コード例 #1
   * Builds a reusable query object for counting rows (Query objects can be executed more
   * efficiently than creating a QueryBuilder for each execution.
  public CountQuery<T> buildCount() {
    String tablename = dao.getTablename();
    String baseSql = SqlUtils.createSqlSelectCountStar(tablename, tablePrefix);
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(baseSql);
    appendJoinsAndWheres(builder, tablePrefix);

    String sql = builder.toString();

    return CountQuery.create(dao, sql, values.toArray());
コード例 #2
  * count the entities on column families.
  * @param bean the bean
  * @param session the session
  * @param consistency the consistency level
  * @param <T> kind of class
  * @return the number of entities on column families
 public <T> Long count(Class<T> bean, Session session, ConsistencyLevel consistency) {
   return countQuery.count(bean, session, consistency);