachExecution} records documenting
  * this. If no such records are found, all proxies produced will be materialized as {@link
  * EObject}s and {@link #setReference(DelayedReference, Object, IModelAdapter, ModelElementProxy,
  * IModelInjector, int) added/set} to/into the target feature described by the <code>reference
  * </code>.
  * <p>If {@link ForEachExecution} objects are found for the source element and <code>foreach
  * </code> predicate, their {@link ForEachExecution#getResultModelElement() result elements} are
  * obtained and compared to the new {@link ForeachProductionResult production instructions} which
  * also contain the {@link Template} used to produce the target element. The template is used to
  * compare the element types in order to try to re-use already existing elements.
  * <p>In case a target object from a prior evaluation can be re-used, it is set as the proxy's
  * {@link ModelElementProxy#setRealObject(Object) real object}, and no new target object is
  * created for this <code>foreach</code> result. Otherwise, a new target object is created. The
  * re-used or created object is then used to replace (single multiplicity) or to add to
  * (many-multiplicity) the target feature.
  * <p>As to the re-use strategy, we distinguish between re-using the {@link ForEachExecution} hull
  * only and the {@link ForEachExecution#getResultModelElement() result element} that was produced
  * in an earlier run. Two element collections are compared, namely those listed as {@link
  * ForEachExecution#getResultModelElement() result elements} of earlier evaluations on the <code>
  * reference</code>'s {@link DelayedReference#getTextBlock() text block} for the same <code>
  * foreach</code> predicate; and those described by <code>producedResults</code> which contains
  * proxies and the templates telling the types and modes with which they were created. The two
  * collections are iterated in parallel. If the {@link ForEachExecution}'s template matches that
  * in the current <code>producedResults</code> element, the {@link
  * ForEachExecution#getResultModelElement() old result element} is re-used by {@link
  * ModelElementProxy#setRealObject(Object) setting} it on the proxy. Otherwise, a new element is
  * produced using {@link ModelInjector#createOrResolve(ModelElementProxy, ANTLR3LocationToken,
  * ANTLR3LocationToken)} and the existing {@link ForEachExecution} is updated for the new result
  * element, template, etc. If the collection of {@link ForEachExecution} elements is shorter than
  * that of the <code>producedResults</code>, additional {@link ForEachExecution} elements are
  * added to the <code>reference</code>'s {@link TextBlock#getForEachExecutions() textblock's
  * foreach context list}. Extraneous elements are deleted from it.
  * <p>It's obvious that there may be more sophisticated re-use strategies based on longest
  * sequence etc., but those may be added later.
  * @param injector TODO
  * @param producedResults the {@link ForeachProductionResult#getTemplateUsedForProduction()
  *     templates} need to be set only if text blocks are being produced by the parser run
 private void setReferenceAndUpdateForeachContexts(
     DelayedReference reference,
     IModelAdapter modelAdapter,
     IModelInjector injector,
     List<ForeachProductionResult> producedResults)
     throws ModelElementCreationException, ModelAdapterException {
   Iterator<ForEachExecution> foreachContextIterator = null;
   ForEachExecution nextOldForeachContext = null;
   if (reference.getTextBlock() != null) {
     foreachContextIterator =
         ((TextBlock) reference.getTextBlock()).getForEachExecutions().iterator();
     nextOldForeachContext = getNextForeachContext(foreachContextIterator, reference);
   int i = 0;
   for (ForeachProductionResult producedResult : producedResults) {
     // check for a re-usable target element of ForEachContext with its result element
     if (nextOldForeachContext != null
         && isTargetElementReusable(nextOldForeachContext, producedResult)) {
       // re-use the target object referenced by the ForEachContext and the ForEachContext itself
       if (producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced() instanceof EObject) {
             (EObject) producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced());
       } else if (producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced() instanceof EObject) {
             (String) producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced());
     } else {
       // target element is not re-usable, a new one needs to be produced
       if (reference.getTextBlock() != null
           && producedResult.getTemplateUsedForProduction() != null) {
         // if we have a ForEachContext element for the current source element and foreach
         // predicate,
         // re-use and update it:
         if (nextOldForeachContext == null) {
           // no ForEachContext element; produce a new one and append
           ForEachExecution newContext = produceNewForEachContext(reference, producedResult);
           ((TextBlock) reference.getTextBlock()).getForEachExecutions().add(newContext);
         } else {
           // ForEachContext names a template/element that can't be re-used; update it
           // correspondingly
           Object result = producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced();
           if (result instanceof EObject) {
                 (EObject) producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced());
           } else if (result instanceof String) {
                 (String) producedResult.getForeachExpressionResultForWhichProduced());
               (EObject) producedResult.getProducedProxy().getRealObject());
     if (nextOldForeachContext != null
         && foreachContextIterator != null
         && foreachContextIterator.hasNext()) {
       nextOldForeachContext = foreachContextIterator.next();
     } else {
       nextOldForeachContext = null;
   // delete remaining old ForEachContext entries from reference's textblock
   while (nextOldForeachContext != null) {
     nextOldForeachContext = getNextForeachContext(foreachContextIterator, reference);
コード例 #10
  private boolean setDelayedReferenceWithPredicate(
      DelayedReference reference,
      IModelAdapter modelAdapter,
      ContextManager contextManager,
      Object contextElement,
      ObservableInjectingParser parser)
      throws ModelAdapterException {
    try {
      contextElement =
              reference, modelAdapter, contextManager, contextElement);

      // when the element is a Proxy resolve it first
      resolveModelElementProxy(reference, modelAdapter);
      if (reference.getOclQuery() == null) {
            .addError(new ParsingError("You must specify an OCL query.", reference.getToken()));
        return false;
      Collection<?> result =
              (EObject) reference.getModelElement(), reference, modelAdapter, contextElement);
      List<ForeachProductionResult> producedResults = new ArrayList<ForeachProductionResult>();
      // loop over the results to handle them one by one,
      // delete all elements that were created by this foreach but are
      // not valid anymore
      String mode = reference.getMode();
      IRuleName ruleNameFinder = reference.getRuleNameFinder();
      for (Object singleForeachResult : result) {
        if (!(singleForeachResult instanceof Boolean)
            || ((Boolean) singleForeachResult).booleanValue()) {
          // look if there are possible when/as constructs
          PredicateSemantic activePredicateSemantic =
                  reference, modelAdapter, contextElement, singleForeachResult);
          Template templateUsedForProduction =
              getTemplateFromPredicateSemantic(activePredicateSemantic, reference);
          // TODO it would be nice to compute the rule name from the template; however, if no
          // textblocks are being produced, the reference doesn't have the link to the
          // ForeachPropertyInit set, so the template can't be determined and isn't passed in by the
          // parser run; only the rule name is passed
          String parserRuleNameToUseForProduction =
                  parser, singleForeachResult, activePredicateSemantic, mode, ruleNameFinder);
          if (parserRuleNameToUseForProduction == null) {
            throw new UnknownProductionRuleException(
                "At least one as parameter is needed in that case.");
          ModelElementProxy foreachTargetElement =
          ForeachProductionResult resultObject =
              new ForeachProductionResult(
                  foreachTargetElement, templateUsedForProduction, singleForeachResult);
          reference, modelAdapter, parser.getInjector(), producedResults);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      parser.getInjector().addError(new ParsingError(e.getMessage(), reference.getToken()));
      return false;
    return true;