コード例 #1
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
   * Computes the 3D area of a triangle based on the same approach of JTS
   * @return
  public final double getArea3D() {
    DPoint p1, p2, pptNb;
    p1 = edges[0].getStartPoint();
    p2 = edges[0].getEndPoint();
    pptNb = edges[1].getStartPoint();
    if ((pptNb.equals(p1)) || (pptNb.equals(p2))) {
      pptNb = edges[1].getEndPoint();
     * Uses the formula 1/2 * | u x v | where u,v are the side vectors of the triangle x is the
     * vector cross-product
    // side vectors u and v
    double ux = p2.getX() - p1.getX();
    double uy = p2.getY() - p1.getY();
    double uz = p2.getZ() - p1.getZ();

    double vx = pptNb.getX() - p1.getX();
    double vy = pptNb.getY() - p1.getY();
    double vz = pptNb.getZ() - p1.getZ();

    // cross-product = u x v
    double crossx = uy * vz - uz * vy;
    double crossy = uz * vx - ux * vz;
    double crossz = ux * vy - uy * vx;

    // tri area = 1/2 * | u x v |
    double absSq = crossx * crossx + crossy * crossy + crossz * crossz;
    return Math.sqrt(absSq) / 2;
コード例 #2
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
   * Get Z value of a specific point in the triangle
   * @param aPoint
   * @return ZValue
  public final double interpolateZ(DPoint aPoint) {
    double zValue = 0;

    DPoint p1, p2, p3;
    p1 = edges[0].getStartPoint();
    p2 = edges[0].getEndPoint();
    p3 = edges[1].getStartPoint();
    if ((p3.equals(p1)) || (p3.equals(p2))) {
      p3 = edges[1].getEndPoint();

    double ux = p2.getX() - p1.getX();
    double uy = p2.getY() - p1.getY();
    double uz = p2.getZ() - p1.getZ();
    double vx = p3.getX() - p1.getX();
    double vy = p3.getY() - p1.getY();
    double vz = p3.getZ() - p1.getZ();

    double a = uy * vz - uz * vy;
    double b = uz * vx - ux * vz;
    double c = ux * vy - uy * vx;
    double d = -a * p1.getX() - b * p1.getY() - c * p1.getZ();

    if (Math.abs(c) > Tools.EPSILON) {
      // Non vertical triangle
      zValue = (-a * aPoint.getX() - b * aPoint.getY() - d) / c;

    return zValue;
コード例 #3
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
  * Compute the azimut of the triangle in degrees between north and steeepest vector. Aspect is
  * measured clockwise in degrees from 0, due north, to 360, again due north, coming full circle.
  * @return the aspect of the slope of this triangle.
  * @throws DelaunayError
 public final double getSlopeAspect() throws DelaunayError {
   double orientationPente;
   DPoint c1 = new DPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   DPoint c2 = getSteepestVector();
   if (c2.getZ() > 0.0) {
   // l'ordre des coordonnees correspond a l'orientation de l'arc
   // "sommet haut vers sommet bas"
   double angleAxeXrad = Tools.angle(c1, c2);
   // on considere que l'axe nord correspond a l'axe Y positif
   double angleAxeNordrad = Tools.PI_OVER_2 - angleAxeXrad;
   double angleAxeNorddeg = Math.toDegrees(angleAxeNordrad);
   // on renvoie toujours une valeur d'angle >= 0
   orientationPente = angleAxeNorddeg < 0.0 ? 360.0 + angleAxeNorddeg : angleAxeNorddeg;
   return orientationPente;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
  * Get the vector with the highest down slope in the plan associated to this triangle.
  * @return return the steepest vector.
  * @throws DelaunayError
 public final DPoint getSteepestVector() throws DelaunayError {
   DPoint normal = getNormalVector();
   if (Math.abs(normal.getX()) < Tools.EPSILON && Math.abs(normal.getY()) < Tools.EPSILON) {
     return new DPoint(0, 0, 0);
   DPoint pente;
   if (Math.abs(normal.getX()) < Tools.EPSILON) {
     pente = new DPoint(0, 1, -normal.getY() / normal.getZ());
   } else if (Math.abs(normal.getY()) < Tools.EPSILON) {
     pente = new DPoint(1, 0, -normal.getX() / normal.getZ());
   } else {
     pente =
         new DPoint(
             normal.getX() / normal.getY(),
             -1 / normal.getZ() * (normal.getX() * normal.getX() / normal.getY() + normal.getY()));
   // We want the vector to be low-oriented.
   if (pente.getZ() > Tools.EPSILON) {
   // We normalize it
   double length = Math.sqrt(pente.squareDistance(new DPoint(0, 0, 0)));
   if (length > Tools.EPSILON) {
     pente.setX(pente.getX() / length);
     pente.setY(pente.getY() / length);
     pente.setZ(pente.getZ() / length);
   return pente;
コード例 #5
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
  * Get the normal vector to this triangle, of length 1.
  * @return Get the vector normal to the triangle.
  * @throws DelaunayError
 public final DPoint getNormalVector() throws DelaunayError {
   // We first perform a vectorial product between two of the edges
   double dx1 = edges[0].getStartPoint().getX() - edges[0].getEndPoint().getX();
   double dy1 = edges[0].getStartPoint().getY() - edges[0].getEndPoint().getY();
   double dz1 = edges[0].getStartPoint().getZ() - edges[0].getEndPoint().getZ();
   double dx2 = edges[1].getStartPoint().getX() - edges[1].getEndPoint().getX();
   double dy2 = edges[1].getStartPoint().getY() - edges[1].getEndPoint().getY();
   double dz2 = edges[1].getStartPoint().getZ() - edges[1].getEndPoint().getZ();
   DPoint vec = new DPoint(dy1 * dz2 - dz1 * dy2, dz1 * dx2 - dx1 * dz2, dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2);
   double length = Math.sqrt(vec.squareDistance(new DPoint(0, 0, 0)));
   vec.setX(vec.getX() / length);
   vec.setY(vec.getY() / length);
   vec.setZ(vec.getZ() / length);
   return vec;
コード例 #6
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
   * Get the barycenter of the triangle as a DPoint
   * @return isFlat
   * @throws DelaunayError
  public final DPoint getBarycenter() throws DelaunayError {
    double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
    DPoint aPoint;
    for (int i = 0; i < PT_NB; i++) {
      aPoint = getPoint(i);

      x += aPoint.getX();
      y += aPoint.getY();
      z += aPoint.getZ();
    x /= (double) PT_NB;
    y /= (double) PT_NB;
    z /= (double) PT_NB;

    return new DPoint(x, y, z);
コード例 #7
ファイル: DTriangle.java プロジェクト: wwyzxb/jdelaunay
  * Compute the intersection point according to the vector opposite to the steepest vector. If dp
  * is outside the triangle, we return null.
  * @param dp
  * @return The point pt of the triangle's boundary for which (dp pt) is colinear to the steepest
  *     vector.
  * @throws DelaunayError
 public final DPoint getCounterSteepestIntersection(DPoint dp) throws DelaunayError {
   if (isInside(dp) || isOnAnEdge(dp)) {
     for (DEdge ed : edges) {
       if (!isTopoOrientedToEdge(ed)) {
         DPoint counterSteep = getSteepestVector();
         DPoint pt =
                 ed.getStartPoint(), ed.getDirectionVector(), dp, counterSteep);
         if (ed.contains(pt)) {
           return pt;
   return null;