public String buildGetObjectValuePairsByJoinStatement( List<Criteria> alCriterias, int nAxisId, JoinStatement joinStatementAllPositions, String todayFormatted, boolean visibilitySensitive) { StringBuilder sSQLStatement = new StringBuilder(1000); sSQLStatement .append("SELECT CMC.internalContentId") .append(", CEC.") .append(AXIS_COLUMN) .append(nAxisId) .append(", CMI.componentId"); sSQLStatement .append(" FROM ") .append(CLASSIFICATION_TABLE) .append(" CEC, ") .append(joinStatementAllPositions.getTable(0)) .append(" CML, SB_ContentManager_Content CMC, SB_ContentManager_Instance CMI "); sSQLStatement .append(" WHERE CEC.") .append(POSITION_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CML.") .append(joinStatementAllPositions.getJoinKey(0)); sSQLStatement .append(" AND CEC.") .append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CMC.silverContentId "); sSQLStatement.append(" AND CMC.contentInstanceId").append(" = CMI.instanceId "); String whereClause = joinStatementAllPositions.getWhere(); if (isDefined(whereClause)) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND ").append(whereClause); } for (Criteria criteria : alCriterias) { if (criteria.getValue() != null) { sSQLStatement .append(" AND (CEC.") .append(AXIS_COLUMN) .append(criteria.getAxisId()) .append(" LIKE '") .append(criteria.getValue()) .append("%')"); } } // Set the pertinent axiom sSQLStatement.append(" AND (CEC.").append(AXIS_COLUMN).append(nAxisId).append(" IS NOT NULL)"); // Set the visibility constraints --> en faire une fonction sSQLStatement .append(" AND ('") .append(todayFormatted) .append("' between CMC.beginDate AND CMC.endDate)"); if (visibilitySensitive) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND (CMC.isVisible = 1 )"); } return sSQLStatement.toString(); }
public String buildGetPertinentAxisStatement( List<Criteria> alCriterias, int nAxisId, String todayFormatted, boolean visibilitySensitive) { StringBuilder sSQLStatement = new StringBuilder(1000); sSQLStatement .append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ") .append(CLASSIFICATION_TABLE) .append(" CEC, SB_ContentManager_Content CMC WHERE CEC.") .append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CMC.silverContentId AND (CEC.") .append(POSITION_ID_COLUMN) .append(" <> -1) "); if (alCriterias != null) { for (Criteria criteria : alCriterias) { if (criteria.getValue() != null) { sSQLStatement .append(" AND (CEC.") .append(AXIS_COLUMN) .append(criteria.getAxisId()) .append(" LIKE '") .append(criteria.getValue()) .append("%')"); } } } // Set the visibility constraints --> en faire une fonction sSQLStatement .append(" AND ('") .append(todayFormatted) .append("' between CMC.beginDate AND CMC.endDate)"); if (visibilitySensitive) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND (CMC.isVisible = 1 )"); } // Set the pertinent axiom sSQLStatement.append(" AND (CEC.").append(AXIS_COLUMN).append(nAxisId).append(" IS NOT NULL)"); return sSQLStatement.toString(); }
public String buildGetPertinentAxisStatementByJoin( List<? extends Criteria> alCriterias, int nAxisId, String sRootValue, JoinStatement joinStatementAllPositions, String todayFormatted, boolean visibilitySensitive) { StringBuilder sSQLStatement = new StringBuilder(1000); String containerMgrLinks = joinStatementAllPositions.getTable(0); String containerMgrLinksKey = joinStatementAllPositions.getJoinKey(0); sSQLStatement.append("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CEC.").append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN).append(")"); sSQLStatement .append(" FROM ") .append(CLASSIFICATION_TABLE) .append(" CEC, ") .append(containerMgrLinks) .append(" CML, SB_ContentManager_Content CMC "); sSQLStatement .append(" WHERE CEC.") .append(POSITION_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CML.") .append(containerMgrLinksKey); sSQLStatement .append(" AND CEC.") .append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CMC.silverContentId "); String whereClause = joinStatementAllPositions.getWhere(); if (isDefined(whereClause)) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND ").append(whereClause); } if (alCriterias != null) { for (Criteria criteria : alCriterias) { if (criteria.getValue() != null) { sSQLStatement .append(" AND (CEC.") .append(AXIS_COLUMN) .append(criteria.getAxisId()) .append(" LIKE '") .append(criteria.getValue()) .append("%')"); } } } // Set the visibility constraints --> en faire une fonction sSQLStatement .append(" AND ('") .append(todayFormatted) .append("' between CMC.beginDate AND CMC.endDate)"); if (visibilitySensitive) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND (CMC.isVisible = 1 )"); } // Set the pertinent axiom if (sRootValue.length() == 0) { sSQLStatement .append(" AND (CEC.") .append(AXIS_COLUMN) .append(nAxisId) .append(" IS NOT NULL)"); } else { sSQLStatement .append(" AND (CEC.") .append(AXIS_COLUMN) .append(nAxisId) .append(" LIKE '") .append(sRootValue) .append("%')"); } return sSQLStatement.toString(); }
public String buildFindByCriteriasStatementByJoin( List<Criteria> alCriterias, JoinStatement joinStatementContainer, JoinStatement joinStatementContent, String todayFormatted, boolean recursiveSearch, boolean visibilitySensitive) { StringBuilder sSQLStatement = new StringBuilder(1000); String containerMgrLinks = joinStatementContainer.getTable(0); String containerMgrLinksKey = joinStatementContainer.getJoinKey(0); String contentMgr = joinStatementContent.getTable(0); String contentMgrKey = joinStatementContent.getJoinKey(0); String whereClause = ""; sSQLStatement .append(" SELECT CEC.") .append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN) .append(" FROM ") .append(CLASSIFICATION_TABLE) .append(" CEC,") .append(containerMgrLinks) .append(" CML,") .append(contentMgr) .append(" CMC"); sSQLStatement.append(" WHERE "); sSQLStatement .append(" CEC.") .append(POSITION_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CML.") .append(containerMgrLinksKey); sSQLStatement .append(" AND CEC.") .append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN) .append(" = CMC.") .append(contentMgrKey); // works on the container statement whereClause = joinStatementContainer.getWhere(); if (!whereClause.equals("")) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND ").append(whereClause); } // works on the content statement whereClause = joinStatementContent.getWhere(); if (!whereClause.equals("")) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND ").append(whereClause); } // criteres for (Criteria alCriteria : alCriterias) { if (alCriteria.getValue() != null) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND (").append(AXIS_COLUMN).append(alCriteria.getAxisId()); if (recursiveSearch) { sSQLStatement.append(" LIKE '"); } else { sSQLStatement.append(" = '"); } sSQLStatement.append(alCriteria.getValue()); if (recursiveSearch) { sSQLStatement.append("%')"); } else { sSQLStatement.append("')"); } } } // Set the visibility constraints --> en faire une fonction sSQLStatement .append(" AND ('") .append(todayFormatted) .append("' between CMC.beginDate AND CMC.endDate)"); if (visibilitySensitive) { sSQLStatement.append(" AND (CMC.isVisible = 1 )"); } sSQLStatement.append(" GROUP BY CEC.").append(SILVEROBJECT_ID_COLUMN); whereClause = null; return sSQLStatement.toString(); }