  public void shouldNotStoreObjectOnRollback() throws Exception {
    final DOMAIN domain = createNewDomainObject();

    rollback(Void.class, new Store(domain));

    DOMAIN stored = commit(getDomainClass(), new Get(domain.getId()));
    Assert.assertNull("Object should not be stored when transaction is rolled back", stored);
  public void shouldStoreObjectOnCommit() throws Exception {
    final DOMAIN domain = createNewDomainObject();

    commit(Void.class, new Store(domain));

    DOMAIN stored = commit(new Get(domain.getId()));
    Assert.assertNotNull("Object should be stored when transaction is committed", stored);
  public void shouldUpdateObjectOnCommit() throws Exception {
    final DOMAIN domain = createNewDomainObject();

    commit(Void.class, new Store(domain));

    DOMAIN stored = commit(new Get(domain.getId()));
    commit(Void.class, new Store(stored));

    DOMAIN updated = commit(new Get(domain.getId()));
  public void shouldSetCreatedDate() throws Exception {
    DOMAIN domain = createNewDomainObject();
    Assume.assumeTrue(domain instanceof Timestampable);

    commit(Void.class, new Store(domain));
    DOMAIN stored = commit(new Get(domain.getId()));

    Timestampable timed = (Timestampable) stored;

    Assert.assertEquals(timed.getCreated(), timed.getLastModified());
  public void shouldNotUpdateObjectOnRollback() throws Exception {
    final DOMAIN domain = createNewDomainObject();

    commit(Void.class, new Store(domain));

    DOMAIN stored = commit(new Get(domain.getId()));
    rollback(Void.class, new Store(stored));

    DOMAIN updated = commit(new Get(domain.getId()));
    try {
      Assert.fail("Object should not be updated when transaction is rolled back");
    } catch (AssertionError error) {
      // no-op, the updated object should not validate as a updated one